Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5240 The vegetables you planted have come out

Luo Bi planted seedlings here and sprouted seedlings there. She was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, there was a refining class today, and Luo Bi was refining the furnace. Liu Qin ignored her while she was busy in the planting field. The talented students were afraid that Luo Bi would explode the furnace, so it would be better if she did not take the refining class.

Bai Juan, who was raking the ground, looked at the Miaomiao under his little feet, and was so frightened that he jumped away: "Why are there so many little Miaomiao?!"

Bai Juan suspected that it wasn't vegetable seedlings. It's hard to grow many vegetables. Children know how they could grow so many vegetable seedlings at once. Even Zhu Qiqi and Wang Haozhe couldn't grow them if they had an affinity level of A.

Luo Bi heard the child's suspicion as soon as she heard it. She was so upset. Seeing that the child didn't know several kinds of vegetable seedlings, she quickly stared at the vegetable seedlings in a serious manner and said, "I don't know how the inedible wild vegetable seedlings were mixed into the seeds."

Bai Juan believed it, squatted down and pulled it out: "I pulled it out."

Mom, what if I pull it out? Luo Bi stopped her quickly and said half truthfully, "Maybe they are vegetable seedlings. Don't pull them out and let them grow." Then she said, "Don't step on them. They are just vegetable seedlings. They are so powerful. Why did you step on them?" Yes, how could you plant one for me?"

Bai Juan and the other children heard that they had to get a tree to plant if it was trampled. They were so frightened that they walked with little feet, and they didn't dare to step on it firmly. This made their work slow.

The seeds were sprinkled after school, and the children finished doing it later.

Several of Lin Yanchong's little cousins ​​came to the fighting class, but Bai Juan wouldn't let them enter the planting field, so a few Leiyan warriors stood on the small bluestone wall and looked at the vegetable field, and then their eyes widened.

A young Lei Yan warrior from the Lin family looked at Luo Bi, pointed at the various seedlings in the field and asked, "Are these all vegetable seedlings?"

Luo Bi was not sure what to eat now. The seeds were mixed and the little Miao Miao couldn't tell what they were. She took a closer look and saw that there was a piece of it. How could it be a vegetable seedling? Luo Bi squatted down and pulled the small clod of soil next to the vegetable seedling.

"I don't know." Luo Bi said, "The seeds are very mixed."

The Lei Yan warrior of the Lin family squatted down, observed carefully, and hissed. Sorry, I couldn't recognize whether it was a vegetable seedling. I would look back and take a closer look, and I would be able to tell if it grows longer.

After staying for a while, everyone left together.

There will be no classes next, so I will spend the rest days casually.

Two days later, when the Lin family's Leiyan warriors had free time, they went to the fighting class classroom to look at the planting fields. Several Leiyan warriors stepped onto the large balcony, and when they raised their eyes, they stared at the lush green vegetable field.

Lin Yanchong's little cousin felt dazzled and turned to look at his cousin and blinked. His cousins ​​were all standing there motionless. The little cousin turned his attention to the planting field again.

"Oh my god!" The young Lei Yan warrior of the Lin family immediately dialed Lin Yanchong's message.

Several other Thunder Flame warriors shouted and stepped up to the small bluestone wall, looking at the various vegetables in the planting field with surprise and disbelief. Good guy, it's like a dream, how come there are so many vegetables growing? !

Not long after, Lin Yanchong and Lu Xianyu rushed over. Looking at the vegetable field, they were stunned at first, and then overjoyed.

Lin Yanchong dialed the communication number, and Lu Xianyu also dialed the communication number.

Lin Yanchong didn't talk nonsense and said to Luo Bi: "The vegetables you planted have come out."

As soon as Luo Bi thought about it, she knew that everyone had discovered the vegetable seedlings, and she said, "I know!"

Lin Yanchong didn't believe that Luo Bi knew: "Come here quickly!"

Luo Bi was puzzled, so she called Bai Juan and several children to the fighting class. When they came to the big balcony and saw the vegetables in the planting field, Luo Bi and Bai Juan and the other children were dumbfounded.

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