Ji Zhaoyang was silent for a long time, and then a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Do I have a choice?"

He reached out to pick up the tea cup on the stone table and drank the cold spiritual tea in it.

With a long sigh of relief, Ji Zhaoyang seemed to have finally put down the heavy burden in his heart, and said seriously to Shen Yuan:

"The man behind the scenes has been manipulating the Emperor and controlling the government for several years, and has formed the most powerful force in both the government and the opposition.

Even if all the truth behind it is exposed now, those loyal husbands and ministers of the dynasty have already lost power and will be unable to fight against this force in a short time.

In particular, the puppet Human Emperor still dominates the human world. No one in the imperial capital can defeat the Dayin Human Emperor. Even if Daozi has the power of immortals, he cannot break the fate of human beings.

If these two mountains are not resolved, it will be difficult to change the current situation. "

Shen Yuan did not rush to reveal his trump card to Ji Zhaoyang, but took the initiative to ask:

"Does His Highness the Third Prince still have contact with many noble officials and noble families from the previous Third Prince's line?"

Ji Zhaoyang hesitated slightly, but still explained to Shen Yuan:

"After the puppet Human Emperor used my relationship with Daozi to deal with a large number of high officials and frontier officials, there was not much fluctuation in the government and the public.

After all, the fall of a group of noble officials means that another group of dignitaries will be on the stage of the Dayin court, which many people are happy to see.

But the whole thing got completely out of control not long after it started, and a large number of ruthless officials began to use Daozi's pretext to involve the powerful people of the major families.

From the officials who took refuge in me being demoted, to the relatives and friends of my mother's clan being sent to the frontier, to finally even the people I knew who were labeled as the Third Prince and faced liquidation.

Almost two-thirds of officials in both the government and the public were involved in this turmoil. "

The Dayin Dynasty lasted for tens of thousands of years, and the most powerful and powerful families in the imperial capital were somewhat related to each other.

It's understandable for people who are just clearing out factions, but once blood relatives, friends, and old friends are traced back, not many people can be spared.

Speaking of this, Ji Zhaoyang couldn't help but sigh:

“I thought this was just an intensification of the dispute in the court, but now it seems that it is the result of the puppet Emperor fueling the situation behind the scenes.

There was a major reshuffle in the government and the public, and everyone in the upper echelons of the imperial capital was in danger.

A senior hereditary prince risked his life to remonstrate, but was ordered by the puppet Emperor to be imprisoned in a prison.

Various incidents have already caused complaints from both the government and the public, but the efforts of the puppet emperor and the newly elected dignitaries to suppress them have allowed the situation in the imperial capital to maintain a semblance of calm. "

"The prince was afraid that I would cause trouble in this situation, so he bribed several of my personal attendants. There were people in the mansions around the prince's palace who secretly monitored me day and night.

And those powerful people were not willing to lose power so easily, and had already contacted me secretly, wanting to support me in my fight for the crown prince position again. The oiran musicians in Jinfeng Yulu Pavilion and Tingyao Tower were all members of powerful families. "

Shen Yuan gently touched his palm and said, "Your Highness, the Third Highness, seems to be very blessed!"

Ji Zhaoyang looked sad and sighed:

"Shen Daozi, please stop making fun of me. I know very well that those powerful families just want to use me as a shield to test the Human Emperor's attitude.

Once the Human Emperor acquiesces to me participating in the fight for the crown prince position, they can naturally take advantage of the situation to regain their power.

But if I am punished by the Human Emperor, they will throw me out and put aside the relationship immediately.

Nowadays, I am surrounded by princes and people from powerful families, and I can only bite the bullet and make excuses with them. "

Shen Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at the prying eyes outside the third prince's mansion.

"Princes and powerful people are not the only ones who are unwilling to be lonely."

"What does Shen Daozi mean by this?"

"There are indeed some practitioners who are secretly monitoring the mansions around the Prince's Mansion, but in another layer of the Incense Law Domain, there is also a god comparable to Lianxu who is supervising the Third Highness.

This kind of skill is not something that the prince can come up with. "

Ji Zhaoyang was startled when he heard this, and his face became increasingly ugly: "What Shen Daozi means is that the Lianxu God lurking in the dark is the person behind the puppet emperor?"

Shen Yuan nodded.

The powerful families would think of using the third prince to test the emperor's attitude, how could the Twilight Realm not consider it?

What the Twilight Realm needs is a stable court under control. The actions of those powerful and aristocratic families with undercurrents must be understood by them, and the reason why there is no action must be for other purposes.

I am afraid that the people behind the scenes in the Twilight Realm have been longing for Ji Zhaoyang to gain the support of a powerful family and take a positive stance, and then the Human Emperor would use thunderous means to suppress Ji Zhaoyang to scare the monkeys.

Fortunately, Ji Zhaoyang was quite smart and deliberately delayed the time so that the people behind the scenes did not find the opportunity to scare the monkeys.

After Shen Yuan reminded him, Ji Zhaoyang still didn't understand the key, and his face instantly turned pale.

"May I ask Shen Daozi, what should I do next?"

Shen Yuan glanced meaningfully at the god hidden in the incense domain, and said in a slow voice:

"Since everyone wants to see His Highness make a positive statement and then compete for the position of Crown Prince, why not use the trick?"

