"Run! Run! Don't let those things get close to you, or your soul will be taken away!" Lin Fan and his soldiers were running desperately, and the battery backpacks that charged the hell guns were already in mid-air. It was completely exhausted an hour ago, and now it needs to be given some time to recharge.

The general appearance of a stormtrooper (I realized I could illustrate it after being reminded by a comment)

"How can there be so many of these things! The throne is up there!" Old Jock complained. When they successfully passed the hall and opened the door to continue exploring deeper, those huge ships piled up layer by layer The void in the ship made Lin Fan feel bad.

This hulk wasn't just an Orc's ancient giant battleship put together, but an entire Great Waaagh fleet squeezed into a damn tomb of rubbish. The unimaginable number of orc souls fell like rain from a high place where the top floor could not be seen at a glance, and rushed towards Lin Fan and his party.

After desperately pouring hell gun fire and squeezing physical energy, and even using the potions inside the Stormtroopers' full-body armor, everyone was able to rush out the souls of the orcs who kept crowding in, and ran at a relatively safe distance. .

But there were also those unlucky ones who were hit by the falling orc souls and fell down without any scars at all. Now Lin Fan was running with this unlucky guy on his shoulders.

"Delia! Hurry up and find the place with the densest energy fluctuations in the subspace!"

"I'm looking, I'm looking!" Delia ran anxiously while using all the instruments in her hands to search for any possible doubts.

But Lin Fan heard some unusual sounds, the dull and rapid sound of gunfire, mixed with the sharp sound of laser blasts. This must be the battle nuns and those stormtroopers. Thinking of this, Lin Fan didn't want to let Delia continue to search for possible subspace nodes. He had to meet up with friendly forces first.

"Delia! Did you hear the gunfire coming from the pipe on the left?"

"Hear it, that's the sound of bolter and hellgun fire."

"Take us to them!"

"Okay! Come with me!"

Delia's mechanically enhanced senses were able to find the right path among these chaotic sounds. After leading everyone through a complex and chaotic area where ships collided with each other, the scenery in front of Lin Fan and others changed from The wild and rough ship style of the orcs was replaced by an imperial ship with a strong religious style and square and regular style.

"Come on! The gunfire is just ahead!"

Everyone stepped up their pace. It can only be said that in such high-intensity running, having a carapace can indeed help you save a lot of energy. Old Jock became more and more fond of these things that he used to call disdainfully: only toy soldiers would wear these shiny armors on the battlefield. This simply told the enemy that I was a big threat and fired at me.

"When you get back, you must apologize to that Stormtrooper buddy and treat him to Reka coffee."

While Old Jock was still thinking wildly, Lin Fan and the others finally saw the source of the gunfire. Gavestin, who had built a temporary position not far away, the Battle Sisters under her command, and the Stormtroopers of the Tribunal were resisting another attack. A batch of souls were attacking, and judging from the outlines of those souls, it was obvious that they were former soldiers and sailors on these imperial ships.

The situation of the Sisters of Gavistine was not good either. Several sisters and stormtroopers who suddenly fell without any injuries were dragged to the center of the position for protection. The accompanying medical sisters did their best to protect them. Treating them, even in vain, is better than doing nothing.

"Get closer to the Battle Sister and check the Hellgun energy reserve."

"Charge 15%, sir."

"Enough for us to rush through, for the Emperor!"

Lin Fan held a gun in one hand and the bodies of his comrades in the other and ran towards Gavestin's position, and quickly swept away the souls of the imperial soldiers on the sides of their position.

"Forgive me, we still have a mission." Silently apologizing to the soldiers of the empire, Lin Fan cleared a safe passage for the soldiers behind him.

Sister Gavestin on the battlefield watched Lin Fan's heroic actions and outstanding shooting ability and nodded in approval.

"Cover them, Sister Annis!"

"Yes! Sister!"

The battle nun whose name was called adjusted the flamethrower in her hand and swept the general direction in which Lin Fan and the others were rushing. The scorching promethium burning flames stained the ground for a long time, stirring up the souls who tried to cross. fragments.

Lin Fan also successfully rejoined the friendly forces under the cover of this wall of fire.

"Captain Soap reporting to you."

"No need to be polite, loyal captain." Gavestin looked at Lin Fan who was reporting to her, and asked him what to do now, "These souls are attacking us, we have already killed several sisters, what should we do? ”

"Sister?" The battle sisters on the side couldn't understand. Logically speaking, it should be the Senior Sister Gavestin who has the power to order the entire army, not an ordinary one. Well, it's not ordinary, but it shouldn't be one. The Astra Militarum Captain should provide combat advice.

Gavestin ignored her and just stared at Lin Fan silently with the eyes under his helmet, hoping that this person who was valued by Judge Weisi could bring hope.

"These souls are poor souls bound to the ship by the blasphemous energy of the subspace. Only by destroying the subspace node that transports energy can these souls rest in peace. As for your sisters, we will take them with us and destroy their souls at the node. He will come back again." Lin Fan quickly relayed everything he learned from the emperor to Sister Gavestin.

"Okay, Tahir, check the subspace energy."

"Sister, the instrument is still in chaos and cannot check the energy concentration at all."

"Then we can only use the old method." Sister Gavestin was not angry, but silently took out an emperor icon wrapped in white cloth from the tactical belt of her ivory white power armor.

Sister Gavestin held the emperor's icon in her hands, knelt down on one knee, and prayed devoutly.

Lin Fan looked at the movements of the nun and just wanted to remind him that the emperor did not know where the subspace node was. When Lin Fan saw the holy statue in Gavestin's hand shining with a faint golden light, it turned into a thin thread. The long shining golden needle pointed in one direction.

"..." Lin Fan only felt that the emperor was really partial, but he still decided to ask the nun how she knew.

"This is?"

"The Emperor's icon contains the power of piety accumulated by our Sisters through hundreds of years of prayer. It is like a beacon of faith in the filth of subspace."

"Then I understand." It seemed that the emperor really didn't know anymore, so Lin Fan decided not to secretly complain about his partiality.

"Big Sister! We are surrounded!" came a panicked voice, and one could hear the wavering of its owner's thoughts.

Lin Fan and Sister Gavestin looked over.

"It's over, this is a bad thing."

On the way Lin Fan and others rushed over, the souls of the orcs also rushed over. Together with the souls of the imperial soldiers in front, they surrounded the newly reunited troops.

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