In fact, when the Ghost King summoned the Bull-headed Yin Shuai with the rotation order, Shen Yuan had several opportunities to interrupt the summons, but he did not choose to do so.

The main reason for this is that Shen Yuan has noticed the power of Incense Shinto contained in the rotation order, and the first thing the Ghost King attracted was the power of Incense Faith.

Shen Yuan possesses the magical power to exorcise gods. Even if the divine king comes to the world, he must withstand the suppression of the supernatural powers.

What's more, if the realm of a god in the present world exceeds the limit of the God Refining Realm, even if it is protected by ghosts, it will inevitably be counterattacked by the world, so Shen Yuan is not worried about the ghost king's back-up plan at all.

On the contrary, Shen Yuan was very happy to see the Ghost King using his backhand, and wanted to test what he relied on.

The final result did not disappoint Shen Yuan. This time he caught a big fish called Niutou Yinshuai on a whim of fishing.

One of the top ten Yin commanders in the Yin Division, a ghost and god from the Yin Division who has survived tens of thousands of years ago.

Compared to Niu Tou Yin Shuai's powerful strength, Shen Yuan was more concerned about the truth behind Niu Tou Yin Shuai's appearance in Beiman Mountain.

From a standpoint, the Lord of Beimang Mountain has gathered together several ghost immortals and countless ghost kings to form his own group of ghosts to disrupt the balance of the Yang world. He should be a mortal enemy of Niutou, one of the top ten Yin commanders.

But the reality is that a mere ghost king can rely on the power of the ox-headed Yin Shuai, which means that the ghosts in Beimang Mountain have been secretly involved with the Yin Division.

This is not good news for Shen Yuan.

Fortunately, Shen Yuan noticed that when the bull-headed handsome man who possessed the ghost king saw him for the first time, his eyes were full of shock and fear, as if he recognized Shen Yuan's identity.

This reminded Shen Yuan of the fairyland ferocious beast encountered in the trial of Xuanhuang Linglong Tower. That ancient beast also noticed the origin of the incense and fire divine way in him without Shen Yuan noticing, and mistook him for... Emperor Donghua.

Having already had such an experience, Shen Yuan naturally wouldn't mind borrowing the identity of Emperor Donghua again.

His magical powers are not afraid of the bull head, but the effects of force suppression and identity deterrence are completely different.

For example, right now, Shen Yuan stared at the bull head in front of him with majestic eyes, and asked in a cold voice:

"The dignified and handsome man is actually involved with this monster.

Could it be that the current underworld is so chaotic that it ignores the prohibition of ‘not interfering with the present world’? "

There seemed to be the anger of the supreme will coming between the words, and there was also endless pressure falling on the incense and the divine way.

The belief in incense lingering on the body of the bull-headed Yin Shuai was suppressed at this moment, and the body of the god supported by the power of incense instantly became empty, as if it might collapse at any time.

The body of the handsome bull-headed man who was kneeling on the ground trembled.

If there were doubts about the identity of the man in front of him before, then at this moment, the handsome man with the head and head no longer had any doubts in his mind.

The bull-headed Yin Shuai looked frightened, his huge head hit the ground, and he responded with an uneasy expression:

"Your Majesty, please calm down. Niu Tou has no intention of interfering in the affairs of the Yang world and violates the prohibition. The things in Beimang Mountain are really too complicated. Not only does it involve the number one ghost immortal in the world, but also all the Yamas are involved.

Niutou is just a shady commander, and he doesn't dare to disobey Yama's orders. "

Even though the Ghost King's previous words had made Shen Yuan have some suspicions, the answer he got from the handsome Niutou Yin still made Shen Yuan's heart sink.

If the top ten yin commanders are the bearers of the rules of the underworld, then the ten palaces of Yama are far above the top ten yin commanders, because they are the real managers of the underworld in all realms.

The so-called Yin Division is actually, strictly speaking, just a part of the underworld that was separated from the Xuanhuang Realm after the Xuanhuang Realm was connected to heaven and earth.

The real foundation of the Yinsi is the city god system shaped by the incense belief in the Xuanhuang Realm.

The land gods in the villages go to the county town god, the county town god, the prefectural town god, and finally the capital god in the dynasty's imperial capital. They progress step by step, and are connected through the incense and fire god domain of the city gods into a big network to control the living beings after death. The reincarnation of the ghost.

The top ten Yin Commanders are a vital link in the Yin Division system, and their status is second only to the City God in the imperial capital of the dynasty.

However, no matter how powerful the top ten Yin commanders are, they can only influence the Yin Division in the Xuanhuang Realm, and are far inferior to the Yama who manages the ten palaces of the underworld, the source of the Yin Division.

Because the underworld is the source of the underworld of all worlds, and it is also a vital part of the heaven system.

The Ten Palaces of Yama in the underworld intervene in the affairs of the Xuanhuang Realm. As the bull-headed Yin Commander, he is not qualified to do so.

However, at this moment, Shen Yuan's identity in front of the Niu-headed Yin Commander is the "Emperor of Donghua". Naturally, the Wushen Emperor who controls the immortals and gods in the heaven will not be moved by the mere tenth palace of Yama.

