Lan Qiao didn't say to leave, and Bai He didn't say to leave either, they turned sideways to chat with Lan Yingying, while Luo Bi sipped water to play, they didn't even plan to leave, the price of nutritious food is different from ordinary food.

Take care of the meal? Panic.

Consume it! It's eleven o'clock at noon, wait a little longer, hoping to consume people.

Lan Qiao is the worst at reading people's faces. Balabala said that Hu Li is pitiful, and she doesn't mention the matter of leaving: "Woman, you shouldn't be too hard. You see Hu Li is gone. How long can Colonel Luo remember her? As long as there is Colonel Law will soon forget her if she likes her."

Needless to say? For sure, in the future, interstellar humans will have weak feelings. If Roger keeps refusing to marry Hu Li, he will be called a ghost. Regarding this point, Luo Bi has always understood clearly, it's just that Lan Qiao said hers, Luo Bi didn't interrupt, and the other party should leave after the silence.

Ten minutes later, the three of Lan Qiao still didn't say leave, and Luo Bi was speechless, everyone was a family member of the garrison, and they didn't see each other when they looked up, and they still had to save face, if they didn't say leave, Luo Bi still couldn't drive them away thing to go.

"It's already noon, why don't you guys stay and have lunch?" Luo Bi asked intentionally, and said no if she wanted to be shameless, so hurry up and leave!

It's a pity that Luo Bi overestimated Lan Qiao. After she finished asking, Lan Qiao took it for granted: "What time is it? It's still raining outside. Of course we have to eat here. Do you want to help? I will help Cook."

As Lan Qiao was about to stand up, Luo Bi hurriedly stopped her: "No, you can sit here! Just leave the cooking to my mother and the others."

Just kidding, let Lan Qiao enter the kitchen and change the ingredients, Luo Bi put down the cup and stood up, couldn't help but said in a joking tone: "I'm just being polite, I didn't expect you to stay for dinner."

You can listen to this as a joke, or take it seriously, it mainly depends on how the other party understands it and how thick-skinned it is.

Lan Yingying didn't think much about it, Bai He's appearance was shy and thick-skinned enough, she lowered her head and pretended not to hear it, but in fact she heard it clearly, just pretending to be ignorant. Bai He has always been good at pretending, and her expression has long been practiced to perfection. Those who don't know her really can't tell that she is pretending at first glance.

Lan Qiao understood incompetence at all, sat back on the sofa, and threw out a pissed-off sentence: "They are all my own, so why not be polite."

It's so stupid that I can't understand the words. Luo Bi was so angry by Lan Qiao's stupidity, she snorted and went into the kitchen to find Guan Zhuting: "I made it with ingredients with low nutritional energy. Let's make do with it first. Let's eat after they leave."

"That's not good!" Mrs. Zhu was about to prepare the ingredients, but she hesitated when she heard the words: "You are all family members of the garrison base. If you can't handle the relationship well, what should they do if they speak ill of you later?"

"It's okay, just do as I say." Luo Bi was not worried about someone saying bad things.

After Luo Bi said so, Mrs. Zhu replaced the nutritious ingredients that she was going to prepare with low-nutrition ones, saying that they were low-nutrition, but it was not much lower. Luo Bi has always eaten well, and a group of children can't eat too badly, so the ingredients in the kitchen are all high in nutritional energy.

Mrs. Zhu carefully selected the ingredients, and picked out the relatively worst ones from a pile of ingredients. Guan Zhuting picked the vegetables, and Mrs. Zhu wore an apron to handle the spoon.

Half an hour later, the food was served on the table, and everyone sat around and ate together. After the meal, Lan Qiao helped clean up the tableware, Lan Yingying washed her hands and didn't plan to do anything, she sat on the sofa playing with a small optical computer, Bai He accompanied her, chatting in a low voice.

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