Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 988 Too straight-tempered

He Yun suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, Xue Yue's second combat team got He Zhen. How about I ask you about it."

He looked at Fengling and asked. Fengling didn't hesitate: "Let him set the price as he pleases."

Fengling has accumulated a considerable amount of wealth over the years. He has no expenses of his own, and whatever he earns is used by Luo Bi. He Zhen is rare, but he doesn't take it to heart yet.

As long as Luo Bi is in good health, this is better than anything else, for a lifetime! Hundreds of years are too long, and he doesn't want to live alone.

He Yun dialed a message. Xue Yue was counting the supplies and clicked the connect button: "Captain He, is there anything wrong?"

He Yun took a sip of tea and said a few other words first, then said: "That's right, your second combat team harvested Hezhen, Fengling wants some, see if you can sell him a few kilograms. "

How many pounds? Xue Yue twitched the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and glanced at He Zhen in the basin: "My combat team harvested less than ten kilograms in total."

He Yun smiled: "We are all our own people, so you should come out more evenly!"

Xue Yue has not been the captain of the Second Combat Team for a long time. He has little contact with the other nine captains and is not very familiar with each other. However, He Yun, Fengling and Xue Yue are all in the same circle of Emperor Star, and they all know each other. Yue thought about it for a while and quoted the number.

"The maximum weight is five kilograms. If it's too much, it won't work."

He Yun calculated it and found that the second combat team had harvested less than ten kilograms of river treasures in total. Five kilograms were given to Fengling at once, which was more than half. Xue Yue had given Fengling a lot of face.

He Yun asked Fengling for advice, and Fengling nodded, so He Yun and Xue Yue finalized it and sent someone to pick it up later.

After a while, Luo Bi was still unhappy and couldn't help but said to Jiang Yixin: "Don't mention Tang Lu'er in front of me in the future. I can't hear this name. She reacts with disgust when I see people. It really annoys her."

Jiang Yixin was startled and responded: "I understand."

He Yun's hand holding the tea cup paused, and he was laughing in his heart. His emotions were particularly complicated. Luo Bi's temperament was too straightforward, but she was still upright. It was really ridiculous to say that the interstellar history of 18,000 years in the future, has developed to the present. There is such scarcity.

No one here knows Luo Bi better than Fengling. He doesn't show it on his face, but he can't help but worry in his heart. In the future, interstellar humans will be emotionally indifferent and put profit first. Luo Bi's character is obviously not suitable for this world.

Fortunately, with him watching over her, it was still possible to protect Luo Bi and keep her true feelings.

Luo Hang was chatting with Mr. Zhu not far away. When he heard Luo Bi's words, he immediately made a decision. He could afford to raise his daughter. The learning environment of the Gifted Master Academy was too complicated, so it was better to stay away.

Jiang Yixin responded well. While everyone was talking, he took out a small optical computer to browse. The angle where Luo Bi sat could not see what Jiang Yixin was playing, so he entered the platform where Tang Luer was drying things and saw familiar things inside. Jiang Yixin Unable to get angry, he went to the group of gifted masters to criticize Huai.

The general idea was to beat Tang Luer and ask her to stop and restrain herself.

After Jiang Yixin finished doing this, he forgot about it. He Yun went to the Zhihuang Star's station in Qingyao Star and brought back five kilograms of river melon seeds.

Guan Zhuting marinated it according to Luo Bi's taste and fried it that night. Luo Bi didn't have to give it to others, but she had to give it to a group of children. Half a catty was given out, and Fengling put the rest into a paper bag and she put it away.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yixin turned on the Star Network and it exploded.

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