"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Die!! You bastard!"

Under Lin Fan's extremely shocked gaze, Delia's fuselage unfolded, and the two modified arms quickly deformed. One of them turned into a heavy felling machine gun with a cold light, and the other turned into a I bought an electromagnetic circular saw that looks extremely sharp. The engineering backpack used to carry lifting tongs and thermal cutting lasers protruded from the bottom and inserted into the side of the heavy machine gun. It seemed that Dili was being chased by the rebels and encountered the demon army. Ya had a serious sense of crisis.

Delia raised her arms and poured out her fury at the leader.

A series of heavy armor-piercing bullets blocked all possible dodge directions for the clan leader based on the calculations of Delia's modified electronic prosthetic eyes, although in Lin Fan's eyes it was more like random shooting like shotguns.

The clan leader moved his body quickly, but was still injured by the armor-piercing bullet, bleeding hot purple blood. But such injuries cannot affect a beast fighting for the hive consciousness. It mobilizes the glands in the body, secretes a large amount of hormones, and contracts every damaged muscle with its excellent control of the body.

The purple blood stopped flowing out, and the clan leader's movements became faster.

Delia stared at the movements of the patriarch. In the past, she would never have been able to keep up with such a monster. Although the electronic eyes could record every move of this beast, the reaction of the body was not enough to support such speed. transformation.

But after being blessed by the God of All Machines - that is, Lin Fan's embrace, Delia felt that all the mechanical parts on her body were exploding unimaginably, to the point of exceeding the efficiency of basic rules. Those power gears and springs shone with a faint golden light, and Delia felt that the body she was blessed with now was so warm and unstoppable.

"Delia, be careful!" Lin Fan dodged over and prepared to use his own strength to directly kick the robber clan leader to pieces.

"Get out of the way!" Delia shouted, which startled Lin Fan. Then he turned around and saw Delia, who was embarrassed and blushing. "Let me come."

Lin Fan was just about to persuade this girl not to act impulsively, just like she did when racing in Kamaklan World, but Delia's speed gave Lin Fan a new surprise.

Delia immediately jumped up, the originally solid deck slightly dented under the impact of her legs, and Delia's red-robed figure quickly flew past Lin Fan, not giving him any space. Any opportunity to speak.

"Is it true that Delia is so fierce in wiping? It seems that I shouldn't treat her as a girl in the future."

While Lin Fan was thinking this, the confrontation between Delia and the clan leader began.

"GrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRtttt to run away but approach me actively?) He yelled angrily at Delia, with all four paws at the same time When exposed, these sharp claws can easily tear through the ceramite armor of a Space Marine, even when facing a Terminator's armor, as easily as tearing through paper.

"If I don't come closer, how can I beat you up!" Delia faced the clan leader's scream without any intention of retreating. The electromagnetic circular saw, blessed by anger and divine power, faced the sharp and huge clan leader. claws.

To the clan leader's surprise, the easy tearing scene that was supposed to occur did not occur. Instead, Delia's electromagnetic circular saw cut hard into the claw, splitting it directly into two.

"Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" (How is this possible?)

"Shut up, you monster that ruins the atmosphere!" Without any mercy, Delia grabbed the patriarch's head with her lifting pliers, cut off its remaining two claws with a thermal cutting laser, and cut off the other two claws in her own hands. The machine gun fired at the clan leader's armor-wrapped abdomen.

Yellow bullet casings littered the ground, and the fragments of the patriarch's chitinous carapace mixed with the purple blood from the wound contaminated the entire deck. But Delia still didn't want to let go of the culprit who ruined her wonderful "date" with Wan Jishen.

The mechanical arm firmly grasped the huge patriarch and fixed it firmly. The circular saw that had just shattered one of the patriarch's claws sounded again and cut into the patriarch's body.

In the eyes of the leader of the chicken thieves, the creature with extremely abnormal temperature in front of him was more terrifying and frightening than the big armored men he had sensed before. The pain of being cut into the body by the circular saw and the huge mental terror made him raise his head and scream: "Main Nest! Save me!!!"

———Half an hour later.

Lin Fan felt a little numb. The poor chicken thief clan leader had not done anything yet and was completely dismembered by Delia's circular saw. His internal organs and purple blood basically covered the entire wall. Delia, on the other hand, had an expression of venting resentment as she enjoyed torturing the patriarch.

"Ahem, Delia, he's already dead, so let him go first."

When Delia heard Lin Fan's words, she stopped what she was doing, put down the unlucky clan leader who was like a rag, and turned back to look at Lin Fan with a gentle smile, "Yeah."

To be honest, Delia's smile would be quite eye-catching if there wasn't a disgusting corpse behind her and purple blood and visceral fragments covered all over her body that I don't know if it can be washed away.

"Then what should we do now?" Delia approached Lin Fan like a kitten and asked for his opinion.

Lin Fan scratched his head and looked at Delia who was in a good mood and said, "Well, let's call the Battle Sisters over. After all, they have many flamethrowers, don't they?"

After giving a detailed report to the upper management, Lin Fan also told the story of Delia's feat of killing a Genestealer patriarch. The higher-ups were delighted and sent a team of battle nuns to clean up the scene.

The Battle Sisters who arrived at the scene all gave a thumbs up to Delia's great achievements and praised her for being a good sister if she joined the Battle Sisters.

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Fan's head when he heard these words. No matter what, he couldn't imagine that Delia, who tortured her until she was covered in blood, and even washed out several kilograms of internal organ fragments from her joints, was a good sister.

Battle Sister

"The battle nuns are really a bunch of crazy women." Lin Fan and Delia, who silently sighed in their hearts, then repaired the damaged automatic door and returned to the station. Delia said goodbye to Lin Fan with resentful eyes and returned. In his dormitory alone.

"Really, I was interrupted again, and I couldn't even record the video." After Delia changed into a brand new Mechanicus robe, she lay on the bed and buried her head in a pillow, silently cursing the blind patriarch.

"But today is pretty good, isn't it? The embrace of Wan Jishen is so warm. Hehe, there will definitely be another chance in the future!" While thinking about her future life, Delia lay on the bed and gradually entered a dormant state. .

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