Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 999 He cares too much

The team that was going to kill the imperial concubine pig passed by, and noticed that there were mostly children in this line of floating convoy, so they took a second look curiously.

Luo Bi took out the paper bag and licked the river melon seeds, and Xue Yue's hover car took a wrong step, carrying Mr. Zhu and several other combat members on it. Xue Yue, as the captain of the Sun Emperor Star's second combat team, is willing to accompany him out to guard this time. No matter who it is for face, it is a favor. Mr. Zhu got on Xue Yue's hover car if he wanted to make friends, and sat on his lap. Grandson Zhu Xingbao.

The Zhu family is a thousand-year-old family in the empire, and there is no harm in being close to it. Xue Yue started chatting with Mr. Zhu while driving. Mr. Zhu is an old man, and he can also find topics, and talk about his experience of killing strange beasts and monsters. Xue Yue listened patiently.

Zhu Xingbao didn't eat anything at the moment, he lowered his head and remained silent. Luo Bi looked back and saw that she had snacks, but the children didn't. It was ridiculous, she asked Feng Ling: "Can I share some with Zhu Xingbao?"

Luo Bi knew that Feng Ling didn't want to see the child, so she immediately said: "I don't like him, Zhu Xingbao is a child, and giving him food is letting him go." That's the reason, nothing else.

Feng Ling showed no expression, Luo Bi waited for his answer, and after a few seconds Feng Ling said: "It's up to you."

You can't do it! Luo Bi was dissatisfied with this answer, she hugged the man's arm and shook it: "I can't do it, you have to say it!"

Feng Ling couldn't do anything with her, sighed, rubbed her face against Luo Bi's cheek, and said dotingly: "Okay, give it! There is only half a catty left in your hand, and you won't have enough to eat if you share it out."

It doesn't matter if she eats or not as an adult, the river melon seeds are just for fun, Luo Bi smiled and divided half into another paper bag, said hello and threw it towards Xue Yue's hover car.

"Then, it's for Zhu Xingbao." Luo Bi pointed his head very well, and threw the paper bag straight at Xue Yue who was next to him.

Xue Yue drove the suspension car, picked it up with one hand, and passed it to Zhu Xingbao. The little guy smelled the river melon seeds, his little head straightened up immediately, and his chubby hands reached into the paper bag to grab the river melon seeds to eat.

The two hovercars were driving almost side by side. Luo Bi looked at the other hovercar while eating watermelon seeds, leaned over Fengling's arm and looked at Zhu Xingbao carefully, without any wrong eyes.

Feng Ling's face darkened: "What are you looking at?"

"See how many teeth Zhu Xingbao has?" Luo Bi didn't see it clearly, lost interest, straightened up and continued to eat melon seeds, and muttered: "This kid has really good teeth, he's been eating like this since he was two years old."

For such a reason, Feng Ling chuckled lightly, he was too concerned about it, and he was always on guard against what he thought was wrong.

An hour and a half later, the levitation convoy arrived at the edge of the Qingyao star planet. There are not many platforms suitable for parking ships on the rocky highlands. Luo Bi was not uncommonly involved with Tang Luer, so she brought it up.

This small request Feng Ling naturally complied with her, drove the hover car around in the air, and selected a small platform. The terrain of the platform is moderate, and it is separated from other ships. It has a wide field of vision and a high safety factor.

After landing the suspension convoy on the platform, everyone got out of the car one after another, stood on the edge and looked up. In the rain and fog, as far as the eye can see, there are two large hunting teams besieging two imperial concubine pigs, and three birds and beasts in the sky are flying around, waiting to enjoy their rewards.

Luo Bi looked up, they couldn't deal with the ones flying in the sky, and the concubine pigs on the ground looked like adults, and the golden balls they spit out were not only big, but also very dense, not easy to mess with!

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