"It's blood again, this is real." Lin Fan complained while wiping the sticky blood on the eyepiece of his helmet. After wiping away the blood, Lin Fan began to observe the surrounding environment.

The floating broken continent, the sword tombs and brass pillars with skulls inserted everywhere, the altars with scarlet flames, and the boiling and rushing blood on the ground all prove that this is the domain of the blood god Khorne.

"Blood God, well, at least it's better to fight these reckless men than the nimble ones of Slaanesh." Lin Fan took a deep breath and walked towards the towering brass fortress not far away.

The closer you get, the more you can see countless skulls stuck on the endless brass pillars on this magnificent brass fortress. Those skulls of different shapes are like a holy place for astrobiologists. As long as you can get to this yellow A glance at the copper wall will tell you just how many vicious and violent species there are in the entire universe.

Lin Fan was walking on this scorching land. The only places he knew where he could get out of the subspace were the Gate of Cain, which he didn't know the location of. He went directly to the Four Gods to discuss it. Lin Fan decided to go to Khorne. Ask him to open a door and send him back. If Khorne doesn't agree, then he can only participate in the arena and show off his so-called bravery to make him happy. Although Lin Fan feels that under the Blood God's creed, those The Warrior Gate would probably just charge forward like a battering ram, trying to kill Lin Fan with their unstoppable strength and ferocity.

I just hope that I won’t be covered in blood when the collision happens. It will be quite troublesome to wipe it off.

In the distance, Lin Fan heard some loud sounds of running and gasping. He probably looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the flesh and blood hounds under the blood god Khorne running towards him, a fresh and juicy one. Flesh makes them hungry and thirsty.

Flesh Hound

The purpose of these huge scarlet predators is to hunt down the enemies of Khorne, as well as those cowards and villains that he can't stand, such as those cowards who betrayed the creed of bravery in war. If Khorne is admiring it, and notice your flight, the Flesh Hounds will obey Khorne's command and emerge from the warp to tear you to pieces.

Each Flesh Hound is larger than the armored Space Marines, and can overtake any creature without a high-speed vehicle. Eldar web armor and a collar of Khorne around their necks protect them from psionic energy. attack, becoming a specialized demonic force that hunts psykers efficiently. Groups of flesh hounds wander in the wilderness near Khorne's domain, attacking anyone who tries to invade the domain or make a pilgrimage. Khorne doesn't care who dies under their claws. After all, even cute hounds can't. Those who win are not qualified to enter the realm of the God of War.

In the battle with Tzeentch, these hounds that are immune to psychic powers are a great threat. All kinds of spells will fail on them. In the end, only the simplest and stupidest techniques can be used to attack these hounds—— Pull up a big rock or something else and throw it over.

But now, Lin Fan was targeted by these huge hounds.

"Roar!" A threatening voice came from the largest guy in the hound group, and the umbrella-like structure around their necks swelled and trembled with the roar, like an umbrella lizard.

"My dear, this is much bigger than the chess pieces on the table." Lin Fan looked at the bloody mouth and made a rough comparison. It should be no problem to swallow him standing in one gulp.

The hound moved, its powerful muscles crushed the rocks with its feet, and it rushed towards Lin Fan. Its big mouth was tightly closed, leaving no chance of attacking its non-mesh armor from the weak point of the mouth. It wasn't until he got close to Lin Fan and was about to hit him that he quickly opened his mouth and locked Lin Fan's position with his teeth.


The sound of broken teeth was heard, and the first flesh-and-blood hound to bite fell into pain. He stepped back and licked the broken teeth with his tongue. Blood flowed from the gaps between the teeth and dripped down the corners of his mouth. on the ground.

Lin Fan patted the tooth fragments on his body and made a provocative gesture toward the hounds. He bent down and clapped his hands, making a squeaking sound.

The stimulated hounds attacked Lin Fan together, but it must be said that these hounds were very martial. They said they were attacking together, but they actually circled around Lin Fan, and then pounced on him one by one. Really, if Lucius could be so virtuous, Lin Fan wouldn't be so anxious.

These hounds were not as fast as Lucius. Lin Fan was able to catch their movements. He supported the hound's open-toothed mouth with his left hand, and grabbed the big canine teeth on the chin with his other hand. He moved both hands in the opposite direction. With force, the hound was torn in half from its mouth, and the dead hound turned into a ball of flame and dissipated.

With his backhand, he smashed the head of another hound that rushed towards him. Lin Fan began to think about whether these demon hounds were really dead or faked. The demons that he tore into pieces turned into flames, and those like the demon hound with the Flame Demon Battle The ashes left by the Great Unclean One were not seen.

Lin Fan lost his mind while thinking, and the punch that was supposed to smash the hound's head was empty. The hound picked up the head and threw it up high, and then took it into its stomach with its mouth. Seeing the broken teeth of other hounds, it still thought it would be better to swallow them. After all, growing teeth is also very troublesome.

Lin Fan silently took out the wooden double-headed eagle statue from the hound's stomach and placed it on the hound's stomach wall. Golden flames burst out from the double-headed eagle statue and began to spread from the inside out. Lin Fan The struggle and painful roar of the flesh and blood hound could be felt in the stomach, but the torture did not last long. The huge hound was burned to ashes by golden flames in just a few seconds, falling to the ground and Lin Fan's body. .

At this time, the situation began to go wrong. Those fearless hounds showed a trace of hesitation and fear when they saw the double-headed eagle statue in Lin Fan's hand. One hound even took a step back slightly, but this kind of The situation seemed to be considered cowardly by the other hounds, and they all went up together to tear the hound into pieces as he took a step back.

Lin Fan looked at the double-headed eagle statue in his hand and sighed. It seemed that he could not purify the demons. The most he could do was to expel them into the subspace again, leaving them with wounds for hundreds of years before they came out to cause trouble in the world. .

Lin Fan took back the double-headed eagle statue. He now felt that his condition was much better than when he faced Lucius. At least he was no longer passively beaten and helpless. He had to deal with these Blood God demons and let him get it back. Gained a lot of confidence.

"Okay, you brave hounds, thank you for letting me vent my depression these days." After saying that, Lin Fan rushed forward and fought with the hounds.

A few minutes later, not a single hound was standing in front of Lin Fan. He didn't have to worry about the casualties of friendly troops. The feeling of fighting alone was not bad to be honest. He didn't have to watch the comrades he knew day and night die in front of him. This made him feel more relaxed. Lin Fan felt much less depressed and dull.

"Should I resign as an officer and become a lone ranger?" Lin Fan thought about it carefully and gave up the idea, "Should I wait until Armageddon is over and allow Old Jock and the others to survive?" talk later."

Lin Fan then walked towards the Brass Fortress, and behind him, a mysterious shadow was looking at him.


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