A month passed in a hurry, and the Dao Discussion Conference that took place in Cangzhou finally began to show its subsequent impact after a month of fermentation.

The first person to be affected by this Dao Discussion Conference was naturally Cangzhou itself. In the past month or so, the Shui tribe that had been raging in the major river basins completely disappeared.

Most of the water tribes are grateful to the white-robed god for returning the divine way to heaven and earth, and are unwilling to take action against the human race. In addition, the deterrence of Jidu Dragon Palace being suppressed by the white-clothed god remains, so ordinary water tribes do not dare to offend the human race.

However, the number of water tribes is so large that even if the vast majority of water tribes can remain peaceful, as long as some bad-tempered water tribes among them want to seek benefits from the passing human ships, they can cause chaos in the river basin.

This actually happened in the first few days after the conference.

But with the actions of the water tribe gods who tried to become gods through incense, all these things took a turn for the better.

The first person to stop the water tribe from invading human ships was a great Qi-training demon who claimed to be the Mingjiang River God. He protected the human ships from being invaded by the water tribe, and used the power of the water god to help the human ships reach their destination quickly.

This move naturally attracted ridicule from many water tribes, and many water tribes secretly called Mingjiang Water God a fool for trying to please the human race.

But just a few days later, during the water tribe's robbery of the human ship, Mingjiang Water God showed the true incense god domain and single-handedly defeated two Qi-training demons in the same realm, which immediately shocked the entire Jidu Water Tribe.

Only then did all the Jidu Shui tribe discover that the Mingjiang River God had accumulated a lot of fame and incense belief because of helping the human ships. He had already entered the fourth level of the Shinto Wild God and became a real god.

Many humans even claimed to build temples for the Ming River God to offer incense, which made many water gods go crazy.

Under this sensational information, more information appeared in the eyes of most aquatic people.

Mingjiang River God is not the only water tribe god who wants to gain incense faith. Many water tribe gods have long been secretly imitating Mingjiang Water God to escort human ships in order to accumulate incense faith and fame.

This situation attracted countless water tribes to flock to him, and those water tribes who wanted to cause trouble quickly became a tool for many water tribe gods to spread their fame.

In the end, as long as there is a water tribe on Jishui trying to rob a human ship, a water tribe god will definitely come to the rescue within a quarter of an hour.

In this way, the Water Tribe harvests the power of incense and ascends to the incense Shinto that returns it to heaven and earth.

But it was not just the Shui people in Cangzhou who were involved in this matter. With the return of the Jidu Dragon Palace Shinto to heaven and earth, the water people in dozens of prefectures and counties throughout the Jishui basin were all affected.

Many powerful water tribes traveled thousands of miles to come to the mainstream of Jishui in Cangzhou, just to compete for the opportunity of the incense and divine way.

This led to the rapid growth of the Shui Tribe's strength in Cangzhou.

In the past, the aquarium in the Qi Transformation Realm could occupy a pool and stand on the top of a mountain to attract many little monsters. However, as the aquarium from various states and counties came to Cangzhou, the already limited resources were greatly compressed. Even a single practitioner It is also difficult for the Qi Realm Great Demon to control a tributary.

Under such circumstances, many great qi-training demons gathered together and began to build the Dragon Palace with a few incense gods who had stepped into the rank of wild gods as the core.

This is not the self-proclaimed Dragon Palace of the monsters in the ponds and pools, but a real Dragon Palace that has the recognition of a large number of demon clans and the support of incense and Shinto.

The tributaries of Jishui were occupied by these dragon palaces, and the prototype of the Incense Temple began to appear.

Such a situation naturally made Jidu Dragon Palace furious. The Dragon Palace Cave Heaven issued orders several times to let the direct descendants of Jidu Dragon Palace, the Shui Tribe, attack these pseudo-Dragon Palaces.

However, without the suppression of Jidu Shinto, the direct lineage Shui tribe of Jidu Dragon Palace knew that the decline of Jidu Dragon Palace would be a matter of time.

