Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5314: Finding a Little Pig

Luo Bi was speechless, thinking she was lucky.

Luo Bi stopped digging wild vegetables, holding a small hoe and said, "I can't find the pig's nest."

"Didn't you have good luck before?" Roger was not interested in the first-level beasts, the meat was average and not tasty. The Thunder Flame Warrior raised his chin: "Come on, I'll protect you and look for it, maybe you can find a nest."

Luo Bi was quite tempted: "Or, I'll go and look for it."

Roger took a step and walked: "Let's go."

Luo Bi followed with a small hoe and a basket. With the protection of the Thunder Flame Warrior, she could go further. Otherwise, she could only collect things in the designated safe area. If she caught a pig at this time, it would be very proud.

It was a good idea. After walking in the forest for more than ten minutes, she didn't find a tree hole.

Luo Jie looked at Luo Bi and said, "I thought you were lucky."

Luo Bi turned around and left: "Go back!"

Luo Jie didn't leave: "Look for more."

Then, Luo Bi and Luo Jie walked around the forest for another half an hour and found a few tree holes. Luo Bi poked with a small branch, but there was no piglet. Luo Jie gave up.

"No more piglets." Luo Jie turned around and left: "Go back!"

But Luo Bi was very angry. She walked around for a long time and found nothing. Not far away, Hang Heng and Tong Shanshan were surprised to find a few spiritual plants. He Xiang also found a few spiritual plants.

Luo Bi didn't care about spiritual plants. She went back to dig her wild vegetables.

As a result, the wild vegetables she found were dug by several family members of the garrison.

Luo Bi: "..."

Luo Bi only dug two catties of wild vegetables that day. Others got more than her. Even Wei Qin, who went to catch pheasants, dug a basket of wild vegetables.

Jiang Ruoer looked at Luo Bi's bamboo basket, was stunned for a moment, and smiled: "You only dug up these wild vegetables?"

Luo Bi looked at the bamboo basket, that's all, there wouldn't be more if she carried it, she said: "Ah, that's all, I found a vegetable plot, walked away for a while and let others dig it up."

Luo Bi was a little angry, the garrison family member who dug the wild vegetables she found was complacent, took a few vegetables and said: "Look at the wild vegetables I dug, the quality is so good, it must be several thousand interstellar coins per pound."

"Oh! How come the wild vegetables you dug are so good?" The people next to him were jealous.

The garrison family member was naturally happy to be honored, grinning, looked at Luo Bi and said: "She found it but didn't dig it, I hurried over to dig it, this wild vegetable plot is the best in this area."

Luo Bi's luck made her angry.

Jiang Luoer and Wei Qin looked here and there, but said nothing. How can I put it? These things growing in the wild have no owner. Whoever grabs them will own them. If someone digs them up, they will own them.

Wei Qin has a good relationship with Luo Bi, and said to the garrison family member: "You are also taking advantage of Luo Bi."

"Oh!" The garrison family member laughed: "If Luo Bi can't find it, I can't dig such good wild vegetables."

It's not that I don't take advantage of it, but that's all. Whoever digs it will own it.

Luo Bi's harvest was small to begin with, and he was annoyed by the smug look of the garrison family member. He was too lazy to talk. Everyone compared their harvests with each other, and everyone wanted to be envied for their good luck.

This reputation of good luck spread out, it would be incredible.

Zhang Yan didn't know how to speak yet, so he compared with everyone else and looked at Luo Bi's bamboo basket: "Why are you so unlucky? Everyone's harvests were pretty good these two days, but you only dug a handful of wild vegetables."

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