Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 583 Didn't mention that she extracted it

Lin Bing, the Patriarch of the Lin Family, is standing very close to Feng Ling's side. He has opened his eyes today. He has already seen that the handkerchief ball is a high-level formation weapon. It is the first time he has seen a formation weapon after living for more than a hundred years. It was aimed at the teeth of the strange beast, and he was so surprised that his shrewd eyes almost popped out.

The small handkerchief was a good thing, and when he saw that Luo Bi had given ten yuan to each of the Wu family brothers, his mind immediately became active.

After thinking for a while, Patriarch Lin stepped forward with a smile: "I also have high-grade ginseng grass, how about giving me ten small handkerchiefs?"

"Do you have a good relationship with Lin Yanchong?" Luo Bi asked.

What does this have to do with the little handkerchief? Roger was staring at the battlefield below, when he heard this, he looked back.

Patriarch Lin couldn't figure out what Luo Bi meant by asking this question, he was taken aback for a moment and replied: "He is my nephew."

"I'm a student of Master Lin Yanchong." Luo Bi revealed her identity, without mentioning anything else, and asked, "What's your power?"

Luo Bi didn't mention that Patriarch Lin really didn't know that she was Lin Yanchong's student. He and Feng Ling Luobi had no friendship at first. Now Patriarch Lin will not mention this foolishly.

"I am a fire-type supernatural power." Patriarch Lin replied.

It is also a fire-type handkerchief, so many small fire-attributed handkerchiefs are given away, as many as there are, and you can’t just give away for this. Luo Bi took out ten small fire-attributed handkerchiefs from the storage bracelet.

Feng Ling handed it to Patriarch Lin, and Luo Bi said, "Just give me two high-grade ginseng plants."

The relationship between the bishop Lin Yanchong and the Lin family hasn't completely eased, she doesn't want to give away anything for nothing, it's too shameful for the bishop to ask for too much, so she just wants two high-grade ginseng plants.

Patriarch Lin was not given for nothing as the head of the family. Luo Bi revealed his identity first, and then gave the little handkerchief to him happily. It was obviously a favor for him to ask him for two high-grade ginseng plants.

He can't take advantage of the junior's advantage. He opened the storage ring and took out two 6-level ginseng plants and two 5-level ginseng plants. Compared with Wu Shao's, he can still get these four high-level ginseng plants. .

He handed it to Feng Ling and said, "I'm an elder, I can't take advantage of you, so don't think too little of the four plants."

Fifth grade and sixth grade? Luo Bi poked her head, she wanted it, but just now she said she wanted two plants, it would be embarrassing to change her mind in person. Let's change it, as long as Patriarch Lin doesn't suffer, Luo Bi doesn't care about energy liquid and high-grade energy stones, so she grabbed a handful of jade energy liquid and a handful of high-grade energy stones for Patriarch Lin.

"Use it when you are using a small handkerchief. The Jade Sword will not be destroyed." Luo Bi didn't mention that it was extracted by her, and some things should not be talked about.

Hey, Patriarch Lin didn't refuse the jade stone energy liquid and high-level energy stone, and reached out to take it. His combat power level is at its peak, and he needs a lot of resources to practice. The energy liquid and high-level energy stone are exactly what he needs.

Roger was still thinking about the energy ball. He stared at the battlefield for a long time, then saw that Luo Bi had finished talking with Patriarch Lin, and asked, "Is my ability really bad?"

"Really can not."

After Luo Bi finished speaking, she buried her head in Feng Ling's arms and laughed, she would not tell Roger that as long as there is a small handkerchief, anyone can make an energy ball. I'm so stupid that I don't even know how to try it, so who is to blame?

Just hearing this laugh made the water go bad, Feng Ling revealed a doting face, and stretched out his hand to press the person into his arms.

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