Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5237: If it's not long, forget it

It was hot at the end of summer, and Luo Bi was so hot that she didn't want to talk.

"Luo Bi, can I help you?" Bai Juan shook his calves and did not dare to set foot in the planting field: "I won't scatter the seeds for you. If you scatter the seeds, I will rake the soil and cover the seeds for you."

Luo Bi had been busy for two days and her patience was exhausted. She took the opportunity to respond: "You rake the soil, I have planted enough."

It was already mid-afternoon. When the child heard this, he immediately took a small rake and followed Luo Bi to rake the soil behind. After a while, Pei Yang and Mou Xu also took small rakes to rake the soil for the seeds.

"Luo Bi, is it okay if I rake like this?" Pei Yang asked after raking half a meter of the ground that had been scattered in the afternoon.

Luo Bi was not perfunctory about planting. She was too tired to move, so she walked over and took a look: "Okay." After a pause, she said more: "Rake a little finer, and rake away the lumps of soil."

Pei Yang nodded seriously. Luo Bi estimated that the germination rate of the vegetable field was very low. She just said a few words. In fact, she didn't care whether the children were more careful. She would only be interested in it unless it was planted well.

Love doesn't last long, and it doesn't bring you down. There is no need to be too careful.

Luo Bi casually glanced at the vegetable patch next to the cabbage field, and felt a touch of green growing in the soil, huh? It’s only been two days and it won’t sprout? Luo Bi was puzzled for a moment and walked over to take a closer look.

It doesn't matter at this glance. The tender yellow vegetable seedlings popped up from the soil. They were neither one nor two. I squatted down and took a closer look. They were spread all over the ground. Because they had just emerged, the vegetable seedlings were very small. If you look closely, you can't see any sprouts.

Luo Bi's heart beat faster. Damn, this germination rate looks quite high.

This small cabbage field mixed with other vegetable species requires one-third of the land. It is almost the vegetable that accounts for the largest area of ​​the vegetable field. Luo Bi thought for a moment and stopped sowing the seeds. She looked around and found a water basin. Pulled a pot of dry soil from the corner.

Luo Bi held the water basin and said to the child: "I was worried that the seeds were spread with too little soil two days ago. After the seeds were dried, I spread another layer of soil."

"Oh." The children said they knew.

In fact, they were not curious. Leiyan warriors were not good at planting. There was no need to tell them how to grow vegetables. Bai Juan and Mou Xu were raking the soil on the other side, and Pei Yang was raking from one end here.

Luo Bi spread two pots of soil, which was barely enough to fool the ghost. Anyone with eyes would be able to spot clues if they took a few more glances. However, covering it with a layer of soil was still beneficial. If you wanted to find the vegetable seedlings, you had to get closer and observe carefully.

Originally, Chinese cabbage was a vegetable with very small seedlings just after it emerged.

Unlike bean seedlings and cucumber seedlings, the leaves are not small when they are unearthed, and they are not eye-catching.

As for why you need to cover it? In fact, it's very simple. Due to his personality, planting in the future interstellar is not easy, and hunting is extremely dangerous. Now he relies on planting. Luo Bi suddenly grew a small piece of vegetables, which is so eye-catching.

If the pak choi grows well, and when the pak choi emerges from the ground, they start shouting with great fanfare. Even if Luo Bi is not the one who shouts, if the pak choi does not grow later, then the excitement will be great.

It’s not safe, there’s nothing wrong with keeping a low profile.

Besides, why are you pretending like this?

It seems like you are versatile, and Luo Bi doesn't like it.

As soon as the pot was thrown away, Luo Bi went to scatter the seeds again, and only a few children raked a little bit of the ground. They worked until dark, and they were all wiping away handfuls of sweat, while Pei Yang slowly raked the soil.

When I arrived at the edge of the field, I accidentally caught a glimpse of a small vegetable seedling.

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