In addition, the Ancestor of the Water Gods in the Dragon Palace Cave secretly sent a message, asking them to retain their strength and wait and see what happens. This further allowed the aquatic tribe of Jidu Dragon Palace to confirm the situation.

These water tribes who were direct descendants of the Dragon Palace fooled the Jidu Dragon Palace with their own lack of strength, or pretended to be crusaders, making several true dragons angry again.

As the head of the true dragon, Ao Yu angrily demanded that a god of water come to the world and kill all these rebellious people, but no god of water accepted this order.

Except for the fallen Tridacna water god, all the other water gods present had longevity of at least hundreds of years.

After three thousand years of hard work and a long period of spiritual energy depletion, he came to this era of spiritual energy recovery just to fight for his destiny and break through to the next realm to extend his life.

Under such circumstances, who would be willing to risk death and come to this world just to maintain the so-called majesty of Jidu Dragon Palace?

Without the suppression of Shinto, people in Jidu Dragon Palace have already been in a state of confusion. Even if there is a huge temptation, they have to be determined to get it.

Such a scene made Ao Yu and several other true dragons extremely angry, but they could not forcefully order the gods of water.

Without the authority of Jidu Dragon Lord and Jidu Dragon Seal, the gods of water have no subordinate relationship with them, and they cannot truly restrict these gods of water.

Forcibly threatening with strength is even more unthinkable. The current situation affects the whole body. Unless all the water gods can be suppressed, it is impossible to forcibly order any demon king to leave the Dragon Palace Cave and come to the world.

What's more, the few true dragons in the Dragon Palace are not weak, but they may not be able to suppress so many water gods.

Ao Yu knew very well that the reason why these people maintained their superficial respect was because they were afraid of the clan elders in their ancestral land, not the real dragons they stood on the stage.

It is impossible to drive the gods of water to suppress those pseudo-dragon palaces, and there are only a few real dragons in the cave. It is also impossible to let the noble real dragons die. Jidu Dragon Palace can only let the development of the water tribe outside.

This situation directly accelerated the development of Cangzhou Aquarium.

Outside of Cangzhou, other Sandu Dragon Palace, various monster realms, Cave Heaven Paradise, and the Great Xia imperial court all responded to it.

Although the Sidu Dragon Palace is said to be of the same spirit, they still dare not act rashly when it comes to the heavenly decree and the will of a seemingly godless king.

What's more, the other Sidu Dragon Palaces are all self-proclaimed and don't have much energy to take care of Jidu Dragon Palace.

As for the demon clan, all demon realms have launched investigations into the divine king, but they cannot confirm the identity of the other party.

The connections between various demon realms have been increasing recently. It seems that a large number of demon clan senior leaders are plotting a major event and have no time to take care of external things.

As the first person to attend the Tao Discussion Conference in person, the various cave heavens and paradises highly respected the white-clothed divine king and the Luoyun Sect behind him. Many ancient sects tried to find information about the Luoyun Sect, but it was not included in the historical records. Find every cent.

Even the elders who had lived for two spiritual energy tide eras in the inquiry door did not receive any reply, which surprised many powerful people in the Cave Heaven Paradise.

Rongcheng Dayutian, the only one who seemed to know some of the secrets behind the scenes, also kept silent about it. The ancestor of Dongtian ordered his disciples to inquire about the matter with an order, but even Rongcheng Dayutian never entered.

As for the other party involved, the Daxia court, its state after the Taoism Conference seemed a bit strange.

The Great Xia court did not mention anything about the Divine Lord in White and the Luoyun Sect. It seemed that it had completely forgotten the existence of the Divine Lord in White. Instead, it began to announce to the outside world that it would use treasury resources to cultivate the young talents of the imperial capital and win the next five hundred for Great Xia. National luck in the year.

Among the many geniuses of the imperial family, Xue Mingzhi of the Xue family of the imperial capital successfully ranked among them with the peak level of Qi transformation, and was cultivated by the whole nation of the Great Xia imperial court.

