Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 965 Equipment refining completed

The spiritual plants that had been processed before were not enough, so Luo Bi separated the required spiritual plants and processed them one by one.

The five kinds of spiritual plants have one thing in common. They all contain pulp, which can get sticky on your hands if you are not careful. Perhaps it is for this reason that funny equipment such as milk bottle nipples are made.

Luo Bi was not sure, but it was almost possible. After handling the spiritual plant, she went to the sink to wash her hands first. It was already lunch time, and her father called her to eat. Luo Bi jumped down from the planting field and went to eat first.

Before eating, Fengling asked casually: "What is the equipment you refined?"

Thinking that Fengling couldn't hear anything about the child, Luo Bi hesitated and didn't dare to speak directly. She turned a corner and said, "Children's stuff."

Feng Ling glanced at her lightly, sat down slowly, and did not continue the topic. Luo Bi secretly sighed. Her best friends on Zhihuang Star were a group of children, and even Feng Ling was taboo about mentioning them. It was quite depressing.

After lunch break, Qi Rongqi and his two brothers came to the door and delivered two third-grade ginseng plants. Guan Zhuting liked the two children very much. She squeezed fresh juice and brought it out to entertain the guests. The two little brothers thanked them politely.

"I heard that you were not in good health a while ago. Are you okay?" Qi Rong asked while observing Luo Bi's expression.

Luo Bi smiled and nodded: "Well, I'm fine."

However, the value of ginseng grass is not low. Considering the situation of the Qi family, Luo Bi did not want it: "Ginseng grass is good for you to improve your combat power. I have a lot of it at home. You can take it back!"

Qi Rong shook his head solemnly: "No, I will give it to you to support your health. My family has nothing to offer, so don't dislike it."

They had spent all their money, and it was even more difficult for Luo Bi to ask for it: "It's not a matter of dislike. You are Thunder Flame warriors, and you need ginseng grass more than I do."

After some pushing, the two brothers couldn't sit still anymore, got up and ran away. Guan Zhuting took the ginseng grass and chased him out. He had already run away, so she had no choice but to accept the ginseng grass.

Luo Bi went to the shared terrace planting field to play with the refining materials, and put them into the medicine cauldron one by one. During the refining process, the fire was adjusted appropriately. She wanted a different batch of baby bottle nipples.

This time I tried two furnaces, and the third furnace was finally successful. When I opened the lid of the cauldron, I saw that it was very good. It was still a baby bottle nipple, but it was a large baby bottle nipple. The quantity was also small. I guess it could be used by teenagers.

As for those over ten years old? Who knows, anyway, Luo Bi has never seen anyone over five years old still using a bottle, not before and after time travel. Now that all the large, medium and small size baby bottle nipples are available, Luo Bi stopped refining and put away all the furnace tripod spiritual plants.

With equipment suitable for children, Luo Bi immediately thought of Qi Rongqi and the two little brothers, and dialed a message. When Qi Rong picked up, she said: "My family is going on a mission to the neighboring star of Zizhu Star. No. It is a formally organized hunting team, are you and Qi Zhan going?"

The strength of the hunting team formed by the family needs to be considered, and the safety factor is also low. Luo Bi pointed this out clearly and let Qi Rong make his own decision.

Qi Rong only thought about it for a moment and then said: "Go, when will we set off?"

Luo Bi told the time, and Qi Rong had basically nothing to prepare. He didn't have interstellar coins in his hand, so he didn't need to think about equipment or resources at all, as long as the people arrived. After hearing about it, Yang Zaichong, the uncle of the younger brother of the Qi family, sent some small equipment and a small amount of resources, which were nothing more than daggers, daggers, and energy stones and energy liquids.

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