Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5245 No one wants to eat

The gifted students were like this, full of calculations.

"I planted the vegetables." Luo Bi didn't mind reminding Bai Ru.

Bai Ru pursed her lips, looked at Huang Xinling, and then said to Luo Bi: "But the vegetables you planted have covered our planting operations. Without light, what should we do with our vegetables?!"

Zhu Qiqi and others came over curiously, tilting their heads to find their planting operations.

Bai Ru's eyes were always fixed on the vegetables she liked. If this was the planting operation of the Fighting Class, she could eat it. Luo Bi glanced at her, and Bai Ru's thoughts could not be hidden.

Don't even think about eating it. The Lin family and the Lu family have never eaten the vegetables of the Fighting Class for so many years. It's not easy to grow them, so naturally, the Lin family and the Lu family will pick the vegetables first.

Besides, there are rules in the gifted world. If Luo Bi doesn't ask for the vegetables she plants, no other gifted students can eat them.

If you want to eat vegetables, it's easy. Just grow them yourself.

If you can't grow them, just spend interstellar coins to buy them. There's no reason to eat vegetables grown by others.

Soon it was time for class, and the students all returned to the classroom. Luo Bi called Bai Juan, Pei Yang, and Mu Xu, and stepped onto the small bluestone wall. Bai Juan climbed up, squatted down, and followed Luo Bi to look at the vegetables on the side.

"What are you doing?" Bai Juan asked.

Luo Bi poked the green radish and chives next to him: "I'll water them later. Let's pull out the green radish and chives and transplant them somewhere else, not next to the planting homework in the class."

"Ah?" Little kid Mu Xu opened his mouth.

Pei Yang also said anxiously: "If you pull them out, they will die."

Luo Bi took a breath. She was not sure, but she had to transplant the vegetables to another place: "The chives should be fine. I know how to transplant them. If I am careful, they should survive. I don't know about the green radishes."

Bai Juan immediately said: "Then don't transplant the green radishes."

Luo Bi insisted: "Pull them all out."

Bai Juan: "..."

Bai Juan glanced at Pei Yang, who pouted and was reluctant to pull them out. They grew with great difficulty, and most of them would not survive if they were pulled out. It would be better to leave them like this. In fact, the children understood what Luo Bi meant, that is, she just didn't want Bai Ru to worry about it.

Pull out the vegetables next to the planting operation, and Bai Ru couldn't get involved even if he wanted to.

Luo Bi insisted on pulling them out, and the children had no choice but to help. Luo Bi first watered them, and when the soil absorbed the water, several people carefully pulled out the green radishes and transplanted them to the place where the seedlings were missing in the cabbage field.

As for the chives? In total, a piece of land that was only the size of a tabletop was pulled out. Bai Juan held it gently with her little hands, intending to carry it away and transplant it to an open space. Luo Bi was about to go over.

"I'll plant it in my planting field." Luo Bi planned to take it back to the dormitory apartment.

Lin Yanchong and Lu Xianyu learned about this and scolded Bai Ru. She thought about everything and didn't even look at what she was dealing with. She might as well pull out the vegetables.

Lu Xianyu rarely got angry at the good vegetable seedlings. She pointed at Bai Ru and said, "Why did you mess with her? Is that your planting homework? Don't you know what you planted in your planting homework? It's green radish and chives."

Bai Ru looked like she was being scolded obediently. She didn't dare to say a word. She never thought that Luo Bi would pull out the vegetables.

If it were her, she would not be willing to do it.

Now, everyone's ideas were in vain. Luo Bi transplanted all the vegetables around the planting area, leaving a small open space in the middle. The vegetables were not next to each other, so they could not be mixed up even if they wanted to.

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