\\u003c?xml version\\u003d\\1.0\\ encoding\\u003d\\utf-8\\ standalone\\u003d\\no\\?\\u003e \\u003c!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \\-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\\ \\ idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003ch1 class\\u003d\\chapterTitle1\\ id\\u003d\\heading_id_2\\ idx\\u003d\\\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\0\\\\u003eChapter 56 Tom Waaagh\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/h1\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\0\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\1\\\\u003e"Thick Armor" Benglak and a group of boys tiptoed towards the dark street in the form of orcs. After a morning of fierce fighting, there were only a few flames from corpses that had not been burned clean and some fuel that had not been burned out on the dirty cars. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\1\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\1\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\2\\\\u003eBenglak and his boys held two hacking knives. When they were in the Heglas Nest, they hacked all the way from the south gate to the north gate. They didn't even blink. As for whether their eyes were dry or not? The eyes of the most waaagh! Orcs will never be dry! Because the blood of shrimps will moisten them. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\2\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\2\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\3\\\\u003eBenglak touched his chin and thought for a while. Waaagh! He had forgotten how to fight and knocked his head hard with his hand. He suddenly remembered what the big guys often told them, "Waaagh! Kill him!"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\3\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\3\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\4\\\\u003eThe cunning, strong, green and smelly big guys sat on the high garbage mountain and told them exciting stories. The big guys said earnestly: Talk to your brothers, tell them to roar at the opposite side, and then pick up the Tutu and shoot them all. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\4\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\4\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\5\\\\u003eThe big guy's words are always so simple and easy to understand. Even an idiot with a Squig's brain can understand what they mean. This is much better than that guy in the clan who holds a blast and recites some half-understood poems all day long. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\5\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\5\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\6\\\\u003eThinking of this, Benglak turned around and looked at a kid who was also holding two axes. "What kind of shit does that Zhazhongchang often talk about?"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\6\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\6\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\7\\\\u003e“Uh.

I remember it was 'The cannons are going up to blast his mother, my beast warriors are going to Waaagh! Sifang'"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\7\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\7\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\8\\ \\u003e"Ah, yes, that's it! We're going to Waaagh! Quartet! ”\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\8\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\8\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\9\\\\u003e With this thought in mind, Beng Lak called the boys with guns over here and started clicking at the shrimps, and those of us armed with double axes were going to sneak over and cut them into shit \\u003c/blk\\u003e! \\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\9\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\9\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\10\\\\u003e"Yes! "The orc with the big gun stood up and fired randomly at the stone nests of the shrimps with the click gun in his hand, and then shouted Waaagh!\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\ u003d\\10\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\10\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\11\\\\u003e Ben Lak bent down and ran in the other direction. u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\11\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\11\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\12\\\\u003e Cross Street The soldiers in the fortress were awakened by the sudden fire attack. The soldiers on shift hurriedly woke up all those who were resting, quickly found their respective posts, and nervously observed the surroundings. u003cp idx\\u003d\\12\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\12\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\13\\\\u003eThe fire of the orc's click gun is so dazzling in the dark night, the fortress The sniper determined his position at a glance and shot straight into his head with a steady shot. p_idx\\u003d\\13\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\14\\\\u003eThe remaining orcs with guns looked at his beaten head, and stretched out their hands one by one, facing the general direction of the fortress. One shot. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\14\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\14\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\15 \\\\u003e“Ouch! Who shot me in the ass! "A scream of pain made the soldiers of the fortress notice the darkness on the other side. An orc who was standing up and covering his buttocks cursed at the black gun teammates behind him, and next to him were dozens of huge old cardboard boxes.

" You bastard! You exposed us!” u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\17\\\\u003e"I wasn't exposed! It was those bastards who shot me in the ass!"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\17\\ p_idx\\u003d \\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\17\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\18\\\\u003e As the soldiers were stunned, a cardboard box stretched out his fist and gave it to the two quarreling orcs. A heavy head breaks. " Stop barking, you weaklings! "\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\19\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\19\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\20\\\\u003eThe punch that hit the orc's head was so clear and lasting. If Lin Fan were here, he would recite a poem: The sound is heard in the empty valley, and the sorrow lasts for a long time. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\20\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\20\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\21\\\\u003e The orc who had hit his head picked up the ax on the ground again, then got into the cardboard box and followed the team quietly. " Are they using cardboard boxes to infiltrate? 0\\ e_order\\u003d\\23\\\\u003e"I guess so"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\23\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\23 \\e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\24\\\\u003eThe operator of the heavy bolt machine gun felt a little dumbfounded. Who knew that these ferocious green-skinned beasts were such live treasures, "Alas." In a speechless sigh, The machine guns opened fire. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\24\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\24\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\25\\\\u003e bang The bang bang bang bang sound of machine guns rang out, and a series of deadly bombs were fired at the group of cardboard boxes.

