Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5173: Unpopular in the family

Luo Bi is a junior and they have been on missions together. Financial Officer He Tang said, "Your family head should value you."

Luo Bi pulled the corner of his mouth and snorted, "I haven't seen our family head for several years."

Financial Officer He Tang: "······"

Lieutenant General Bai Xun: "······"

Lu Xianyu: "······"

Lin Yanchong had a toothache: "Hiss······"

You said you are not favored, so you are not favored. You can pretend to be valued by the family. Why bother to say it out loud and let everyone know that you are not valued by the family? Everyone will look down on you.

Lu Xianyu smiled and said, "You have won food for the family. Your family head will value you a little in the future."

Luo Bi laughed, "Forget it. I have no ability, so don't value me."

"You, you..." Lin Yanchong was angry, "What's your temper?"

What others have tried so hard to get, Luo Bi doesn't care about. Lin Yanchong was so upset. He was so blunt and didn't know how to deal with things. He was always inferior to others. His student was even worse.

Luo Bi might not be blunt, but she was annoying!

The financial officer had to spend some time to say a few more words. This student was okay, but he couldn't let her be so willful. He Tang said, "Do you have a good family? Ask the family you have a good relationship with to buy the prey."

Luo Bi thought seriously and said, "Forget it."

"It's good for you." Lin Yanchong was so anxious.

"I won't." Luo Bi was willful, raised his chin, and looked at Lin Yanchong provocatively.

Lin Yanchong: "······"

Lu Xianyu was dumbfounded: "······"

"Ouch!" Lieutenant General Bai Xun held his forehead, which was really annoying.

Who can do this? Forget it, never mind.

But no matter what, Luo Bi was definitely good at getting supplies. When she had enough and was about to leave, the adjutant of the financial officer personally picked a few pig bones and bird bones from the processed prey, chopped them up and put them in a basket.

"Take it home and stew it in bone soup." The adjutant of the financial officer said.

Luo Bi was surprised and said embarrassedly: "I haven't finished the share at home."

"Take it." The financial officer He Tang said: "Boiling bone soup is good for the body."

After that, He Tang opened the storage ring, took out a pear wood box, and handed it to Luo Bi: "This is a level 5 ginseng grass. Don't you have a pheasant? Stewing chicken with ginseng grass is beneficial."

Luo Bi didn't take it and smiled depressedly: "The pheasant was eaten."

He Tang was stunned. This master is really good at wasting things. He can't keep any good things. The formation equipment was blown up. He picked up so many pheasants and winged rabbits, but he ate them all.

He said that he took out so many for a meal, and he ate them all.

There was no other way. The pheasants and winged rabbits picked up by the fighting team were all gone, and the sergeants still had some. The financial officer He Tang had given away all the level 5 ginseng grass, so he didn't need a pheasant.

He Tang said to the adjutant: "Go get one."

The financial officer's adjutant took a step to get the pheasant. Lin Yanchong was flattered and stood there without saying a word. His students had never been treated like this before, and even Lu Xianyu was surprised.

Luo Bi didn't expect that she would be treated like this, and she was also flattered. She had just expressed that she was not favored in the family, and the financial officer didn't feel strange. How fresh, he didn't favor Luo Wan and Luo Cha.

Where there were Luo Wan and Luo Cha, there was no place for her, Luo Bi.

Luo Bi thought for a while, opened the storage bracelet, pulled out a small sandbag, and asked the financial officer He Tang: "Financial officer, I have another one of this, do you want it?"

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