The expression on his face remained majestic and indifferent, Shen Yuan said calmly:

"Fellow Yamas? Apart from the King of Wheels, who else is involved?"

The handsome bull-headed man hurriedly said:

"In addition to the King of Reincarnation, the King of Five Senses, King Yama, King Biancheng, King of City, and King Pingping all have decrees. I only receive orders from the King of Reincarnation. There are also shadows of other Yamas behind the other Yin Commanders."

Shen Yuan was shocked. The Niutou Yin Shuai said that there were six Yamas. Except for the top three King Qin Guang, King Chujiang, Emperor Song and the eighth King Taishan, the rest of the Yamas were all Participated in the affairs of the Lord of Beiman Mountain.

Although the Lord of Beimang Mountain is known as the No. 1 Ghost Immortal in the Xuanhuang Realm, at his peak, he only relied on the supernatural power of Corpse Removal to suppress the top ten Yin Commanders without being restricted by the Yin Division.

Even the Lord of Beimang Mountain at his peak was, to put it bluntly, nothing more than a ghost, and under the command of Yama, he could only be sent to the underworld.

Not to mention that now that the spiritual energy has been exhausted for thousands of years, even ghosts and monsters can hardly maintain it. How can they have contact with the six of the ten palaces of Yama?

"There must be a big secret in this!"

Shen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said in an indifferent voice:

"Do you know what exactly is involved between the Lord of Beimang Mountain and Yama of the Tenth Palace?"

The bull-headed Yin Shuai suddenly raised his head, and for a moment a trace of undetectable suspicion flashed in his eyes. However, under the pressure of the Shinto that almost turned into reality, he quickly lowered his head and said:

"As far as the little god knows, the Lords of Yama intervened in Beimang Mountain's affairs, nominally for the Ten Halls of Yama Formation."

Although the changes in Niu Tou were hidden, they did not escape Shen Yuan's eyes. He realized that the previous questioning had made Niu Tou Yin Shuai suspicious.

But Shen Yuan is not worried. At this time, he is no longer as timid about pretending to be his identity as before.

The level that the Niu-headed Yin Commander possessed by the Ghost King was at the peak of god refining at best. His best Yin Division's soul-binding and life-killing magical power was an extension of the divine way and could not be used against Shen Yuan at all.

Even if the bull-headed Yin Commander discovers a problem, Shen Yuan can easily kill him and crush his fragmented soul under the suppression of Shinto. This is the confidence given by Shen Yuan's own growth in strength.

"The ten-hall Yama formation established by the Zhou Dynasty to seal off the ancient forbidden land?"

"That's right, it's that big formation."

The handsome bull-headed man couldn't help but shrink his neck. For some reason, he just felt an inexplicable sense of fatal threat, but fortunately everything was fleeting, which made him a little more honest.

“During the era when the Ten Halls of Yama Formation was established, the Underworld was still connected to the Humane Dynasty of the Xuanhuang Realm.

In order to block those dead souls from ancient times and the resentment of the Human Emperor, the Ten Palaces of Yama gathered their own power and the national destiny of the Zhou Dynasty, and established the Ten Palaces of Yama Formation.

As the Xuanhuang Realm had no connection with heaven and earth thousands of years ago, even the underworld was in turmoil. The Ten Halls of Yama urgently needed to take back their own authority to suppress the turbulent underworld, so they prepared to dismantle the Ten Halls of Yama's formation.

According to the Yamas, those ancient dead souls have long since disappeared in ten thousand years. Even if the Ten Palaces of Yama Formation is unlocked, it will not cause any harm. On the contrary, after the Ten Palaces of Yama Formation is unlocked, it will help them regain their power. "

After hearing these words, I realized the meaning of Niutou Yinshuai's "in name".

The ten palaces of Yama manage the underworld, and control more than hundreds of millions of ghosts and gods?

How much authority can a mere ten-hall Yama formation have? It is simply not enough for Digital Yama to violate the prohibition and intervene in the affairs of this world.

What's more, due to the influence of the Xuanhuang Realm's absolute connection between heaven and earth, the Xuanhuang Realm has been cut off from all other realms. Although the Yin Cao Underworld has the Yinsi as a medium of communication, it will definitely cost a lot to break through Jiuding's blockade and intervene.

Just for a formation, this kind of words can only be used to deceive fools.

Shen Yuan looked at the handsome bull-headed man: "In name? What is the actual purpose?"

The handsome bull-headed man buried his head even lower: "Actually, it may involve the authority of the underworld.

However, the little god is not qualified to know such things. He only vaguely heard that the underworld has long been disconnected from the upper world, and the turmoil within the underworld is related to this. "

Shen Yuan's eyes narrowed, stars were flowing in his eyes, and his star counting powers began to deduce based on the existing information.

However, Shen Yuan did not rely on the power of Xing Dou to deduce this time, because this matter involved powerful people such as the Lord of Beimang Mountain, Yin Si Yin Shuai, Yin Cao Difu, and Ten Palaces of Yama.

There are too many high-ranking and powerful people among them, and the magical powers of the second level stars are simply not enough to deduce the information behind these powerful people.

