Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5332: More Money-obsessed

After a busy day, as the sky darkened, everyone returned with a full load.

A group of people, belonging to different hunting teams and mercenary groups, walked and chatted, talking about the day's fishing situation and discussing to continue to come to the shallow river section here tomorrow.

The several financial officers and adjutants in Qingyao Star did not visit each other. At this time, everyone knew that the river section chosen by the Fan family and the Feng family was in a good location and had good fishing equipment. They were busy fishing.

The adjutant of the financial officer He Tang came back very jealously. He caught dinner and sat down to eat with everyone.

From the financial officer's adjutant, I learned that the Fan family hunting team caught 500 kilograms of river food today, including more than a dozen delicious fish, and fish with combat power level 2, which contained a lot of energy.

Xue Ya followed the Feng family hunting team on this mission. The Feng family thought Xue Ya was lucky. As for Xue Ya's luck? It can be guessed from the fact that the financial officer's adjutant did not come to visit.

They must have caught a lot of fish, otherwise how could they keep silent? !

The financial officer's adjutant was jealous, but He Tang didn't care. He ate the grilled fish and said, "We don't lack fish and shrimp to eat, there's no need to be jealous. We got a good harvest today."

The financial officer's adjutant was just a money-grubber, so he was jealous for a while.

Wei Qin was very content. He ate fried river shrimp and said, "We are lucky today. On Cui Ju Star, people like me can only dig some wild vegetables, and the exotic beasts can't bite them."

Bai Juan pouted and said, "I couldn't bite the grilled exotic beast meat yesterday."

The child's voice was so sweet that everyone couldn't help laughing.

After dinner, the adjutants went for a walk again. Soon, a strong wind came back and brought back two blue crabs, each weighing about five pounds. Now they were no longer jealous of others and discussed how to eat them one by one.

Now they are rich, the adjutant and the children are happy. The two lieutenant generals went to the river to inspect and found that there were no powerful shrimps and crabs. Then they returned to the defense shield to brew a pot of tea.

At this time, the adjutant of the financial officer Fan came to visit: "Hey, you killed two blue crabs?"

The Thunder Flame Warrior came here just because of his professional thoughts. As the adjutant of the financial officer, he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't come to inquire about other people's harvests. The Fan family had a big harvest, and the adjutant was proud in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

However, when he came over, he saw that the small hunting team had killed two blue crabs.

The adjutant choked up, and He Tang's adjutant took over: "Blue crabs are very small, not as big as your harvest."

"You are lucky." The adjutant took a look and said sourly.

The adjutant of the financial officer is greedy for money and has a small heart. He can't bear to see others get a little good stuff.

He Tang's adjutant sneered: "How can I compare with you."

The adjutant didn't stay long and left with mixed feelings.

The small hunting team killed two blue crabs, which weighed only five pounds. This adjutant was greedy. He was jealous after just one look. He was even more greedy than the adjutant of He Tang, the financial officer.

Seeing others have everything and being jealous, what's wrong with you? Luo Bi snorted.

There was a strong wind blowing all night, and many trees were broken. The next morning, many tree branches were piled up in the riverside waters. After breakfast, the river was busy again.

After dinner, Luo Bi, Wei Qin and the children left the camp with water.

The shallow river section where the water level dropped belongs to the tributary of Xunhe River. The forked river section is not the main river where the hunting teams and mercenary groups fish. There are many ways to pass through along the way.

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