The cultivation resources include but are not limited to using precious spiritual objects to create natal spiritual treasures, opening up the precious classics in the royal scripture collection pavilion, providing precious elixirs refined by the Alchemy Division to help achieve realm breakthroughs, and even qualifying for enlightenment. The incomplete Taoist magical power.

The imperial court of Great Xia placed so much emphasis on the younger generation of talents, which shocked the whole of Great Xia. Even many cave heavens and paradises were covetous of the many rewards given by Great Xia.

Many Imperial families who let their outstanding disciples join the sect in advance and tried to hedging their bets regretted it.

In the eyes of outsiders, this was a huge gamble by the Great Xia court.

No one knows that this edict was discussed and decided by Qin Tianjian with Emperor Xia on the day when the conference on Taoism concluded.

Its real purpose is to legitimately support Xue Mingzhi, who has good relations with the supreme Taoist disciple, and to use Xue Mingzhi as a medium to open the royal family's scripture library and other important resources to the supreme Taoist disciple.

The geniuses, including several members of the royal family, are actually just incidental gifts.

Originally, the influence of this Dao Discussion Conference event was far more than that, and the name of the White God King should also be spread outside of Daxia in these days.

But most of the impact of this incident was overshadowed by another incident that followed.

That is the tide of Yuan Qi that gathers all over the void realm outside the Xuanhuang Realm.

One month is simply insignificant to the void. The tide of Yuan Qi gathering outside the Xuanhuang Realm has not dissipated yet, and even has a tendency to become more intense.

The tide of Yuanqi is constantly washing away the barrier between heaven and earth, but it has never been able to shake the nine ancient bronze tripods that sit in Xuanhuang.

In the past month, the top powerhouses in the entire Xuanhuang Realm have focused their attention on this Yuan Qi Tide, and they have all speculated on the origin of the Yuan Qi Tide.

There are strong men in the Cave Heaven and Paradise who claim that this is a vision of someone attaining the Great Way and manifesting the Great Way.

Some people also think that this is another type of spiritual energy tide, which is the feedback from the upper realm to the several spiritual energy exhaustion periods in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Some even claim that this is proof that the Xuanhuang Realm wants to return to the ancient times, and that the way of the Qi Refiner is the true way to the origin.

There are various speculations, but due to the incomplete rules of the Xuanhuang Realm, no real strong man from the cave can come, and no one can visit the world barrier to spy on the tide of Yuanqi.

As for the monks who have not reached the realm of the True Lord of Lianxu, they have no way of knowing about the tide of Yuan Qi.

The tide of Yuan Qi washed away the world barrier for more than a month. Although it failed to shake the world barrier, it also had a certain impact on the Xuanhuang Realm.

Every moment there is weak Yuan Qi mixed in the torrent, unexpectedly breaking through the world's barrier and arriving in the Xuanhuang Realm. Although these Yuan Qi are insignificant to the tide of Yuan Qi, they are absolutely heavenly to the Xuanhuang Realm where Yuan Qi is scarce. Falling rain.

Over the past month, the concentration of Yuan Qi in the Xuanhuang Realm has continued to rise. The monks at the peak of the Qi Transformation Realm can more easily capture the Yuan Qi floating between heaven and earth, and complete the introduction of Qi into the body to become Qi Training Realm monks who are separated from the mundane world.

The rising concentration of Yuan Qi even has faint signs of triggering the next wave of spiritual energy to erupt in advance. At that time, the world between heaven and earth will allow practitioners in the realm of transformation to be born.

Things are changing in the outside world in a month, but in Wencheng, a remote old city, it seems so slow.

Nothing seems to have changed between now and a month ago.

"Buyu, the fish you mentioned yesterday arrived early in the morning. I kept it specially for you. It will definitely be delicious when you take it home and make soup!"

"Thank you Aunt Liu."