" No! We've been discovered. Beng Lak ripped open the cardboard box and ran away with the ax in his hand. Their fate was not so good. The cardboard boxes they were wearing had no protective effect. The cardboard boxes were scratched by the hot bullets, and their muscular bodies were also beaten into pieces. " Good boys, I will remember you." Wiping the non-existent tears from the corner of his eyes, Beng Lak continued to rush towards the stainless steel door of the fortress. This was done by using Xiami's "stomach-shocking" skills. I knew it from some colorful pictures I found there, and it took me 50 big teeth to find out what was written on them from the smartest guy in the clan. " What does it say? If you want your boys to Waaagh up, encourage them more!” \\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\28\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\29\\\\u003eEncourage them? To be honest, the only encouragement Benglac knew was to smash their big teeth with his big fists and kick their butts with his big boots. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\29\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\29\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\30\\\\u003eBut He remembered that those "stomach shockers" were indeed very powerful. There were very few of them among the shrimps, and each one of them could be fucked to a great extent. After fighting a "stomach shocker", you would feel that your appetite would be greatly increased today. It is indeed "stomach-shaking" enough. Those When the shrimps would just worship their gods, scream, pray and try to escape like weak chickens, those "Shockwee" would always rush over shouting "Waaagh! Le Dihuang!" and kill a few of them along the way. Their own boy, just because they can do it, which is honestly pretty cool. Oh By the way, I forgot one thing about encouragement. \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\32\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\32\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\33\\\\u003e crash Lark stopped in his sprint, just in time to avoid a barrage of bolters anticipating his running position.

" Damn! You hit it wrong!" e_order\\u003d\\35\\\\u003e"I didn't hit it wrong, he stopped suddenly!"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\35\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\ u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\35\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\36\\\\u003e Benglak raised his ax, took aim at the bright spots of those who fired, and then threw the ax. The ax that rotated at high speed crossed an extremely long distance and hit the head of an orc who was about to sneak back to the camp. " Ah!" A scream came, and Benglac nodded with satisfaction, preparing for the next step in his encouragement process. He picked up his ax and rushed towards the front of the fortress. " Waaag! " X \\ U003D \\ 0 \\ E_ORDER \\ U003D \\39\\\\u003eThe Imperial soldiers looked at each other, "Did you hear a strange battle cry for the Emperor?"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\39\\ p_idx\\u003d\\ \\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\39\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\40\\\\u003e "I heard it. To be honest, the accent is really strong. I don’t know which small settlement at the bottom of the hive city it is from. The brothers shouted so loudly." \\ e_order\\u003d\\41\\\\u003e Beng Lak rushed forward without hesitation. He even felt that he was running faster than usual! More powerful! Hey ! These "stomach shaking" methods are really good! \\ U003C/BLK \\ U003E \\ U003C/P \\ U003E \\ U003CP IDX \\ U003D \\ 42 \\ P_IDX \\ U003D 003E \\ U003CBLK P_idX \\ 42 \\ E_IDX 003d \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 E_ORDER \\ U003D \\ 43 \\\\ U003E see As the guy who was a full circle bigger than the other orcs rushed over like an unstoppable tank, the heavy machine gun operating squad became extremely anxious.

" Load it quickly!"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\44\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\44\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\ u003d\\45\\\\u003e"The bullet chain is stuck. The machine soul is unhappy!"\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\45\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx \\u003d\\45\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\46\\\\u003e"What? This."\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\46\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\ \\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\46\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\47\\\\u003eDuring the brief period when the heavy bolt machine gun temporarily lost its temper, Benglac rushed to the closed gate at the bottom of the fortress. " It's okay, he only has an ax on him. He can't open the door that was inspected by the Mechanic Priest himself. \\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\48\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\49\\\\u003e"That bolter was also blessed by the priest, so there is still something wrong."\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\ u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\49\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\49\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\50\\\\u003e"A door is a door, a bolter It's a bolter, that's two different things."\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\50\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\50\\ e_idx \\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\51\\\\u003e Bang! Bang! Bang! \\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\51\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\51\\ e_idx\\u003d\\0\\ e_order\\u003d\\52\\\\u003e crash The sound of Lark slashing at the door with the ax in his hand spread throughout the fortress, and every blow was accompanied by the twisted creaking sound of the huge metal door. " Does this mean the door is about to open? ”\\u003c/blk\\u003e\\u003c/p\\u003e\\u003cp idx\\u003d\\53\\ p_idx\\u003d\\\\\\u003e\\u003cblk p_idx\\u003d\\53\\ e_idx\\u003d\\ 0\\e_order\\u003d\\54\\\\u003e". I think you are right.

"\\ U003C/BLK \\ U003E \\ U003C/P \\ U003E \\ U003CP IDX \\ U003D \\ 54 \\ P_IDX \\ U003D 003E \\ U003CBLK P_IDX \\ E_IDX 003d \\ 03D \\ 03D \\ U003D \\ 0 0 \\ E_ORDER \\ U003D \\ 55 \\\\ U003e "Stop talking nonsense here! If you don't want to be eaten by that green-skinned monster, go to the gate and set up a gun! "\\ U003C/BLK \\ U003E \\ U003C/P \\ U003E \\ U003CP IDX \\ U003D \\ P_IDX \\ U003D 003e 003CBLK P_IDX \\ u003D \\ E_IDX 003d \\ 0 0 \\ e_ORDER \\ U003D \\ 56 \\\\ U003e "yes! Sir! "\\ U003C/BLK \\ U003E \\ U003C/P \\ U003E \\ U003CP IDX \\ U003D \\ 56 \\ P_IDX \\ U003D 003E \\ U003CBLK P_IDX \\ 56 \\ E_IDX 003d \\ 0 03D \\ u003d \\ 0 0 \\ e_order \\ u003d \\ 57 \\\\ u003e The veteran noncommissioned officer looked at these soldiers who were in a nonsense mood as they were about to die. He silently picked up the chain sword hanging on the wall and followed them down. /body\\u003e\\u003c/html\\u003e

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