Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5161 It depends on who has more cunning

Lin Yanchong and Lieutenant General Bai Xun were talking and glanced at each other: "Let it go."

Luo Bi was surprised, turned her attention to the floating luxury car, and asked Wu Cheng: "Is this floating car bad?"

Wu Cheng said: "A few million interstellar coins!"

Several million interstellar coins were a price that was beyond the reach of Luo Bi before. Before she got married, she drove an ordinary sports car, and the military suspension vehicle in front of her was a luxury car.

So, Luo Bi smiled, and the bishop didn't even blink. It can be seen that the bishop wants to pamper you, and he is willing to give up a luxury car.

Luo Bi is a good climber. She has been making noises and acting like a baby since she was a child. Luo Bi, carrying the basket, looked at Lin Yanchong not far away and threatened him: "I really want to let go."

Lin Yanchong waved his hand and followed her. Luo Bi saw this and happily put the bamboo basket on the seat behind. Oh, it's so good to be spoiled. I'll try it next time.

Lieutenant General Bai Xun and the others were speechless, smiling and shaking their heads.

Luo Bi took care of the hover car very carefully, and told Pei Yang and Mou Xu: "When you get on the hover car, hold the basket, so as not to scratch the car with the bamboo basket. This hover car is a luxury car."

"Okay." Mou Xu said with a sweet voice, climbed into the back seat, picked up the basket and hugged it.

The financial officer's adjutant came over. Luo Bi glanced at it. After Pei Yang sat down, he handed the bamboo basket to Pei Yang and looked distractedly at the financial officer's adjutant. The child arranged the basket and bamboo basket on the floating car.

The financial officer's adjutant helped and put the last large basket into the hover car. Now it's ready. The back is full. The children collected more things than not. The luxury car is spacious and can't fit all kinds of baskets. , backpack.

"You go home and have dinner together in the evening." The financial officer's adjutant helped the child organize the supplies in the back of the hovercar, and then said to Luo Bi: "Convene a military meeting to discuss the sale of prey."

Luo Bi is not good at selling things. Unless someone plots against the Dou Sentai, Luo Bi can take action and play tricks. It all depends on who has the most evil intentions. Luo Bi, who sells things, is dumbfounded.

"I won't go as long as our captain and chief officer are there." Luo Bi waved her hand.

This is an opportunity to solidify his position in the class. The financial officer and adjutant did not refuse it without thinking. He was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Are you sure you don't want to participate? You have contributed a lot to hunting."

"As long as Team Dou doesn't suffer a loss." Luo Bi got into the suspended luxury car and said, "I don't care about anything else, I'm leaving."

That's very polite. The financial officer and adjutant didn't say anything. He was very depressed.

The Thunder Flame Warrior knows very well the qualities of a gifted person and a gifted master. She is flamboyant and shows off, loves to be in the limelight, and her achievements are so big that they can reach the sky. She wishes that everyone would support her.

This owner is a good person, and I don’t know if he doesn’t understand the benefits involved, so he is unmoved.

Luo Bi glanced at the financial officer's adjutant again and made sure that nothing was wrong. Then she got into the military suspension car, sat next to Bai Juan, and told Bai Juan: "I feel uncomfortable riding in the suspension car. You drive more carefully. Don't be careless." A bang."

Bai Juan nodded. The child was a native interstellar human and was very confused about motion sickness. However, Luo Bi ordered and drove the hover car carefully. Seeing that Luo Bi did not feel uncomfortable, he continued to drive slowly.

The light rain fell on the suspended car. When I opened the window, the smell of rain hit my face.

After being away for a while, the Talented Master Academy gave people a completely new feeling. The Sand Planet was a low-level planet with poor resources and too stuffy. It couldn't be compared to the God Planet.

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