Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5170: Looting

Luo Bi hesitated whether to go to class or not, so she had to ask Lin Yanchong.

Lin Yanchong was in the material warehouse, looking at the heavy rain and said: "It's up to you. Classes are generally not held now, so that students who are on a mission can't catch up. There will be classes in two days. If you have nothing to do, you can come to the material warehouse to help count the supplies."

It was raining heavily outside. Luo Bi said: "It's raining heavily, I won't go."

It's better to sleep at home than to go out.

"Come over when the rain stops." After saying this, Lin Yanchong hung up the call.

Since returning from the mission, Lin Yanchong has been busy counting supplies and selling prey with the financial officer. He has no time to take care of Luo Bi. Moreover, he can't take care of Luo Bi. Luo Bi seems to be well-behaved, but she doesn't listen to him.

The fighting team came back late. The main instructors of each class knew that the college team that delayed the mission had relatively more supplies, unless it was the kind of class that was just filling in the numbers.

It was clear that they had only gained a little, but they had to come back with the team that had a big harvest.

It will only become a joke later, so such stupidity is rare, but it is not uncommon.

This time, the fighting class almost did not use the storage bracelet, and the prey was transported by spacecraft. After returning, Luo Bi was idle at home for a few days, and Lin Yanchong and Lu Xianyu took Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng to count the supplies for a few days.

In summer, the prey cannot be kept, so they are sold immediately after counting.

If it is other exotic beasts, the price is lowered and it is not easy to sell. What kind of prey did the fighting team kill? Jieyu pigs, chirping beasts, whether it is nutrition or energy, are not low.

Therefore, as long as the count is completed, the prey will be snatched away.

After hearing this, the instructors of the War God Team, Qingyao Team, and Major General Team in the Advanced School District still did not believe it, and immediately called Lan Rui and Zhan Shao to ask about the situation on Shatu Star.

"Did the fighting team hunt Jieyu pigs?"

Several captains looked at each other, they had seen such a big chirping beast.

"No." Zhan Shao said: "Jieyu pigs are level 5 combat power, and the fighting class is full of children with newborn combat power."

Lan Rui sneered: "They killed the chicks that big."

"They said they picked it up."


Well, let's just say it was picked up. Even if the fighting team has powerful formations, it may not be able to kill a chick. Several of the top ten fighting teams got together to discuss and felt that the fighting team could not hunt Jieyu pigs.

They hesitated, but Wu Cheng, Wu Zhan, Lan Ji and others ran home to tell the family to make the decision.

Wu Cheng and Wu Zhan entered the door, and Wu Cheng shouted happily: "Brother, hurry up and buy Jieyu pigs. Many fools don't know that the fighting team has Jieyu pigs and chicks. Let's go buy them."

Wu Yi had just returned from a mission with the Wu family army. There was nothing to gain, and Wu Yi was injured.

At this time, Wu Shao was sitting in the living room, talking to Wu Yi.

"What's going on?" Wu Shao sat on the sofa without moving.

Wu Cheng picked up a pig's trotter and said flatteringly: "Our fighting team hunted the Jieyu pig. We sold all the prey after counting. You see, I couldn't bear to eat the pig's trotter I got. I stewed it during dinner."

Wu Cheng got two pig's trotters in total. He didn't dare to take them home. He called Wu Zhan to stew a pig's trotter together.

This can't be said, and Wu Zhan tacitly didn't mention it.

Wu Cheng was holding the pig's trotter, and Wu Shao and Wu Yi couldn't help but believe it. Wu Shao didn't hesitate and immediately went to find Lin Yanchong. It's stupid not to buy good things. Others want to buy Jieyu pigs and chicks and beasts, but they can't buy them.

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