“Welcome the impact!!!”

The sergeant's loud voice still resounded throughout the entire front line. Joseph had never liked hearing this guy's roar so much. On this battlefield where people were dying all the time, there was such an energetic noncommissioned officer supervising the battle. It's really a reassuring thing.

Waaagh! The green-skinned roars were getting closer and closer to them, and the unaimed shots poured all the bullets onto the bulletproof steel plates that Joseph had temporarily inserted into the soil, making a clanking sound.

The heavy weapon positions on the battlefield that had not been taken away by the orcs opened fire again, but this time their targets changed from the speeding junk cars to the vast ocean of orcs. The artillery from behind the position struck again, falling on the orcs, clearing out a large group of craters mixed with shrapnel and corpses.

Such artillery attacks effectively affected the momentum of the orcs' charge, but they also created many temporary bunkers for them. Those orcs who didn't like to rush up and fight with axes and old fists took out the big guns they were carrying. In the same Orc style, three or four thick barrels were welded together. A bullet chain protruded from the recommended ammunition box carried on the back, and the orc roughly inserted it into the ammunition inlet, stepping on the soil in the pit. , stepped up with the other foot, put the strange-looking gun on his waist, and fired at the light spots with the most intensive shooting in the Astra Militarum position.


The three gun barrels fired almost at the same time. Perhaps only the emperor could understand why one bullet chain could supply three or four gun barrels at the same time. "Wow, hahaha, you shrimps are as quiet as weak chickens!" The Gun Orcs arrogantly despised the firepower of the Astra Militarum soldiers, and a series of bullets scattered over to suppress the position of a heavy firepower weapons team.

"Mortar squad! See that orc standing in the pit!"

"Saw it, sir!"

"I don't want to see him!"


The mortar squad in the circular trench used a rangefinder to aim at the orc who was still standing in the pit pouring ammunition. Another soldier raised the mortar shell in his hand to the muzzle.

"One shot reload!"

"One shot reload!"



Under the orders of the artillery squad sergeant, the soldiers repeated the orders of the sergeant in an orderly manner, and loaded a mortar shell with their hands and feet without stopping.

With a bang, the explosion of the mortar firing pin triggered the fuse and sent the high-explosive bomb out. The iron plate cushioned in the ground to absorb the impact also shook violently. The shock wave and sound wave shook the soil on the walls of the pit. Had to shake it off.

Whoosh! The sound was mixed into the symphony of bolter machine guns and rear fire support, blasting the orc who loved to shoot wildly into the sky. The high-explosive ammunition fell right at his feet, tearing apart his armor. Shattered, shrapnel penetrated his body, and the fire wave and high temperature of the explosion roasted him to a crisp.

Joseph shrank his head into the tunnel as much as possible, placed the laser gun in his hand almost level and then subconsciously fired, not because he was too timid and cowardly, but because of the indiscriminate shooting caused by the vast number of orcs. The rain of bullets coming out was almost non-stop. He had heard the jingling sound of his two bulletproof plates for several minutes. The sand above his head was constantly being knocked away by the orcs' bullets, and a large amount of it flowed down. dust onto his helmet.

The good comrade who dared to probe and shoot was completely silenced after a stray bullet went straight into his head. Only the lucky boy was left with Joseph in the tunnel, and he also used the same probe. shooting.

Boom, boom, boom!

This sound that was obviously different from other sounds was received by Joseph. The muscles all over his body tensed instantly, he retracted the gun in his hand, and then leaned against the bayonet on the other wall of the tunnel. The boy's attention had obviously been on Joseph, and he quickly moved closer to him and raised his bayonet.

"Waaagh!" An ugly orc's head emerged, looking into the tunnel. Joseph hit his head with a shot and fell to the ground. More orcs heard the news and rushed over quickly.

"Eat my old punch!" An orc with metal gloves tied on his hands jumped into the tunnel and punched Joseph in the face. However, the tunnel was obviously much narrower than what he saw outside, so his The shoulder was stuck in the middle of the tunnel, and the speed and distance of the punch were also limited.

He lowered his head to avoid the orc's attack, and pierced the boxing orc with his bayonet from bottom to top.

"Sir, be careful!"

The warning from the soldier behind him made Joseph fall to the ground subconsciously. An orc's blow to his head was missed, and then he was shot into a sieve by the lucky soldier with a laser gun.

"Thanks for the reminder, brother."


Seeing that the rookie, who had recovered from the tension and fear, gradually looked like a soldier, Joseph breathed a sigh of relief. At least it was better than fighting alone.

It's a pity that the rookie soldier and Joseph's good luck ended there. An Orc shell fell right between the two men. With the black smoke rising from the explosion, the two soldiers fell in the trench.

The loud-voiced sergeant at the front line also made no movement. After tens of thousands of boys died, the Orcs broke through this temporary and simple defense line.


"The first trench is lost! Request fire cover in tunnel 00371!"

"There is no firepower cover! The orcs rushing in front have messed up the artillery position behind us. Before we reorganize, you need to hold the defense line!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"How long will it take!"

"Twenty minutes!"

"You can collect my body in twenty minutes!"

The extremely corrupted Sergeant Kamik threw the microphone in his hand to the ground fiercely, and the signalman next to him was a little scared and reconnected the microphone to the high-frequency communicator on his back.

The first line of defense built by hundreds of thousands of mines and soldiers was completely lost in the half-hour pig-like attack of the orcs. It was not until they were forced into the central position that they were barely blocked. This was also the last line of defense to protect the artillery. It was only a short distance of five kilometers from the steel gate of the Heglas nest.

Sergeant Kamik picked up the laser rifle in the corner and walked out of the bunker angrily. He knew that there would be no artillery support. Those guys who said that they would take 20 minutes to prepare the position must have used the precious time to withdraw their beloved petrified lizards and manticores into the gate of Heglas.

Petrified lizard

That is to say, the troops stationed in the central position became the lone troops at the rear. Although he had already prepared to sacrifice himself for the Emperor, he was still indignant that his teammates had sold out his back so ruthlessly.

"Sir, is there any support?"

As soon as he came out of the bunker, he was asked about support by a soldier lying on the shooting hole. The sergeant who was still angry immediately changed his appearance and answered the soldier enthusiastically and confidently: "Stay at your post, loyal soldier! Our armored torrent is coming soon, and use their big artillery to send all these green beasts to the sky!"

Looking at the determined commander, the soldiers raised their fighting spirit one by one, and the morale that was originally affected by the fear of being abandoned was restored again.

Kamik nodded confidently to every soldier he passed, like a general reviewing his troops at a victory parade.

"Emperor, forgive me for my lies."

Kamik's prayers were completely drowned out by the roar of the orcs rushing into the trench.

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