Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5318: Blue Star

Who can bear it when a person who is not popular suddenly becomes popular?

Luo Bi guessed their little thoughts, pretending not to know, and poured half a small basket of wild vegetables dug today into the bag. The previous bag was empty, and it could still hold wild vegetables if pressed.

She likes to eat wild vegetables. Wild vegetables are not rare in the wild, so she eats them all.

Wei Qin gave all the wild vegetables dug in the past few days to He Xiang. She could dig wild vegetables when she went to Qingyao Star, so there was no need to bring them. Compared with Luo Bi's bag of carefully selected wild vegetables, Wei Qin dug three bags, which were solid.

The little girl just wanted to have fun following Luo Bi to Qingyao Star.

The ingredients for dinner were still the hard-to-bite barbecue. The sergeant was not picky and ate all the roasted exotic beast meat. Roger and Lan Ze and other senior officers talked about the day's hunting, and Gao Yunmeng and Hang Heng came over.

Other hunting teams and mercenary groups came to inquire about the situation, Gao Yunmeng interrupted, and the Thunder Flame Warrior gave them a little more face.

You see, this kind of respect is what talented people want.

It rained a little in the evening, and the planet was cool and refreshing in the morning after the rain. Roger and Lan Ze led the team away early in the morning, and Qin Rong sat on the rock to fiddle with the small optical computer.

At around eight o'clock, the financial officer's small high-end spaceship arrived at Cui Ju Star.

Luo Bi invited Wei Qin and Qin Rong to board the spaceship. Wu Cheng stood at the door of the spaceship. Luo Bi stepped onto the spaceship and asked casually: "I have been waiting for a long time, why did you come so late?"

The financial officer's adjutant came from the living room of the spaceship: "I took a detour."

Oh, Luo Bi understood that this was a trip to another planet.

Qin Rong and the financial officer's adjutant knew each other and greeted him. Luo Bi only realized at this time that it was not just Wu Cheng who came, but also Bai Juan, Pei Yang, Mu Xu and other little kids who followed.

Luo Bi: "..."

Luo Bi took a breath, walked to the living room with a smile, tilted his head and said to the financial officer: "I tried it this time, my luck is average, don't expect me to find supplies."

While speaking, Luo Bi kicked the bag of wild vegetables: "I have only dug these wild vegetables in these few days."

He Tang and Lieutenant General Bai Xun twitched their mouths, and the look of being afraid of others' high hopes was good enough. At present, all hunting teams and mercenary groups believe in the mysterious arts, so they arranged it this way.

The fighting class can enter the top ten from the bottom, no matter whether it is luck or not, they must be promoted. Luo Bi only took a glance and understood their plan. His brain is quite useful.

Wu Cheng grinned: "Don't count on you, we're just playing along."

Lieutenant General Bai Xun was amused and said: "Take a look around, if there's nothing, go back."

The two lieutenant generals didn't bring their personal guards, only their adjutants, plus a few kids from the combat squad, and Luo Bi's group. The hunting team was small, so it was obvious that they didn't expect to collect much.

That's good, Luo Bi found a seat and sat down.

There were two bags of snacks on the table in the living room of the spaceship. Lieutenant General Bai Xun's adjutant took a bag and stuffed it into Luo Bi's hand. Luo Bi was not polite, so she rummaged through it, picked out a bag of melon seeds and a bag of dried fish, and handed the snack bag to Wei Qin.

The Thunder Flame Warriors chatted, ignoring these women and kids.

Bai Juan approached Luo Bi: "Luo Bi, it just rained, we went to Qingyao Star to collect mushrooms."

After the rain, a group of mushrooms came out, and it was easy to find mushrooms. Luo Bi smiled and nodded, and everyone chatted together, and when the spaceship arrived at Qingyao Star, the group got off the spaceship.

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