Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 970 Return to Qingyao Star

A group of children surrounded Luo Bi and chattered. Luo Bi subconsciously glanced at Fengling and leaned into the man's arms. Listening to the children's chatter, she also joined in and the conversation was lively.

Fengling listened and realized that these were children's topics and had no relevance. He smiled and let them have fun.

Hua Ran glanced around for a week and sat on the other side to discuss the mission planet with Fengling. Currently, among the neighboring stars of Zizhu Star, only Qingyao Star and Blazing Star are rich in resources. Which planet to choose for landing must be decided on the way. .

"Which planet do you want to go to?" Fengling asked Luo Bi.

Luo Bi prefers Blazing Star in her heart, but she is too petty! At the moment when most hunting teams and mercenary groups are flocking to Blue Obsidian, if they go straight to Blazing Star, it will be too eye-catching.

So, she said: "Let's go to Qingyao Star first and take a look. If it doesn't work, we will change the planet."

"Then Qing Yaoxing." Fengling decided.

According to the plan, the spaceship arrived at Qingyao Star at one o'clock in the afternoon, so Fengling arranged for everyone to have lunch on the spacecraft. Jiang Yixin was also on the spaceship this time. Admiral Qi Lan sent him to deliver the spaceship to Fengling, so he followed him by the way.

Guan Zhuting and Mrs. Zhu were responsible for cooking. Mrs. Zhu looked at the two little ones. The two little ones didn't want to be restrained, so they shook off Mrs. Zhu's hand and moved towards the pile of children. Luo Bi was surrounded in the middle, and the two little ones It took me a long time to squeeze in before climbing in.

As a result, everyone was dissatisfied. One by one, they stretched out their claws, pinched the tender little faces of the two children and pulled them to both sides. Zhu Xingjiao and Zhu Xingbao howled in dissatisfaction. The older ones liked hearing their voices, and they started rubbing their little faces even more wantonly.

Luo Bi took the opportunity to touch it. After touching it, she glanced at Fengling. Fengling pretended not to notice, but Luo Bi ignored it and stretched out her paw again.

After lunch, everyone took a short rest, and the spacecraft arrived at Qingyao Star. A group of people got off the spaceship with a huff, and Luo Bi also jumped off with a group of children. A gust of wind blew, which made her physically and mentally comfortable.

The small spaceship that landed before them was Tang Luer. As soon as Luo Bi got off the spacecraft, she saw Tang Luer surrounded by several people. Tang Luer was probably uncomfortable, and the people surrounding her looked nervous.

Someone nearby noticed the situation and gradually gathered around, offering advice.

Luo Bi liked to watch the excitement and called Mrs. Zhu to walk over. In the crowd, Tang Luer was still able to stand with the support of the Qingchen team members, but suddenly she felt dizzy and her expression was distorted, and then she fell to the ground in great pain.

"Hey, Tang Lu'er, what's wrong with you?" Yun Yi stood aside at a loss. Tang Lu'er suddenly went into trouble, and he panicked a little.

Cheng Yingying knelt down and said, "Tang Luer, are you okay?"

Several members of the Qingchen Team were confused. At this time, someone reminded them: "Hurry up and find a doctor. I just saw a doctor near the Xun River. Find him quickly."

A member of the Qingchen team ran to find a doctor. Tang Luer didn't know what happened, and her expression was extremely distorted. Seeing her like this, Yun Yi and Cheng Yingying were even more panicked. They looked at each other and saw panic in each other's eyes.

Luo Bi observed the changes in Tang Luer's expression at close range. Tang Luer's eyes were very strange, changing back and forth, like two souls competing. Luo Bi laughed, the opportunity was rare, it would be a shame for me if I didn't do something.

Turning around, Mrs. Zhu held Zhu Xingjiao and stood behind her. Luo Bi thought for a moment, saying that she couldn't move her mouth, and winked at the little Zhu Xingjiao.

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