Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5247 What's the point of keeping it if you don't eat it?

There were also beans. Luo Bi reached out to pick them. Mu Xu looked at them and said, "They are still young. You can't pick them."

"Don't say anything." Luo Bi waved her hand guiltily and looked down at the planting field. She didn't see Lu Xianyu and Lin Yanchong. She said to the child, "The chief instructor and the head tutor will scold me if they see me."

Just scold Bai Li, but don't scold her.

Mu Xu and Luo Bi were in the same group and quickly kept silent.

Luo Bi picked two small cucumbers and a handful of tender beans, which was barely enough to stir-fry a plate of beans. She gathered a handful in her hand. She didn't dare to pick more, and she really got scolded.

Mu Xu quickly handed over a small basket to put the vegetables. The chief instructor couldn't see it, otherwise he would definitely scold such small vegetables.

Then he went to dig small cabbages, pluck coriander, and pull small chives.

Why don't you eat the vegetables when they are abundant? They must be eaten!

Compared to yesterday, the vegetables have grown a little bigger.

Luo Bi dug a small cabbage, which was enough to eat, and quickly covered it in the small basket so that she could not see the vegetables. Mu Xu pressed it with his little hand. The two cooperated very well.

Unfortunately, the adjutant of the financial officer came to pick vegetables. The money-grubber had a good eye.

The Thunder Flame Warrior greeted him, and with a glance, Mu Xu pulled the small cabbage to cover the small cucumbers and beans.

The adjutant of the financial officer: "······"

Luo Bi: "······"

It's unnecessary, it's better not to move.

"If you want to eat vegetables, eat the small cabbage first, and the green vegetables." The adjutant of the financial officer said to Luo Bi: "These two vegetables have grown, and the other vegetables have not grown yet. It's a waste to pick them. If you really want to eat them, wait a few days."

Luo Bi had nothing to say, and the Thunder Flame Warrior didn't say much. After speaking, he was about to dig the cabbage.

The Thunder Flame Warrior was surprised when he accidentally saw the small tomatoes under the tomato vines. He walked over and squatted to study them. They hadn't bloomed yesterday, but they had grown so big today. They could be eaten in two days.

Luo Bi also looked at them: "They are not ripe yet, what vegetables are you picking?"

The adjutant of the financial officer stood up and said: "Small cabbages and green vegetables."

Luo Bi immediately led the way, walked to the small cabbage field, pointed to a few small cabbages on the side and said: "These small cabbages are big, you can dig these ones, I just dug one."

Because the seeds were sown densely, the small cabbages grew a lot, and they would not grow if they were not eaten quickly.

The small cabbages can be eaten when they grow, but you can also wait for them to be rolled up. The small cabbages that are not rolled up are suitable as side dishes. The small cabbages that are rolled up are delicious no matter how they are cooked.

The adjutant of the financial officer also found that these few grew well, and the small cabbages next to them could not grow. He leaned over and dug the small cabbages. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Bi went to the green pepper field and found two grown green peppers.

"Do you want one?" Luo Bi asked the Thunder Flame Warrior.

The Finance Officer's Adjutant was surprised. He didn't expect that green peppers could be picked and eaten. They grow too fast. Fresh vegetables are rare, and they are nutritious and energy vegetables.

The Finance Officer's Adjutant said, "Yes."

Luo Bi gave him one, and then the Lin family's Thunder Flame Warriors came to dig up a few small cabbages.

Luo Bi went down to the planting field to eat with the children. What can I say about Bai Juan's dishes? They are spicy, just like stews. A small cabbage was stewed to pieces.

When it was served in the soup bowl, there was no small cabbage, just a big bowl of soup.

Luo Bi despised it, but the children ate it with sweat on their noses: "What a fresh and tender vegetable."

In the afternoon, Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng heard about it, and they also got a small pot and spoon. (End of this chapter)

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