Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 639 Planting the Furnace

Everyone went back to Luo Bi's house and continued to work. Luo Bi didn't participate in these things, and sat at the table to check the eighteen generations of Tang Luer's ancestors.

Whether it was the Tang family, the Zhou family, or the Qi family of Tang Luer's stepbrother Qi Yao, as long as it was found because of their close relatives, Luo Bi searched all over.

The Tang family, Zhou family, and Qi family are all big families in the Fengyao Empire, and some details cannot be found on the Internet, but Tang Luer is on the bright side, and the truth will be revealed after a search.

After reading Tang Luer's information, Luo Bi sneered. Tang Luer's original body had been to Shui Xun Xing and Zi Huang Xing. By chance, she should have seen the crab cage fish clips and girdle arrays she made.

As for those blue and white porcelain tableware? Both Qi Rong and Qi Zhan were put up for sale in the dungeon, so it's not surprising to be noticed by a time traveler. Look familiar! Naturally, I will pay more attention to it.

Luo Bi leaned back in the chair, squinted her eyes and pondered, thinking that when she went to Shui Xun Xing and Zi Huang Xing to go on missions, this fake Tang Luer hadn't crossed over to seize the body of her original body. The cage, fish clip, and girdle array should have received the memory of the original body.

Even the memory has been absorbed, so is Tang Luer's original body dead or her soul suppressed by outsiders?

After thinking about this question for only three seconds, Luo Bi secretly scolded herself for meddling in other people's business, since she and Tang Luer didn't know each other in person, so it was none of her business whether she lived or died. It's bad luck for her to die, her soul is suppressed because she has no ability, her body can be taken away by someone, it only shows that Tang Luer's soul in her original body is weak.

Luo Bi laughed, no matter what, she had already set up the Twelve Stars of the Big Dipper, it was still the same sentence, as a fellow traveler, Luo Bi gave Tang Luer a chance, as long as Tang Luer stopped, she would turn the matter over.

If Tang Luer doesn't repent, I'm sorry, don't blame her for killing her.

Luo Bi was very curious about what class this Tang Luer was before she traveled. She had only traveled for more than a month and was so high-profile. Feeling dizzy.

Among other things, it is normal to have friction among classmates in the Talented Master Academy, and quarrels occasionally happen, but using plum blossoms to hurt people and using the power of the Zhou family to force people out of the academy is obviously bullying.

After reading this post, Luo Bi felt very uncomfortable, Nima, you have time-traveled, and you can do whatever you want with a cheating device with you. Nima, if you haven't time-traveled, your family background is not bad in the 21st century, but you are also so poisonous in your mind, as long as your classmates provoke you, you will force them to die.

The more she thought about it, the more angry Luo Bi turned off her light brain and didn't look at it. At ten o'clock in the evening, the purple grape trees were finally transplanted. There were more than fifty purple grape trees left in the purple grape garden, and Luo Bi gave ten to her natal family.

Anyway, it was a toss, and that night Luo Bi divided out the newly hatched partridge chickens according to a certain number, fifty for each person, and finally let her natal family take away the remaining three.

Hu Li's partridge chickens hadn't hatched yet, so Roger was naturally involved. A group of people divided them into several trips to carry them one after another, and it was only in the early morning that the planting furnace and the young partridges were transported away.

Zhang Cheng was suspicious, so he couldn't lie down on the bed and sent Lan Qiao out to inquire about the situation. The temperature was low at night and Lan Qiao was reluctant to go out, but Zhang Cheng kept urging her, so she put on an animal fur coat and opened the door.

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