Liuqin hung up the communication, thought for a while to find Lu Xianyu, Lin Yanchong knew about it, and asked the members of the Shangdou team to go to Luo's house together, Liuqin and Lu Xianyu also went, and everyone prepared gifts.

Feng Ling led a group of people to the shared balcony, Guan Zhuting washed melons and fruits and served tea, Luo Bi was very surprised: "Director, mentor, why are you here?"

Everyone sat down one after another, Lin Yanchong said: "I wanted to visit you for a long time, and I was worried that you would make trouble so everyone didn't come over. How is your health? You look good."

Luo Bi understood what everyone was doing here, and smiled: "I'm much better, please worry about it."

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Yanchong took the lead in bringing out gifts, all of which were ginseng and other tonics without exception. Ginseng grass can improve the combat power of Leiyan warriors, and it is also good for women's nourishment. Secondly, there is also the fine wine brewed by Feiniao. In short, they are all good things that are not cheap.

What Huang Xinling gave was high-grade fine wine, what Bai Zhi gave was ginseng grass, and while Guan Tingting didn't come, Tuo Wucheng brought over a medium-grade fine wine.

Luo Bi could probably guess why Guan Tingting didn't come. Guan Zhi didn't like her on the one hand, and on the other hand, it must have something to do with Guan Zhuting. As a natal family who has severed ties, it is embarrassing to see her, it is better not to see her.

Luo Bi subconsciously looked at Guan Zhuting's face, and Luo Hang also showed worry. Guan Zhuting could think about it and didn't take it seriously. Eight hundred years had passed since she was sad, and she didn't have much emotional ups and downs when she faced it now.

Liuqin and Lu Xianyu gathered more than twenty packets of vegetable seeds and put them on the coffee table, Liuqin raised her legs and said, "These are the seeds you want, there are no more, there are two packets of second-grade seeds, and the rest are first-grade seeds. "

Robbie put it away immediately: "Thank you two mentors."

Holding the teacup, Lu Xianyu hesitated and asked, "Why do you want so many seeds? It's too much to eat if you grow them yourself. Are you going to grow them and sell them?"

"No." Robbie said with a smile, "I planted it and fed it to poultry."

Lu Xianyu was taken aback, the other people's faces were full of black lines, and Bai Zhi whispered: "Luo Bi, how can you do this? Vegetables are eaten by humans, so how can you feed them to poultry."

Luo Bi snorted and said nothing, others didn't care about her own things, and Huang Xinling was too busy eating honeydew melons, so she didn't comment on it. Honeydew melon is really delicious, crunchy and sweet, Huang Xinling took one piece after another, the little girl didn't even bother to find fault with others.

The seeds Liuqin sent out did not intend to ask where they were going, but she lowered her head and grabbed the honeydew melon with Huang Xinling to eat. In the blink of an eye, there was only melon skin left on the coffee table.

Luo Hang cheerfully went to wash two more honeydew melons, and cut them evenly. After that, everyone was in no hurry to talk, and hurriedly took them one by one, otherwise there would be nothing to eat if they moved too slowly.

Luo Bi looked at the time. At ten o'clock in the morning, she called Feng Ling aside and discussed keeping everyone at home for dinner.

Feng Ling naturally had no objection: "You can figure it out."

Looking back, Luo Bi asked everyone to stay for dinner, Lu Xianyu hesitated, Lin Yanchong did not refuse, so everyone stayed at ease. Guan Zhuting hurried into the kitchen to prepare ingredients, Liuqin and Lu Xianyu chatted for a while and went to help in the kitchen, Luo Hang went to the dungeon to buy vegetables.

Lin Yanchong and Feng Ling talked about the ranking of the academy's mission this time. The fighting team still didn't come to the bottom.

As the chief officer of a scumbag class, Lin Yanchong is not easy. He doesn't want to get good grades, just don't want to be at the bottom.

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