Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5183 Divorced

Qin Cui said loudly: "I will eat a few crabs but you won't be able to bear it."

Li Feng originally wanted to save face for Qin Cui, so he just dismissed Qin Cui with a few words. There was no need to talk about divorce all the time. The natural disciple had a noble status and loved face very much.

At the moment, Qin Cui doesn't know anything about it.

Li Feng exhaled and reminded: "We are divorced, there is no need to support you."

Qin Cui was stunned for a moment, and then shouted back louder: "I will only eat a few crabs, and you will use the divorce as an excuse. When did you become so stingy? A few crabs only cost so many Starcoins."

A few crabs are not cheap. Li Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense and hung up the communication.

Qin Cui was so angry that he kept dialing the phone number, but Li Fengli ignored him.

Qin Cui was so angry that she cried. When her roommate asked her what was going on, Qin Cui told her how she had sacrificed for Li Feng and said aggrievedly: "I was so good to him, but he didn't remember my goodness at all."

Not to mention buying crabs to eat. She couldn't even afford the crabs, which would make her lose face.

The roommate was angry: "Just leave him alone for a while."

Then he coaxed Qin Cui, and then they went out together to the material warehouse.

Teams that went on missions during this period have returned one after another. Each team is counting supplies. Some teams have collected rare things and will sell them on the Star Network.

Starnet is very busy right now, and there are a lot of things missing.

The fact that the fighting team had Jieyu Pigs and Green Bamboo Birds and Beasts quickly spread among the aristocratic families and legions. At first, the big families and legions did not believe that the bottom fighting team could hunt strange beasts with level five combat power.

When all the families of the Dou Sentai children have picked their prey, Nima will be stupid if he doesn't understand.

"The fighting team is all kids. How did they hunt the fifth-level beasts? There are also green bamboo birds and beasts. Whether it is the fifth-level Jieyu pig or the green bamboo birds and beasts, they are not easy to hunt."

"Says he picked it up."

"Nonsense, you believe it."

"Anyway, I don't believe that children from the fighting team can kill birds, beasts and pigs."

"It's useless to say all this. Go and buy it quickly. Jieyu pigs and birds and beasts are very popular. If you are slow, you won't be able to buy them."

The legions of all the aristocratic families were all busy, and a fellow financial officer even approached He Tang: "You're good, you cover it tightly enough. You won't squeak even with rare pork like Jieyu Pig."

He Tang said with a smile: "You want it?"

"Nonsense." The colleague said: "I went to other material warehouses and couldn't buy Jieyu pigs."

"Just Jieyu Pig?" He Tang asked.

The colleague was anxious: "I also want the meat of birds and beasts, please leave more for me."

He Tang was not in a hurry: "What good ingredients does the team you are following have? I will buy some for you too."

"These are very common prey, do you want them? I guess you don't think they are rare."

He Tang pretended to ask the adjutant: "Is there any more Jieyu pig and bird and animal meat?"

The adjutant understood, opened his eyes and told lies: "It was bought by someone else."

He Tang told his colleagues: "I have no more prey to sell to you."

Colleague: “·······”

"The God of War team caught some fish and shrimp in Shuixunxing. How many kilograms can I sell to you?" They are all financial officers, and they are all stingy, but whoever has good stuff can take advantage of the other.

As soon as He Tang said there was no more prey, another financial officer had river fresh food.

He Tang was not excited at all: "Is it ordinary fish and shrimp? You can also buy it in the underground city."

Another financial officer actively promoted: "The fish is the kind with delicious meat. The crabs are big and fresh. Can I fool you?"

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