Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 974 Really handsome

Zhu Xingzu was dumbfounded for a moment. He had just harvested the horns and was snatched away without paying attention. The little guy Zhu Xingzu, who had regained his composure and had a good temper, was also angry. He shouted at all the little brothers and killed them under the tree.

There were more than a dozen children, big and small, climbing trees and picking hard-shelled fruits. It couldn't be eaten, and was used by the hozen beast to hit people. It was picked up and thrown at the hozen beast on the tree.

The hozen beast jumped and screamed, the whole crown of the tree shook, and many leaves were shaken off. The hozen beasts became interested, and picked hard-shelled fruits from the trees, held them in their arms, occupied the crown of the tree, and threw them downwards.

In an instant, the hozen beast and the children became involved. Fengling and Hua Ran reacted quickly and wielded their swords with special powers to attack the hozen beast on the tree. The thunder and lightning wind blade flew over and startled the hozen in the tree.

There was a roar and scattered in all directions.

Nima actually ran away, Luo Bi was furious: "We haven't gotten our things back yet."

The hozen beasts were very spiritual and ran away without wanting to leave. They hung on the branches of the surrounding trees and squeaked to vent their anger. Especially the little hozen beast in the arms of an adult hozen beast, grabbing its horns and baring its teeth.

Just like that sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, it makes people as irritating as possible.

Luo Hang comforted his daughter: "Don't worry, I will definitely get it back." If they don't get the things back, they will definitely lose their energy. If they get sick because of this, it's not worth it.

"Let's grab it back first and then talk about it!" Luo Bi gave up hope.

Monkeys have been famous for their cleverness since ancient times. They move in trees as if they were on the ground. The higher places are people's territory. Humans can't compete with monkeys even if they climb trees. People grab a branch and jump up to another tree. People who are capable can also jump. If you are not killed, you will be bruised and bruised.

When humans and hozen beasts fight, the only feasible strategy is to use supernatural attacks. As long as they have sufficient combat power, they can always focus on the target under a group attack.

Fengling and Hua Ran also thought the same, and opened an attack line. All the Thunder Flame warriors stood in a row and aimed at the hozen beast on a tree, and they all used their special powers.

This wave of firepower is enough! Several bolts of lightning flew past, and two adult hozen beasts grabbed the branches and fled in time. The monkey hair on their foreheads sizzled with electricity, and then smoked. Hua Ran gave it a slightly curly perm.

Luo Bi took a look and smiled. He had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, but now he looked even more novel. He was so handsome.

Fengling's wind blade swept over, and the sharp wind killed several hozen beasts. The Zhu family guards next to them were also fighting with Qi Rongqi, throwing fireballs, and water swords.

There were also thunder flame warriors who released canes and raised their hands to hit the big tree. This move was so violent that the hozen beast howled in pain.

There was a thunder flame warrior with earth-type abilities who raised his head and felt worried. His usual earth wall and earth spikes didn't seem to be suitable at this moment. After thinking for a moment, he scraped up a layer of soil with his sword, rolled it into lumps and threw it.

"Puff" hits the target and scatters. The lump is not strong and the attack power is not strong.

Luo Bi was watching anxiously. He glanced around to find something hard and strong. He pointed at one of the guards of the Zhu family and said, "You must be a gold type. Go ahead and hit it with an iron ball. I don't believe you can't kill it." .”

"Yes, yes, hit it with an iron ball." Mr. Zhu suddenly realized as he slapped his forehead, flicked his jade sword, and hit a string of iron balls.

The old man had rich experience in combat. He controlled the iron ball like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves. Regardless of whether there were hozen beasts on the tree, a blast of wind swept over the iron ball and smashed down a bunch of hozen beasts.

There are fallen leaves covering the back, which is a beautiful scene.

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