"You kid, why do you need to be polite to Aunt Liu?"

In front of the vegetable market stall, Gong Buyu reached out and took the fish that the stall owner's mother had packed.

At this time, she was not wearing the eye-catching blue palace dress, but put on light casual clothes.

A white T-shirt and jeans outline a beautiful figure. The long hair hanging down to her hips has turned into normal black under the cover of the spell. Her body exudes a cool feeling like an orchid in an empty valley.

The beautiful figure seems out of place in the dilapidated vegetable market in the old city.

After skillfully paying for the fish, Gong Buyu picked up a few dishes and turned towards home.

This is not the first time Gong Buyu has come to the market to buy vegetables. Her peak level of Qi training and the frozen time have long since made her almost lose the ability to eat.

But she didn't eat, but Bai Xue wanted to eat.

During these days of seclusion in Shen Yuan, Bai Xue finished her remaining snacks and began to ask Gong Buyu for food in the name of senior sister.

Although Gong Buyu was a little confused as to why the senior sister had no cultivation and needed to eat, she did not dare to neglect it.

It just so happened that her cultivation realm had reached the pinnacle of this world. All she needed was to condense the Yin Shen. She didn’t need much practice time every day, so she started to learn how to cook on the Internet and went to the old town every day to cook. Buy food at the market.

Bai Xue was greatly moved, and naturally reciprocated the favor by using her own pocket money to buy some clothes for Gong Buyu to facilitate travel, and told Gong Buyu some common sense about daily life.

During this month, one person and one cat got along quite harmoniously.

Pushing open the door to the courtyard, Gong Buyu glanced in the direction of the Yellow River Spirit Pond out of habit. Since the dragon carp went into hibernation half a month ago, its body that was originally only the size of a palm began to grow, vaguely like a real dragon.

After skillfully putting the purchased vegetables into the kitchen, Bai Xue stood in front of the door of the training room bored, looking at the training room from time to time.

Above the sky, the Bodhi tree in the sky, which is like a star turned into a star, continuously lowers the spiritual enlightenment light and falls into the practice room. Except for the occasional wisps of clear spiritual energy, there is no movement in the practice room.

Seeing this, Gong Buyu couldn't help but stop in front of the training room.

A full month has passed since Shen Yuan went into seclusion.

When Shen Yuan first started to retreat, Bai Xue seemed to have regained a new life. She ate snacks and watched TV every day, living a carefree life.

However, as time passed, Bai Xue threw away her favorite TV and snacks. Apart from eating, she spent the rest of the time in front of the training room waiting for Shen Yuan to leave seclusion.

Gong Buyu looked at the kitten in front of the training room, couldn't help but feel a touch of distress in his eyes, and said softly:

"Sister, I bought the fish you like to eat today."

Bai Xue raised her head and glanced at Gong Buyu, then lay down again with some gloominess, glancing at the closed door of the training room from time to time.

This day was no different from any other day, and Bai Xue's waiting seemed to be fruitless.

At this moment, the light of the Starry Sky Bodhi suddenly dissipated, and the rich spiritual energy instantly spread throughout the courtyard, as if spring had ushered in the empty courtyard.

The withered jujube tree sprouted new buds in an instant, and the buds that contained a trace of the true meaning of Qi Refining Avenue were pregnant with precious spiritual fruits that had never been seen before.

The green vines on the wooden corridor continue to extend like living creatures, as if they have turned into jade-like spiritual roots and spread to the earth.

In the spiritual field opened outside the courtyard, the seeds of low-level elixirs are constantly mutating under the nurturing of the Qingling Qi, giving birth to precious elixirs that far exceed their own medicinal properties.

Even the Starry Sky Bodhi formed by the Saint Enlightenment Formation seemed to have received feedback from the Qing Ling Qi, and more formation nodes began to extend under the gathering Qing Ling Qi.

In an instant, everything comes to life!

And in the midst of this vital change, a hand slowly pushed open the door to the training room.

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