It's true, Wen Xiao and the others can only collect purified beasts or divided beasts in the storage device, and they may not be able to store a whole beast.

In the three major galaxies, even the most high-end storage devices have a limited collection capacity and consume a lot of energy. Ordinary-sized magical beasts can only be taken in. If they are bigger, it will be difficult to collect them, and even if they are put in, it will be difficult to take them out.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes today, they really wouldn't believe that there is a storage device that can store such a huge flame beast.

The first combat team members were already familiar with this, and He Yun was just surprised. He had seen all the arrays, and a high-end storage device with a huge charging capacity was not enough to surprise him.

This kid Zhan Di opened his eyes for the first time! Jian Mei frowned, a little unable to recover. No one pays attention to him, let him think about it if he can't figure it out, it's normal.

The Flame Beast was taken away suddenly. Pei Jing and Luo Jie also saw it, and they were also very surprised. However, the Flame Beast in the depths of the Flame Valley seemed to be coming. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. After being surprised, the two immediately reminded Qin Yilang to lead the team to leave.

Qin Yilang immediately ordered: "Withdraw."

This team, whether it is the first team or the guard team of the governing hall, is an elite personnel who fight quickly. Following Qin Yilang's order, everyone withdrew from the valley of flames as quickly as possible.

A few minutes later, when a few adult Flame Beasts sniffed for their breath, they ran out of nowhere, screaming a few times and scattered.

The temperature difference between the outside of the Flame Valley and the valley is several degrees, so the range of activities of the Flame Beast is limited to the valley, and the Flame Beast will not go out of the valley unless it is in the manic period of the Flame Beast or an abnormal situation.

The team came out of the valley of flames and came to the place where the spaceship was parked. Luo Bi stretched out his hand and shook his wrist, and threw the flame beast out with a "plop". It was useless except for its scales, so it was better to deal with it quickly.

Now there is no need to worry about being attacked by the hordes of flame beasts, Qin Yilang led his men to pry and dig out the remaining two scales immediately.

Regardless of the fact that the danger of the Flame Beast is gone, the area of ​​Sun Xing's planet is not small, so there are naturally other strange beasts living there. All the strange beasts are not easy to mess with in this season, you must hurry up and pry the scales off, lest other strange beasts smell the smell of blood and come over.

Feng Ling sent Luo Bi to the spaceship first, made a cup of scented tea and stuffed it into Luo Bi's hand: "You wait on the spaceship obediently, I will come up to accompany you soon."

Luo Bi had cold hands and feet just now because of nervousness, she took a sip of the hot scented tea with the cup in hand, nodded: "You go."

Li Feng was in charge of cooking, so he also said, "Don't worry, I'll help you look after Luo Bi."

"Thank you." Feng Ling turned around and came to the door of the spaceship, and jumped down.

Li Feng sighed: "With the blessings you have cultivated in several lifetimes, Feng Ling has nothing to say about how kind you are to you."

Luo Bi held the cup in both hands to warm her hands, took a sip and continued: "Two lifetimes, I don't know if there are more, I only know about two lifetimes."

It was a lifetime before time travel, and now it is a lifetime, Luo Bi told the truth, she is not afraid of others being suspicious, she was born in a womb, she grew up in the future interstellar, she is inside and out, no one can find anything wrong with it.

Unlike other time-travelers, most of them are soul-wearing, occupying other people's bodies for no reason, living other people's lives as a matter of course, enjoying other people's family and friends, this kind of time-traveling people are afraid of showing their feet.

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