Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 791 The Lin family’s idea

There was a strong wind all night, thunder and lightning and heavy rain in the early morning. Because she had to go on a mission, Luo Bi got up at dawn and ran to the shared balcony to take a look at the planting field. She saw that the lettuce seeds were sprouting and lush.

Luo Bi was overjoyed. She threw out a basket of wild vegetables from the colorful bracelet and scattered it in several places. Finally, she opened a small door at the border of the fence and the lettuce garden and scattered the remaining wild vegetables here.

After doing this, she clapped her hands. After eating the wild vegetables, the partridges would naturally look for food on their own. She opened the small door and planted enough lettuce in the field for the partridges to eat for a month or two.

The food for Partridge Chicken was finally done. Luo Bi quickly jumped off the small bluestone wall and ran back to the room to wash up.

Luo Bi chose a black sportswear. There were two white horizontal stripes on the hem and cuffs of the top, and two blue and white vertical stripes on the side of the sweatpants. This outfit was both energetic and comfortable to wear.

Jiang Zhi had already left the house. Tong Yiting was nine months pregnant and was excluded from the task force without her family members going to the academy to find her. At this moment, she was sleeping soundly and there was no need to worry about being late.

Just like the first mission from the academy, Wu Cheng came to pick up Luo Bi as soon as six o'clock passed, and the two arrived at the meeting place ten minutes later.

There are more than 300 combat teams sent out on this mission. Several batches left in the past two days. The batch sent out today has more than 50 combat teams. At a glance, the entire academy shipyard is crowded with people and the scene is very lively.

The rain in the sky was getting heavier and heavier, and the team members hurriedly boarded the spaceship one by one before the chief officers and chief instructors of each team could give instructions.

Lin Yanchong did not agree with the academy's arrangement to fight the spaceship. He went back to the Lin family and asked the head of the Lin family. The head of the Lin family gave him face and arranged the fighting team into a medium-sized spaceship. They were also fighting the spaceship with others, but the number of people was relatively small. Three combat teams.

This medium-sized spaceship was jointly sent by the Lin family and two other families, so that the children of the family would not be wronged. The talented ones were more delicate, and the families behind them had thought of all aspects.

There were originally two combat teams, but suddenly one team was squeezed in due to some relationship. The members of the other two teams were very dissatisfied. They looked at each other with repulsion, and some even muttered and complained.

"What's going on? Who arranged for them to board our spaceship?" Ting Yiyi was unaware.

"I didn't tell you, it was the Lin family's idea." Another person spoke.

"It's true that the Lin family also funded the spaceship. It was clearly funded by three families. Why did his family forcefully force one team in?"

As soon as the Dou Zhan team boarded the spacecraft, they heard these obviously unwelcome and even repulsive words. They all looked at captain Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng in embarrassment. Even Huang Xinling felt vaguely embarrassed.

Xue Zhijiao cursed secretly, and had no choice but to reassure himself: "Don't worry about them, just find a place to sit down by yourself."

The good seats were all taken, so Wu Cheng walked over to the window seat without hesitation. Looking for trouble, he looked at Wu Cheng's face and took away the bags and other things that had just been thrown on the seat.

Don't be too obvious about bullying the weak and fearing the strong. Luo Bi quietly said to Xue Zhijiao: "I'm next to you and Wu Cheng."

"Okay, they don't dare do anything." Xue Zhijiao led his team members over and sat down.

The spaceship took off a few minutes later. Perhaps because of her strong genetic bloodline, Luo Bi did not faint on the spacecraft. On the contrary, she felt pretty good. If there were no noise from the people around her, she would still be in a good mood.

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