Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 784 I will definitely live a long time

Early the next morning, Fengling communicated with others while preparing breakfast. It was rainy in the spring, and the spring rain was not heavy or light. It fell on the vines on the shared balcony, and the branches and leaves swayed slightly, revealing vitality.

It was raining and it was not suitable for outdoor dining. Zhong Jun placed the dining table in the glazed corridor hall. Tong Yiting ate a lot, and Jiang Zhi ate a lot. Zhong Jun spent a winter but lost a lot. Did he eat or not? Tong Yiting ate a lot. Don't care at all.

Tong Yiting has no freedom in class these days. Whether she likes it or not, she has to report every day. After the three-person breakfast, Zhong Jun didn't have time to clear the table and was busy sending Tong Yiting and Jiang Zhi to school.

As her husband, Zhong Jun made a special trip to send Tong Yiting as a gift. Jiang Zhi was just a casual gift, so to speak, but Zhong Jun sent her as a gift for nine months by the way. He couldn't help but laugh at himself. Was it just a coincidence? Maybe!

"Zhong Jun, why are you dawdling? Hurry up." Tong Yiting stamped her feet at the door.

Jiang Zhi took a small mirror and carefully looked at her makeup. Light makeup, pink face, a combination of elegance and demureness, this was what Jiang Zhi carefully dressed up for herself. Tong Yiting was used to seeing them, so she turned around and glanced at them. Apart from being jealous of Jiang Zhi's new clothes, she didn't think the person was any less beautiful than before.

"Here we come." Zhong Jun closed the door to his room.

After a few minutes, the whole apartment became clear. Fengling took out three prepared partridge chickens from the refrigerator and placed them on the grill. After going back to the room and taking a look, Luo Bi was sleeping soundly, with a rosy face and a good complexion. Fengling was satisfied. As long as he thought about it, Luo Bi would definitely live a long life and stay with him until old age.

Ten minutes later, Wu Shao brought Wu Cheng to the door. Fengling called them and led them to the big balcony.

"What kind of poultry does Luo Bi raise? Where are they?"

In the communication, Fengling only asked him to help raise poultry for a few days. Wu Shao couldn't guess what it was. He glanced at the shared balcony. Poultry had feathers, so they would never be raised on the balcony of the bedroom.

"In the planting field." Fengling took the lead, followed by Wu Shao and Wu Cheng, and the three of them went to the shared terrace to plant the field.

After stepping up to the small bluestone wall and entering the plant defense cover, a group of partridges were surrounded by a fence. Some were large and some were small. Anyone who was not blind could tell at a glance that the adult partridges were followed by their children.

"Brother, brother..." Wu Cheng pointed at the nests of partridge chickens and was speechless.

Wu Shao's eyes flickered, and Fengling said: "It hatched naturally. I have military affairs to take care of and will return to Zhihuang in a while. Abi has to participate in this academy mission and will not be back for three to five days. If possible, please ask Master Wu Help me raise him for a few days."

"No problem, I can keep him for as long as I want." Wu Shao agreed.

Wu Shao was very shrewd. Fengling asked him for help because he trusted the Wu family. Only a fool would make an extrapolation. Besides, raising partridge chickens was a good job, so Wu Shao naturally did his part. It was the first time he saw a naturally hatched partridge. He held up a small partridge and looked at it. It was energetic, healthy, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. There was no need to put one together for comparison. It was definitely healthier than the one hatched by the incubator.

Fengling said no more and asked Wu Shao and Wu Cheng to start packing the partridges one by one. Not all of them were packed into boxes, but five nests were left. Then they moved the packed ones to the military transport truck downstairs. .

Wu Shao and Wu Cheng left as quickly as they came. When Luo Bi got up, they had already left. Fengling moved the dining table and placed it under the vine stand in the kitchen area. Because of the complicated branches and leaves, as long as it wasn't a heavy rain, it would not be wet if they moved under it. to rain.

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