Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5311: Can’t even find wild vegetables

Talented people are very picky, but I still had some barbecue.

After dinner, everyone talked about today's collection. There was really nothing to talk about. We finally took the time to dig some wild vegetables. Most of them fell while running, not to mention the mushrooms.

A spiritual plant is not seen, but a medicinal plant cannot be said to be missing. Wild vegetables themselves are considered medicinal plants.

Talking about today's collection, Hang Heng said: "It's all because of the fourth-level alien beast. If it hadn't been for the fourth-level alien beast, my location would have been good. We dug a lot of wild vegetables in a short period of time."

He Kan, hehe, wild vegetables are also divided into grades. The wild vegetables we dug today have white flowers and are of average grade. They are supposed to grow in clumps, so not many people in the logistics team dig them.

Guan Wei sneered, can this be blamed on a strange beast? !

Lan Ze drank water, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

The talented people secretly curled their lips, dissatisfied with Hang Heng's words. In their opinion, it was Hang Heng's fault. Your ideas should be fruitful, but in the end, everyone gained almost nothing.

Roger simply put Hang Heng aside, without even looking at Hang Heng. The handsome Thunder Flame warrior glanced at the other talented people and said, "That's it for today. Can you tell me which mountain range we will go to collect supplies tomorrow?! "

Hang Heng's luck is just like that. Roger doesn't believe her anymore.

The talented people were overjoyed, put forward their opinions one after another, and rushed to choose the location.

Looking from a distance, looking at which mountains are lush and forested, most of them are rich in supplies. Most talented people think that the location to the west of Xiaolu Mountain is good. Judging from the trees in the distance, there must be something edible.

Luo Bi thought that we could go further west, but today's encounter with a fourth-level alien beast was quite dangerous for the talented people. They didn't want to listen to other people's opinions, and they were all talking about ideas.

In this case, Luo Bi couldn't compete.

He Xiang had a high status and said, "Let's go to the west of Xiaolu Mountain!"

The Thunder Flame Warrior made eye contact. He Xiang had a good family background, high talent, and good luck no matter what. Compared to Hang Heng who had nothing to say in front of Lan Ze, He Xiang could be said to have everything going smoothly.

Roger agreed: "Okay, let's go to the west of Xiaolu Mountain tomorrow."

Luo Bi is at a loss, so let's listen to He Xiang tomorrow.

Everyone chatted for a while and then went to rest. They would also collect supplies tomorrow.

In the morning of the next day, after a simple breakfast, the teams left one after another. Roger and Lanze led the team towards the west of Xiaolu Mountain. Because it was a planet with few missions, everyone quickly dug up the wild vegetables along the way.

After walking for about ten minutes, a mercenary group in front dispersed.

The team at the Zhihuang Star garrison base trembled and stopped. Luo Bi said to Wei Zi speechlessly: "It's not another beast with level 4 combat power. If you continue to play like this, you won't be able to dig out a basket of wild vegetables."

Wei Zi said: "Can't you?!"

What can't you do? This time it was a strange beast with level five combat power.

Not many, just two. Damn, two strange beasts with level 5 combat power can't defeat them. If the big one is capable, leave and leave the small one behind. Roger will definitely lead the team to kill them.

The problem is, there are two strange beasts with level 5 combat power, one big and one small. The added combat power should not be underestimated.

Roger waved his hand: "Go around."

I didn't care about this, and took a detour. After a short distance, it became lively, and I encountered a group of strange beasts with second-level combat power. The Thunder Flame Warrior's eyes are fixed, but he can't beat him!

The strange beast didn't give them any time to hesitate, and rushed over with a roar.

Good guys, Roger and Lanze protected the team and ran away.

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