Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 982 Don’t deal with people from that team

Because there are many women and children in the team, Fengling does not advocate going all out to collect supplies: "Today is a good time to get familiar with the environment. Tomorrow we will go to the river to have a look. Our team will do our best under the circumstances. There is no need to be as nervous as other teams. "

Hua Ran nodded: "I observed along the way when I came back. The water level of the Honghe River has dropped a lot, which makes fishing easier."

The lower the water level, the smaller the aquarium's attack power. Even if a shrimp, crab or fish throws a fireball or a water sword, it will basically not hurt anyone. At most, it will perm their hair and pour water all over them. In this way, women and children can be safe when participating in fishing. Fengling and Hua Ran considered this factor. Mr. Zhu, who has lived for hundreds of years, naturally understood it and agreed with a smile.

Luo Bi stayed in Fengling's arms and listened without saying a word. Zhu Xingjiao ran over to find Luo Bi.

The two-year-old child walked unsteadily, shaking every step as if in the wind. Standing in front of Fengling, Zhu Xingjiao looked at Luo Bi with his dark eyes: "Luo Bi, Luo Bi, let's go play together!"

Luo Bi tilted her head and said listlessly, "I won't go."

Zhu Xingjiao looked back at his brothers who were playing around, and then turned his head back: "Big brother and second brother are playing with the golden ball. It's fun to throw it around."

When Luo Bi heard about Jin Qiu, her heart stopped and she wanted to vomit: "I won't go."

Zhu Xingjiao ran away. When a group of older people refused to play with him, he went to find Zhu Xingbao, but Zhu Xingbao was not interested in anything else except eating. He sat on a small bench and guarded the grill, shaking his head and not going anywhere.

"What's wrong?" Fengling looked down at the person in her arms: "You're still angry about that imperial concubine pig."

Luo Bi breathed out: "Fortunately, it's good to throw away a imperial concubine pig to see the situation clearly. You see, everyone who suffered the loss knows who Tang Luer and her Qingchen team are, but others think very highly of them." Gao, man, that’s all.”

Fengling couldn't see Luo Bi's negative look and said warmly: "Don't think so much, just don't deal with people from that team in the future."

Luo Bi leaned in Fengling's arms and said nothing. There were some things that she needed to figure out on her own. As long as she couldn't overcome the hurdle in her heart, no one's advice would be in vain. Fengling was a little worried when she saw her laziness. Luo Bi got sick because she was in a bad mood when she left Zizhuxing last time. Don't let it happen again.

Fengling was scared. After dinner, she drove a hover car to the small town of Qingyao Star. After walking around, Luo Bi felt relieved. At night, Qingyao Town is brightly lit, merchants and shops are open to welcome customers, and the stalls outside are full of people.

The area of ​​Qingyao Town is larger than that of Zizhuxing Town. People are coming and going on the streets. Fengling did not put Luo Bi down and went straight to the food court with the person in her arms. Luo Bi came to Qingyao Star Town for the first time. , eyes looked around.

Entering the food court, Fengling held someone while shopping and asked, "What do you want to eat? Let's buy some."

Smelling the smell of various delicacies, Luo Bi became interested and lay on Fengling's chest, poking and pointing at what she liked. Feng Ling curled her lips and finally recovered. She was relieved and bought a lot of food whether it was something Luo Bi liked or something she didn't like.

Leaning in the man's arms, Luo Bi's mood improved significantly while eating delicious food, her eyes brightened with a smile.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when the two returned to the spaceship. Luo Bi was sleepy and sleepy. Fengling gently woke her up, washed her hands and went to bed early. She had to collect supplies tomorrow.

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