Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 941 Don't Rare That Thing

Only ten imperial concubine beads caused such a big battle, if the phoenix crown she refined could kill imperial concubine pigs, then it would be fine. Luo Bi didn't dare to think about the consequences. At this moment, she was frightened. A gust of cold wind blew from the other side of the river, and she couldn't help shivering.

If Luo Bi has not understood the current situation after this incident, she is really stupid and hopeless, the three major galaxies will be in chaos, for sure.

At this moment, Luo Bi really regretted that she didn't continue to hide her awakened ability. What's wrong with being an ordinary person, you don't have to worry about food or drink, no matter how chaotic the upper class society is, don't get in the way of her! But right now, there is a Bai Xian from the Talented Master Academy, and I'm afraid it's not a pure land.

Luo Bi thought too much, scared herself, and broke out in a sweat. This statement is a bit exaggerated. Luo Bi is born with a cold body, and she doesn't sweat after a farm work, and she doesn't sweat even after being frightened. She just feels cold, and she is worried that someone will find clues to her physique.

Thinking of this, Luo Bi's heart beat wildly. The warm bibracelet has not been destroyed, and keeping it will be a disaster sooner or later, so it must be thrown away. Yes, throw it in the river, like a concubine pearl, no one else can catch it.

After making up her mind, Luo Bi calmed down her uneasy emotions, at this time it began to rain again, heavier than light rain, and fell from the sky pattering down. Wu Shao led the team to come, but after a few minutes, Feng Ling came to pick up Luo Bi in a hover car.

Feng Ling walked up to Luo Bi, asked about the situation, ignored the group of lunatics, and carried Luo Bi onto the suspension car and left.

Luo Bi looked at the rain outside and said nothing, Feng Ling glanced at her and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Luo Bi leaned back on the seat and didn't want to move. She paused and said, "It's just that I'm a little tired, so I'll be fine after going back to sleep."

Feng Ling looked at Luo Bi, didn't see anything, thought for a moment and said: "If the imperial concubine bead is gone, it will be gone. If you like it, I will hunt you a concubine pig."

Luo Bi couldn't listen to the imperial concubine pig now, and sighed: "No, I don't care about the things there."

Feng Ling stopped talking, and Luo Bi was exhausted, so she went back to the station and climbed into bed to sleep. Luo Bi didn't care about anything during this sleep, and it rained heavily that night, and it rained all night.

The next day, the heavy rain continued, and Luo Bi stared at the outside of the tent in a daze, and then panicked. She couldn't feel at ease if the warm jade bracelet was not resolved for a day. So Luo Bi got out of bed and went to find Pei Yang and Bai Juan to accompany her to the town.

The reason is simple. I couldn't buy fresh fruit yesterday, so I have to buy it today.

"Let me go with you!" Wu Cheng volunteered.

"Come on, you, yesterday you were only focusing on fishing for the imperial concubine beads, and you didn't care about me, so I don't need you." Luo Bi was annoyed, and asked again: "How is it? There are so many of you fishing for the imperial concubine beads, did you get them?"

Naturally, it was not caught, Wu Cheng sighed: "No, it was probably washed away by the flood. It's a pity, why were you so careless at that time."

Wu Cheng was still complaining, yesterday a group of them tossed and tossed for a long time but didn't fish out a single bead, but He Bei did catch some beads, but Xue Changjuan finally took them away. Take it away! As long as Bai Xian's child is saved, it should be fine to get involved with his family's ability.

Among the three brothers of the Wu family, except for Wu Ershao, who was born with low strong genes, Wu Shao and Wu Cheng's strong genes belonged to the childless kind. Therefore, Wu Cheng had an idea, as long as his eldest brother finds an opportunity to participate, one child is enough, and the three brothers will raise it together.

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