Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5351 Digging Wild Vegetables

The Thunder Flame Warrior thought, this is not enough to fool a buffalo.

In the eyes of the Thunder Flame Warrior who often goes on missions, it is difficult to find a buffalo. If you find six buffaloes at once, you should think more. No one will believe that there are no buffaloes.

If you don't look for them, you always feel that you have missed several buffaloes.

However, if there are not enough wild vegetables, you will give up.

"Are there such wild vegetables on Qingyao Star?" Lieutenant General Bai Xun's eyes flashed.

"Yes." Luo Bi thought for a while and said, "But there are very few."

The adjutant of the financial officer immediately said, "Let's go dig wild vegetables after dinner."

Luo Bi is more impatient than the Thunder Flame Warrior. She wants to find a buffalo before she can find it. She said, "I'm free. I'll go now. It won't be too late to come back for lunch."

Is there any need to discuss this? It's a done deal.

The adjutant of the lieutenant general walked away: "I'll go with you."

The adjutant of the finance officer was not at ease, no one could live better than him, he said: "You cook, Luo Bi and I will go to dig wild vegetables."

The adjutant of the lieutenant general was easy to say, Qin Rong dropped the fishing net: "I'll go too."

The finance officer He Tang nodded: "Go."

Qin Rong drove the hovercraft, and several people left the edge of the planet. There were ships and spacecraft parked on the nearby rocky mountains. At this time, they all entered the forest, drove about three miles, and found a rocky mountain to descend.

At first glance, no one was looking for supplies in this forest. After descending the rocky mountain, they looked for wild vegetables everywhere.

They said they were looking for wild vegetables, and they saw red mushrooms not far away. Do you want them? The red mushrooms are of high quality, and they must not be discarded when they see them. Qin Rong went to pick them.

Not much, just a handful, picked carefully.

Walking for a while, the finance officer saw wild vegetables and wanted to dig them. Luo Bi didn't stop him and let him dig them. Maybe the ones dug by the Thunder Flame Warriors could also fool the buffalo beasts. What's the matter with her stopping him? !

After searching for a long time, Luo Bi finally found a vegetable plot.

She stamped her foot: "This is shepherd's purse, and it looks sweet."

Qin Rong looked at it and found it was different from the shepherd's purse he knew. The financial officer's adjutant also thought it was not the shepherd's purse he knew. Luo Bi said it was shepherd's purse, so let's just treat it as shepherd's purse.

"You play on the side." The adjutant said: "Qin Rong and I will dig wild vegetables."

We were eating melon seeds all the way, and digging wild vegetables delayed eating melon seeds.

The adjutant had no other intentions, and he didn't mean to laugh at Luo Bi when he said this. He thought Luo Bi should eat melon seeds. Eat melon seeds, just buy them to eat, and anyone can dig wild vegetables, so there is no need for Luo Bi to do it.

Luo Bi smiled and was a little embarrassed: "I ate this handful of wild vegetables."

"You eat yours." Qin Rong said.

So Luo Bi sat on a rock on the side and continued to eat melon seeds.

Qin Rong and the adjutant of the financial officer took the backpack and dug vegetables with a hoe. By the way, they compared them with the wild vegetables next to them. They were indeed not the same wild vegetables. The adjutant took out the wild vegetables he had dug before from the bag for comparison.

After this comparison, he kept silent.

The vegetable field was not big, only the size of a tabletop. There were a few scattered plants around, and the number was estimated to be very small.

Luo Bi sat on the rock and ate melon seeds and said, "This kind of melon seeds is better than those fried on other planets."

Qin Rong opened his mouth and asked the adjutant of the financial officer: "Buy one when you leave."

The adjutant replied: "Okay."

Luo Bi was eating melon seeds, and her little paw pressed on the leaves of the plant. She took a look and said, "This is not by the river, there are also aquatic plants."

As she spoke, she took another closer look and shouted, "Oh my god, look what I found?!"

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