Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5379: Not rare enough

Lieutenant General Bai Xun said, "Let's do it tomorrow. We don't have the ingredients for the side dishes."

"There's no pepper either." Wu Cheng threw a piece of firewood into the stove, stood up and walked over to interrupt, "It won't taste good without the crispy vegetables."

Luo Bi was puzzled, thought for a while and emphasized, "I'm talking about crispy fish, not crispy vegetables."

Wu Cheng realized that he had misunderstood, but: "It's troublesome to crisp things. The steps for crispy fish and crispy vegetables are the same. It's better to add the bones of the exotic beasts and the crispy vegetables and cabbage to a pot of crispy vegetables."

Luo Bi had no idea. She didn't cook, so she only suggested that the Thunder Flame Warriors should do the rest.

The financial officer walked to the river and walked along the river.

Lieutenant General Bai Xun thought about it and decided to crispy the vegetables. He and the financial officer He Tang teamed up to go on a mission this time to eat fresh ingredients. It's okay to spend some time on crispy vegetables.

So, only braised meat in the evening, and put the rest aside.

The beast meat was already braised. The children took a few pieces of firewood and ran to the defense shield to pick fish and shrimp. They picked out the better fish and shrimp and classified them, and collected spring water to keep them.

Wei Qin was no longer needed in the kitchen area, so she also went to pick fish and shrimp.

After a while, Bai Juan and Pei Yang ran to the hill and took the cut plants to feed the cows. They had to keep them for the winter after catching them with great difficulty. They couldn't let them get hungry and thin. Another reason was that the children wanted to take a closer look. They were not satisfied with the rare things.

Soon, the smell of braised meat wafted from the garrison.

Luo Bi stood up, and the children also leaned over to look at the garrisons on both sides, fearing that someone would come to visit at this time. Lieutenant General Bai Xun glanced at the river. The financial officer He Tang was no longer strolling by the river, but walked to the nearby area.

"It's okay." Lieutenant General Bai Xun said, "Your finance officer is watching."

Everyone looked at it for a while, and then they felt relieved. The meat of the water buffalo is rare and belongs to the natural purifying beast. Under the difficult hunting situation, no one wants to part with a rare natural purifying beast meat.

Not far away, the hunting team of the Fan family was grilling delicious fish. How dare they visit!

At ten o'clock in the evening, the braised meat was finally cooked. Wu Cheng took a basin and picked the braised meat from the pot. Luo Bi liked to eat braised beef liver, the children liked braised meat, and braised beef trotters, all of which were picked up.

One braised beef trotter, the basin was full.

The rotten braised beef trotters were so delicious.

While picking up the braised goods, Wu Cheng swallowed his saliva, and the dipping sauce was already prepared.

He picked up a basin, put it on the chopping board, and cut the braised beef trotters. Luo Bi and the children were eating with their mouths full of oil. There were also ingredients dropped on the ground. Others didn't drop them, but Luo Bi did.

"I'll buy a chick later and put it by my feet when I eat." Luo Bi was really helpless. In the life before she traveled through time, she would drop crumbs when eating, and she could even eat chickens, ducks, and geese to death.

Wu Cheng laughed: "You are so funny."

The children also laughed. Wei Qin smiled and said: "Luo Bi, why are you talking so interesting?"

After eating the braised meat, Wei Qin and Wu Cheng continued to pick fish and shrimps. Luo Bi went to bed. No one said anything else about this. Everyone knew that Luo Bi couldn't stay up late, and they were enough to pick fish and shrimps.

That night, a group of shrimps and crabs came from upstream, mixed with river fish with high combat power. The Thunder Flame Warriors just watched and didn't dare to catch them. The shrimps and crabs at night are not easy to deal with.

Roger and others came back at dawn and caught five buffalo monsters.

This time, the shrimps and crabs were not easy to catch.

After the meal, the Thunder Flame Warriors gathered together to discuss and planned to go to other planets to find buffalo monsters. (End of this chapter)

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