Therefore, Shen Yuan just used the computing power of the star number magic power and combined the existing information to deduce a possibility that is closest to the truth.

After a few breaths, an idea arose in Shen Yuan's heart.

"Things that involve the authority of the underworld are very likely to be with the Lord of Beiman Mountain!

Only if he holds things involving the authority of the underworld, the Lord of Beimang Mountain is qualified to trade with the Ten Palaces of Yama. "

As soon as this thought came out, Shen Yuan's thoughts instantly became extremely clear.

"It is speculated based on Zhang Jiang's experience in the ancient forbidden land and the information that the ghost king walked out of the ancient forbidden land hiding his identity.

The Lord of Beimang Mountain must have hid in the ancient forbidden land during the period of spiritual energy exhaustion. I don't know what method he used to avoid the curse of the ancient forbidden land, so as to protect himself from falling in these ten thousand years.

But it is easy to enter the ancient forbidden land, but it is even more difficult to get out.

The Ten Palaces of Yama Formation sealed off the ancient forbidden land. The more powerful the ghosts were, the more severe they were suppressed by the formation. The Lord of Beimang Mountain was unable to escape from the ancient forbidden land.

In the last era of spiritual energy tides, the Lord of Beimang Mountain established contact with the underworld and asked the Ten Palaces of Yama to unlock the formation at the cost of things related to the underworld's authority, thus obtaining the token of the King of Wheels.

Perhaps the Yamas are at odds with each other, or perhaps there are different positions among the Yamas. In the last spiritual energy era, the Lord of Beimang Mountain did not successfully escape.

In this era of spiritual energy, Yama of the Ten Palaces is increasingly eager for the things in the hands of the Lord of Beimang Mountain, which can be seen from the words of the Niutou Yin Shuai.

It seems that all the Yamas have reached a consensus and want to unlock the Ten Halls of Yama Formation. "

At this point in the deduction, Shen Yuan has made up his mind. Since he is on the opposite side of the Lord of Beimang Mountain, he must quickly deal with the Lord of Beimang Mountain, the source of trouble, before the Tenth Palace Yama really takes action.

Once the Lord of Beiman Mountain successfully escapes from the ancient forbidden land, the spread of ghosts will definitely occupy the entire Beiman Mountain boundary. By then, no one in the Xuanhuang Realm will be able to check and balance this world's number one ghost immortal.

Having obtained the information he wanted, Shen Yuan's interest in the handsome bull-headed figure has faded a bit.

Eyes slightly lowered, Shen Yuan said in an indifferent voice:

"I already know the matter. I will handle the matter in Beiman Mountain. Please step back!"

After saying that, Shen Yuan ignored the bull-headed handsome man who possessed the ghost king, turned around and walked towards the ancient forbidden land.

The bull-headed Yin Shuai looked at Shen Yuan's departing back with hesitant eyes, but finally gritted his teeth and kowtowed heavily to Shen Yuan.

The huge heads of ghosts and gods hit the ground with a "bang bang", and the whole mountain trembled.

"We, the gods of the Yin Division, want to maintain the balance of the Xuanhuang Realm, but the underworld is in turmoil, and all the ghosts and gods are greedy and want to interfere in the affairs of the Xuanhuang Realm.

The little god implores His Majesty to show mercy, maintain order in the underworld, and bring justice to the gods of the underworld! "

Shen Yuan paused slightly as he left.

The amount of information hidden in the few words of Niu Tou Yin Shuai is not small.

The dispute between the Yin Cao Underworld and the Yin Division involves the balance of yin and yang in the entire Xuanhuang Realm. Shen Yuan does not want to get involved in such a major matter.

Even though Shen Yuan's current cultivation strength can be said to be invincible in the world, but in front of those ghosts and gods in the underworld, Shen Yuan's strength is nothing at all. The only thing he can rely on is the supernatural power to exorcise gods.

However, the suppression of incense gods by the God-Expelling Magic Power is not omnipotent, especially since Shen Yuan's God-Expelling Power only has one level, which further limits Shen Yuan's performance.

Just as he was about to refuse, Shen Yuan suddenly saw endless stars twinkling in front of his eyes, and the spiritual light from the stars guided him.

Behind the dispute between the underworld and the underworld mentioned by the Niutou Yin Shuai, Shen Yuan seemed to have seen a thick line of cause and effect, which had already linked this matter to him.

The intuition of Xingshu magical power told Shen Yuan that if he rejected the cause and effect, he would definitely regret it in the future.

Perceiving the thick straight line of cause and effect, Shen Yuan tried to trace the source, but only saw a hazy future scene, but there was an unknown sense of familiarity lingering in Shen Yuan's heart.

As time went by, the heart of Niutou Yinhuai, who was kneeling on the ground and kowtowed continuously, gradually sank to the bottom.

He clearly knew that the person in front of him would be the only chance for the gods of the underworld, but he was not sure whether he was willing to intervene in this matter.

The bull-headed ghost and god became increasingly desperate, and at this moment, the majestic voice suddenly sounded in the forest.

"I'll take a trip to the underworld."

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