Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 1128 The Heaven-defying Writer Chagatai 3

Tsk. It smells so strong of wine. Horus must have drunk too much. His wine taste is really bad.

Horus's eyes were blurred, and he only knew that the four voices in his head were getting louder and louder, and the angry-faced Sanguinius in front of him became more and more moving and beautiful.

Sanguinius was smaller than the other primarchs, and Horus had to lower his head slightly to fully see her body.

He put his hands on Sanguinius's waist, arousing the latter's doubts.

Looking at the slightly frowning brows and gently flapping wings, the throbbing in my heart shattered all reason.

Horus suddenly hugged Sanguinius's waist and pulled her into his arms domineeringly.

In order to prevent Sanguinius from struggling, he even held the back of Sanguinius's head with his other hand to prevent her from moving around.

This was a long and suffocating interrogation. When Sanguinius felt the passion between Horus' lips and teeth, she was so shocked that she could not move.

The strong and powerful body of the original body also became soft and weak at this moment, and Sanguinius felt what it felt like to be weak for the first time.

"Horus! What are you doing!" It was Perturabo who roared, and the exquisite gift he was holding for Sanguinius fell to the ground and shattered.

Horus turned a deaf ear to Perturabo's questioning, and only intensified his plundering of the sweet taste of Sanguinius.

The Luna Wolf suppressed the holy angel tightly, trying to make her completely integrate into his body. Only pitiful whining sounds came from between the two of them.

Angrily, Perturabo activated the cannon on his armor and fired at Horus's back without hesitation.

The specially-made armor-piercing bullets penetrated the armor and shattered the flesh. Horus' big hands holding the angel loosened a little under the pain.

The latter immediately flapped its wings and flew out of Horus' arms.

At this time, Sanguinius looked pitiful, with surprise, anger, and shyness blooming on her beautiful face.

The kind and tolerant bridge undulated violently, and the lips were even more red and swollen, revealing a charming bright red color.

The stinging sensation on her lips made her want to lick her lips to appease her, but she was unable to do this due to her dignity and shyness. In the end, she could only give Horus a cold look and wipe the water stains with her golden arm armor. face.

This completely aroused Horus' desire. He was breathing heavily, seemingly giving up all reason, and no matter how much blood flowed from his waist, his gaze towards the angel did not waver.

At this moment, the hall shook violently, and rubble fell from the dome.

The noisy and disorderly weird songs came from hell, and the deep cracks opened wildly across the entire planet, and countless demons poured out of them. They sang the names of the dark gods and the arrival of a new era.

In this chaos, Horus is no longer Horus.

The banquet celebrating victory slid towards the abyss of war. Standing next to Horus were the famous demons under the throne of the dark gods. They were wearing extraordinary armor forged by the gods themselves, and the blasphemous light they emitted could pierce. Blind mortal eyes.

Horus was filled with evil energy, and his eyes were as deep as black holes. Only when he looked at Sanguinius would the bright light of a supernova explosion bloom.

In the boundless chaos, Horus shouted, "Sanguinius! You belong to me!"

The unrelenting support of the four gods allowed Horus to crush all the original bodies. The crazy Curze rushed to try to stop Horus from desecrating the angels, but he was easily cut in half by the sharp claws and died.

The remaining Primarchs stared intently as they attacked Horus. But without the support of divine power, how could they be Horus's opponents? In the fierce attack of the demon and Horus, the original bodies were killed and injured.

Fulgrim died blocking Ferus's knife. Before dying, he touched Ferus's face and expressed his recognition of Ferus.

Vulkan was seriously injured when he retreated out of the hall to cover the rest of the Primarchs. He was brought alive by Lingchi and turned into a living candle that would never be extinguished hanging in the middle of the demon sacrifice pit.

Finally, there was Sanguinius, who realized the reason for Horus' persistence and hoped that by sacrificing herself, she would give her other brothers a chance to escape from the planet.

In the doomsday of falling from the sky, Sanguinius wiped the blood from Perturabo's armor, accepted the small blanket given to her by Dorn, hugged Guilliman and Corax, and left with fluttering wings.

"Go, my brothers. Tell Father the news of this place, and let him stop Horus' madness."

The tide of Chaos was blocked by Angron and the World Eaters. Their Butcher's Nails were soaked with enough blood and no longer stung, but Angron still hated Horus' betrayal.

He was breathing heavily, and the two huge chain axes showed signs of transformation into subspace creations because they had killed too many demons.

Looking at Horus getting closer and closer to him, Angron was not afraid. He cursed and charged. The World Eaters followed closely, slaughtering thousands of demons and rushing to Horus's throne. Down.

When Sanguinius arrived, Angron had already been defeated. He only lasted a dozen rounds in front of Horus.

"Put him down, Horus. Don't make things worse." Sanguinius' voice trembled, full of blame and sorrow for her brother.

Horus showed a cruel smile. He held the Butcher's Nail embedded in Angron's brain and said, "You care about him? No, no, no. You can only care about me! Me!"

The next second, Angron's Butcher's Nail was uprooted, his brain and spine were torn off, and the flesh, flesh and mechanical cables were mixed together and became indistinguishable from each other.

Angron died, his body shaking with agony, and all surviving World Eaters fell into a rage of revenge, vowing to avenge their father.

But in the end it's just a moth flying into the flame.

Sanguinius shed two lines of clear tears. She looked at Horus and said, "Why. My brother. Why."

The next second she put away all her fragility and sadness, her face was cold and ruthless, she pointed her sword directly at Horus' throat and said word by word, "I will kill you and let you, a treacherous guy, fall into hell." Atonement!"

Horus just laughed, opening his chest and asking Sanguinius, "Is this the way you like to play? As long as you like it, I can do anything!"

The two fought together, Sanguinius delivering deadly blows, and Horus enjoying himself.

As the pleasure wore off, Horus had a second thought. He grabbed Sanguinius's wings, buried them in them, took a deep breath, and then ripped them open.

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