Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5221 Vegetable Field

Prepare the sauce with seasonings and salt, dip the bamboo shoots in it, and a serving of pickled bamboo shoots is ready.

Luo Bi took the pickled bamboo shoots and ate them with the hot steamed buns that had just been steamed out of the pot. Her mouth was filled with the spicy and wheat flavor of the bamboo shoots. Luo Bi had a big appetite and ate two steamed buns and one pickled bamboo shoot.

Ten kilograms of fresh bamboo shoots, six round bamboo shoots, and three or four kilograms of thin bamboo shoots.

I ate half of the round bamboo shoots at one meal and will eat the rest tomorrow morning.

After eating, Luo Bi started to pickle the fresh bamboo shoots with chili peppers. At this time, the fresh bamboo shoots had been cleaned and the moisture had been controlled. Add fresh chili peppers and dried chili peppers, and just add a little more salt.

Luo Bi is not particular about pickled food, as long as it is salty enough.

She still has a lot of climbing branches, plus these pickled spicy bamboo shoots, which is enough to last for a while. As for spending interstellar coins to go to a restaurant? It's better to save some money, besides, her ingredients are not bad.

Second-grade fresh bamboo shoots are already good stuff.

After pickling the fresh bamboo shoots, Luo Bi moved them to the small rock in the kitchen. This place is like a small garden, only the area is small, and there is no shortage of flowers and plants. In the future interstellar era, any corner can be a small garden, where you can relax and drink. Tea cultivates the mind.

Luo Bi was busy here, and Jiang Zhi and Jiao Cheng were curious.

However, for no reason, it was hard to go over and talk to him.

If you want to be a fairy, you can't be too gossipy. Jiang Zhi held it, but Jiao Cheng's curiosity stopped.

After finishing her work, Luo Bi went to bed. Lying in bed, she was still thinking about tilling the ground and planting vegetable seeds in the morning. It rained in the middle of the night. Listening to the sound of rain, Luo Bi was happy and saved irrigation. .

However, time was tight when she got up in the morning. She didn't have much time to cook and only ate steamed buns and spicy bamboo shoots. Luo Bi ate quickly, found a rake, went to the planting field, and marked out a vegetable patch.

There are only two packets of vegetable seeds. There are a lot of green vegetable seeds and very few orange persimmon seeds. Therefore, there is no need to occupy a large area. One part of the land is just enough.

Luo Bi, always impatient, raked the ground quickly.

According to her, she had to plow the ground with her head, but the method taught by Lu Xianyu in the class only involved raking and loosening the soil. It was difficult for Luo Bi to follow her own ideas, and she had to give up everything she had considered.

After raking, the head is thrown away.

Luo Bi washed her hands, put on her sports military boots, put on her military uniform and ran to school.

Before entering the Dou Zhan Classroom, they heard the commotion. Luo Bi stepped in. Zhu Qiqi said in surprise: "Did you come here on foot?"

Luo Bi, who was not very vain, replied: "I don't run a sports car."

The chubby little Baijuan heard this. He sat on the chair and shook his calves and said, "I'll call you next time and take you to class together."

"We are not in the same dormitory and apartment, forget it." Luo Bi refused. If the road is fine, there is no need to let the child run if it is not. The little Leiyan warrior exercises his powers in the morning and is not very free.

After returning to the desk and sitting down, Luo Bi asked Guan Tingting: "Have you planted your vegetable seeds?"

"No." Guan Tingting shook his head: "I haven't purchased energy soil yet."

Luo Bi: "······"

"Isn't there soil in the planting field?" Luo Bi wondered.

"After planting energy soil for a year, the soil has no nutrients." Guan Tingting said clearly.

Luo Bi heard the same thing, and immediately asked Guan Tingting: "How many interstellar coins do you need to spend to buy energy soil?"

"The worst energy soil is just five thousand interstellar coins." After Guan Tingting returned home, he spent a night shopping on the star network, comparing prices and soil.

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