There are all chickens, ducks and geese in the house, so Luo Bi doesn't care if it's still young, and puts all of them in the planting field. There are enough small partridges in the front, so it's not rare.

A few days later, it entered August, and the real snow and cold current hit in winter, and the sky was full of snow and howling winds. Even Leiyan warriors could not stand this kind of icy and snowy weather, so they minimized going out.

Of course, this is only compared to Thunder Flame Warriors with low levels of strong genes. Thunder Flame Warriors with high levels of innate strong genes, strong combat power and high physical fitness are not afraid of snow and cold weather. The advantages of strong genes are obvious.

Soldiers Leiyan lived in an apartment with a limited temperature. On the first night of the cold snow current, more than half of the partridge chickens raised by Qin Yilang, Wen Xiao and others died at once.

Jiang Yixin was very sad, so she took out the frozen partridge chicken and put it in the refrigerator. Now she doesn't have to worry about it every day, and can eat partridge chicken anytime she wants.

Wen Xiao didn't want to save it to eat, because the Thunder Flame Warrior's strong genes were not stable due to the invasion of the snow cold current, and the meat quality of the partridge chicken has a soothing effect, so eat it first. He mentioned this idea to Qin Yilang, and Qin Yilang had no objection. There were a lot of partridges that died of freezing in several people's homes, so they dealt with it together and had a group dinner.

Feng Ling was naturally indispensable for the dinner of the first combat team, and Qin Yilang asked him to bring Luo Bi.

When Feng Ling and Luo Bi mentioned it, Luo Bi shook his head: "It's too cold, I won't go."

Li Feng was very rare about the tree mushrooms in her house, so Luo Bi picked a small bamboo basket, about five catties, and poured it all into a small cardboard box to seal it: "Go early, Li Feng may be able to use tree mushrooms for cooking. mushroom."

The dinner party of the members of the combat team can promote the relationship, she can not go, but Feng Ling is not easy to be absent, this point Luo Bi can understand.

The small cardboard box was not big, Feng Ling didn't put it in the storage ring, he bowed his head and kissed the corner of Luo Bi's mouth: "I will be back soon."

Luo Bi smiled, Feng Ling saw that she was in a good mood, kissed her again, and then went out with the small cardboard box.

When Feng Ling arrived, the members of the first combat team were all there. Li Feng was overjoyed when he received a small box of fresh tree mushrooms. Stewed tree mushrooms with chicken was delicious. He took out some tree mushrooms and washed them for later use. eat slowly.

There is no shortage of fresh tree mushrooms in Luo Bi's house, but they rarely eat them, and Li Feng is reluctant to eat them all.

Besides, Luo Bi, after Feng Ling went out, she went to check on the purple wine that had been put aside. Counting the days, the first fermentation should be completed. He randomly picked a porcelain jar and opened it, and it was indeed able to filter the residue. Luo Bi didn't buy a special tool for filtering residue, just use gauze. The most important thing in StarCraft in the future is gauze.

Luo Bi filtered more than a dozen jars in one afternoon, and then she stopped doing it, enough work, and will continue tomorrow.

Feng Ling came back at five o'clock in the evening, and brought her some warm dishes, and the aroma wafted out as soon as the lunch box was opened.

Feng Ling said: "Hurry up and wash your hands and eat."

Robbie was really hungry after a busy afternoon, so she ran to wash her hands. The big balcony was full of strong alcohol smell, Feng Ling didn't care when he smelled it, he knew about Luo Bi brewing purple wine, as long as people were moving around under his nose, he could do whatever he wanted.

General Qi Lan heard about the dinner party of the first combat team from Qin Yilang the next day, and he had long known about the secretive raising of partridge chickens by several families.

It is also raised, Qin Yilang and the others raised some partridges that froze to death, and it is impossible for Luo Bi to raise all the partridges that died. Admiral Qi Lan thought about it and gave Fengling two plants of sixth-grade ginseng and three plants of fifth-grade ginseng. Grass.

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