Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5325 Leaving the Edge of the Planet

Actually, Luo Bi felt that this instruction was unnecessary. The hunting team only had enough fish and shrimp to eat after a busy day.

Even if she said there were good things, the entire hunting team could only take out the remaining two palm-sized fish, which was not enough for breakfast. If the adjutant asked, she would definitely say there were none.

If you don’t believe it, look at the basin yourself. There were really only two palm-sized fish.

The two lieutenant adjutants were idle during the day and couldn’t stay in the garrison at night. They called Wu Cheng to go out and came back with a dozen green-shelled shrimps, which were caught along the waterside. Their luck was pretty good.

It rained heavily that night, and the rain was like pouring. In the morning, the hunting team and mercenary group on the mission on Qingyao Star were all up. There were more food in the mountains and forests after the rain.

Teams with weak combat power can find new wild vegetables, mushrooms, ear vegetables and other food at the edge of the planet. Teams with strong strength are suitable to go deep into the mountains and forests at this time.

Financial officer He Tang and Lieutenant General Bai Xun discussed and told everyone: "Fish and shrimp are hard to catch. Take advantage of the rain and a new batch of mushrooms will grow in the forest. Let's go from the edge of the planet to the inside."

The two lieutenant generals are strong in combat. It would be a pity not to go deep into the forest. Everyone had a simple breakfast and immediately packed up the miscellaneous things. The adjutant removed the defense shield.

They drove the spaceship to the edge of the planet into the deep mountains.

The hunting team got off the spaceship and saw green trees. The edge of the planet has been a hunting ground for many years. It is unknown what the combat power level of the beasts and the risk factor are if they go deep into the mountains from here.

The team without strength dare not leave the edge of the planet.

But the supplies on the edge of the planet have been searched so many times that there are not many valuable things. Therefore, the team with some strength began to try to leave the edge of the planet and open up hunting grounds deep in the planet.

There are several spaceships and airships not far away. They came early and have entered the forest now.

Luo Bi looked up and could vaguely see small animals jumping around. It must have rained recently and the animals were energetic. Although the animals were small and their combat power was unknown, they should not be underestimated.

Leaving the edge of the planet, there were many dangers.

Luo Bi was a little flustered. The adjutant of the financial officer looked at several spaceships and airships and said in amazement: "The spaceships of the Fan family, the Fan family has always said that Fan Qian is lucky, and it seems that they really take it seriously."

The adjutant of the lieutenant general sighed: "Some people are indeed lucky."

"Luo Wan was predicted by Bai Yan to be a lucky husband, but I believe she is lucky." The adjutant of the financial officer retracted his gaze: "I don't believe in Fan Qian of the Fan family, but it was just the Fan family who said it themselves."

The financial officer He Tang did not look down on anyone and said: "Fan Qian can be valued by the whole family, which shows that she is indeed a bit blessed. It seems that the financial officer of the Fan family has also come to Qingyao Star."

The combat power of the financial officers is not low, almost all of them are lieutenant generals, and they are good at scraping the land wherever they go.

He Tang's adjutant was anxious: "Let's go collect supplies quickly."

Financial officer He Tang looked at Luo Bi: "Which direction?"

Luo Bi didn't know, so she waved her hand: "Anywhere is fine."

Financial officer He Tang took the lead and led the team down the rocky mountain. Not far away, the ground was full of wild vegetables, and mushrooms grew among the plants. They were all ordinary mushrooms and wild vegetables.

Good appearance, low grade.

Leaving the edge of the planet of Qingyao Star, it is not worth it to have such small things.

Skip it, only those with extremely good appearance, Luo Bi, Wei Qin and the children picked them and dug up wild vegetables. (End of this chapter)

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