Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5322: Finding Ginseng Worms

The children had been eating ordinary food for so long, and now they had a meal of grilled fish. Oh my god, it was delicious.

After dinner, the financial officer and adjutant each gave a low-level nutritional energy fruit. The financial officer and adjutant were as stingy as the financial officer, or even more stingy. Luo Bi thought they were given a purple grape fruit each.

Unexpectedly, one person gave him a red fruit.

The children sat on the rocks, holding the red fruits and munching on the sweetness. Luo Bi looked at them with greedy eyes. Even after eating her own red fruit, the financial officer and the adjutant gave her another one.

Luo Bi was embarrassed and said, "I'm not very lucky. I just follow the hunting team for fun. I can't get anything."

The adjutant didn't expect her to be very capable. Today's hunting team only believes in mystical arts. Who really expects that there will be someone lucky enough to lead everyone hunting? !

"Don't worry." The adjutant smiled: "No one is counting on you."

"By the way, aren't you very lucky?" Wu Cheng came over and said.

"What's so good? I went on a mission with you a few years ago and caught up by accident. It's really good luck." Luo Bi waved her hand and said as if she didn't want to mention it anymore: "This time I followed the Zhihuang Star garrison base. When the team goes on a mission, it can be considered as a trial. Anyone else has better luck than me. "

Then Luo Bi explained the situation of the mission, making comparisons while talking. For example, so and so found something, but she only found the vegetable patch and couldn't steal it from others.

I can't help but snatch it away, she won't get any good things.

After saying it again, Luo Bi held a grudge and still remembered Zhang Yao's words: "There is a man named Zhang Yao in our team who can't speak yet. He said to me why you are so unlucky and have gained so little."

This was not a nice thing to say, and Luo Bi didn't like hearing it.

Wu Cheng had a headache after hearing this and couldn't believe it: "You only dug a bag of wild vegetables?"

Not only Wu Cheng didn't believe it, but the lieutenant general and adjutant didn't believe it either. The most indispensable thing in the wild was wild vegetables. After so many days, only one bag was dug. It was too little. It was not as good as a child digging more.

Qin Rong ate the red fruit slowly and silently. Believe it or not, it was of no use. Luo Bi just dug out a bag of wild vegetables.

"Ah." Luo Bi stood up, opened the storage bracelet, and threw out a bag of wild vegetables: "I dug out a bag, that's all. It's not real, it just looks like a bag."

Now even the financial officer and Lieutenant General Bai Xun were sore-eyed. This was too industrious. He was just unlucky. If he had been more diligent, he wouldn't have been able to dig such a small amount of wild vegetables. Wei Zi frowned, what did Luo Bi say about this? Just cover it up, who knows you will gain little.

Okay, so, everyone knows that Luo Bi's luck is average and she has no ideas.

Finance Officer He Tang and others took a sip of water and went fishing again. Luo Bi threw out the wild vegetables and said, "You can choose them if you want to eat them. You can stew wild vegetable soup or stir-fry wild vegetables at night."

The financial officer's adjutant was not polite to her. He pulled up a small stool and sat down, and asked the other two adjutants to choose vegetables together.

You see, how comfortable it is to be an adjutant.

In the middle of the afternoon, several teams of people picking up river fresh food were walking on the river beach. Bai Juan saw it and called Pei Yang and Mou Xu to carry small buckets and shovels to look for shellfish.

Wei Zi followed him, and Wu Cheng said to Luo Bi, "You should go too. You don't know how to find ginseng."

"Is it possible?" Luo Bi looked at the river beach suspiciously, and the people in the sun were listless.

"Go and look for it." Wu Cheng said.

Luo Bi hesitated, took a small branch and walked around for a while, but came back without finding anything.

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