Feng Ling sent Luo Bi to her mother's house, greeted Luo Hang flamboyantly, and left. He still had military affairs.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and Guan Zhuting knew that Luo Bi was coming, so she made a pot of white steamed buns. Steaming white and fat steamed buns are not common on the dining tables of interstellar people in the future. Cakes and bread and the like.

Luo Bi looked at it for a moment in a trance, the picture overlapped with the previous life, she was startled and immediately suppressed the emotions she shouldn't have.

"It's just made, you can try it." Guan Zhuting said.

Robbie washed her hands, took out two jars of slightly spicy pickles from the storage bracelet, opened the lid, sat down and took steamed buns to eat with pickles. Guan Zhuting wasn't hungry at the moment, but seeing that Luo Bi was eating deliciously, she broke off a small piece of steamed bun and ate it with pickles.

Not to mention, it's no wonder that Luo Bi has loved this bite since she was a child, and the more she eats, the more delicious it becomes.

Luo Hang came in from the outside, flicked the snow off his body, sat down at the dining table and said, "Abi, your cousin Wanqing from Uncle Fanyu's family is getting married, after all, it's your birth mother's family, and now you're getting married too." I'm married, why don't you go for a walk."

"Let your brother go with you." Finally Luo Hang added, he hoped that Luo Bi would go.

Luo Bi understood what her father meant. Over the years, her uncle's family had always been in the presence of her father, but she never went there. There are no other reasons, one is troublesome, and the other is that her biological mother's siblings are not on good terms.

But since her cousin Ye Xingjian went crazy last year, he suddenly came to her house with a gift, and the frequent visits made the ordinary relationship a little closer.

Every time Ye Xingji came, her father and Huaran received her. Luo Bi would see him whenever she was free, and pull him over when she was not free. She didn't feel too much relative to Ye Xingji. Probably Ye Xingjian felt it too, and he only came to Zhihuangxing later when he had something to do, and he didn't get close when he had nothing to do.

Luo Bi knew it well, thought for a while and said, "I'll think about it before I speak."

Luo Hang is helpless, the Ye family is Luo Bi's relatives' family after all, some things are more suitable for Luo Bi to go than him, but there is nothing Luo Bi can do if he doesn't want to go.

Luo Bi was annoyed by the matter of relatives' family, and when he was full, he talked about giving gifts, Luo Hang said: "As long as your grandfather's is indispensable, you can do what you want with others, you can give it to your uncle and your third uncle's family if you want." , don’t give it up if you don’t want to.”

"It's not good." Guan Zhuting said.

Luo Hang glanced at Guan Zhuting, with Luo Bi's temper, it's okay if there are few things, but if things get too annoying, she will leave her alone, as long as the old man's etiquette is not missing, don't worry about other things.

Besides, the third child is barely okay, but the boss Luo Gang has never been an elder, and he is not good to Luo Bi. If Luo Bi doesn't want to give him a boxing gift, Luo Hang doesn't want to force his child either.

Guan Zhuting shut up and said nothing, Luo Hang loves her daughter and has no bottom line, what she says is useless.

"I have already prepared the ceremony for my grandfather. As for my uncle and third uncle's family, let's see the situation. If their children give you this elder, I will give it to them. If they don't have you, I won't give it to you." Already." Robbie spoke his mind.

"That's fine too." Luo Hang said.

This topic has come to an end, Guan Zhuting suddenly remembered something, she sighed and said: "Do you know that Wu Yue is gone?"

What's the point? It can't be dead! Robbie froze for a moment: "I don't know, what's wrong?"

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