In the sky above the Third Prince's Mansion, all the causal connections silently deviated from their original direction. Anyone snooping here will be led to the wrong result, and everything is shrouded in secrecy.

At some point, the Third Prince of Dayin, who had long lost power, suddenly changed his previous decadence.

After killing several servants in the prince's mansion, the Third Prince Ji Zhaoyang began to actively visit the aristocratic families who lost power in the court changes.

In the imperial capital, rumors began to spread throughout the folk market.

The Third Prince of Dayin was gifted and had the talent of the Human Emperor. He had swept all enemies in the Luotian Dharma Assembly of all realms and won prestige for Dayin.

But such an outstanding cover was maliciously suppressed by the Crown Prince of Dayin. Under the instigation of treacherous people, he was disliked by the Human Emperor and eventually lost power.

After experiencing a period of decadence, the Third Prince Ji Zhaoyang saw through fame and fortune and wanted to regroup and fight for the position of crown prince again.

After learning the news, the Crown Prince of Dayin Ji Xuanyi immediately sent people to track down the source of the news and suppress the spread of the news.

However, this move not only failed to suppress the news, but was regarded as evidence that the prince of Dayin was jealous of talented people, and the rumors began to ferment rapidly in unexpected places.

Dayin is the human dynasty. Although the emperor has supreme authority, it is not difficult to check and balance.

Especially when the emperor does not fully control the destiny of humanity, the will of the people has the ability to interfere with the will of the emperor.

If you want to fight against the will of humanity, you must pay a huge amount of destiny, which is exactly what the puppet emperor lacks.

Whether it is for the purpose of killing the chicken to scare the monkey, or to save the destiny of humanity to prevent the situation from getting out of control, the emperor finally issued a decree to summon the prince and the third prince in three days.

Civil and military officials, nobles, and even ordinary people in the imperial capital have the opportunity to watch from outside the imperial city.

As soon as this news came out, it once again caused turmoil in the court and the country. These dignitaries who stood at the top of the Dayin Dynasty were all waiting for the summons in three days.

Three days passed in a flash.

Putting on the dragon robe and crown that symbolized the prince's status, Ji Zhaoyang strode out of the prince's mansion and drove to the imperial city in a chariot.

No one knew that Shen Yuan had already sat in the chariot, and his thoughts were floating in his eyes as he looked at the approaching Dayin Imperial City.

Dayin Imperial City is the core of the imperial capital and the hub of the human formation covering the thirty-six regions of Jiuzhou.

Just approaching the wall of Dayin Imperial City, Shen Yuan felt that the human luck that was almost condensed into substance flowed on the wall, as if it had experienced the erosion of ten thousand years.

Without the decrees of the human emperor and the official ranks of the dynasty, ordinary practitioners would be suppressed for approaching the imperial city, even the Lianxu Zhenjun could not escape.

This is the most prosperous place for humanity, and even the immortals who come to the world will be knocked down to dust. It is a forbidden area for sect practitioners.

Under the gate of the imperial city, there is only a team of guards patrolling, and the lax defense is somewhat beyond Shen Yuan's expectations.

But after a little thought, Shen Yuan understood the reason.

Without the decrees of the emperor and the official ranks of the dynasty, it would be tantamount to seeking death for outsiders to enter the imperial city.

The Dayin Dynasty has been established for tens of thousands of years. It has been heard that people have caused chaos in the inner and outer cities of the imperial capital, but it has never been heard that anyone can cause chaos in the imperial city.

Even the immortals in the upper realms can't escape the suppression of the human destiny.

In the carriage, Shen Yuan's cultivation in the Hedao realm was almost completely suppressed. Under the power of the human destiny, even his magic power and Yuan Qi were like a pool of stagnant water.

Only the human trend controlled by Shen Yuan was cheering at this moment. If Shen Yuan hadn't deliberately suppressed it, this human trend would have long been freed from Shen Yuan's constraints and entered this imperial city.

"Not feeling the suppression of the human trend of the Great Yin Emperor is enough to prove that the puppet emperor's control over the human trend has reached an extremely low level.

If he had not still held the position of the emperor, the human trend would have abandoned this puppet emperor long ago."

Realizing this, Shen Yuan also understood in his heart why the Dusk Realm was eager to choose Ji Zhaoyang to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

The puppet emperor's large-scale purge of the dignitaries in the court shook the dynasty's fortune, and it was difficult for him to bear the backlash. If he delayed for a while and stalemate with the dignitaries, he might expose his weakness.

Only by getting rid of Ji Zhaoyang can the situation be stabilized once and for all, and prepare for the plot of the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

The chariot slowly drove under the city gate, and the patrolling imperial guards let it go without any inspection, and it was not even as strict as the guards of Xiaoyou Qingxu Heaven.

After crossing several palaces, the chariot slowly stopped outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The gate of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was opened, and behind the falling bead curtain, one could only vaguely see a majestic figure wearing the clothes of the Emperor of the Yellow Emperor sitting on the throne. Everything in the entire imperial city seemed to be gathered here.

On both sides of the road outside the palace, the civil and military officials, the nobles and dukes stood on both sides. Almost all the powerful families in the imperial capital had hereditary titles, and even if they were stripped of their official ranks, they could still appear here.

And around them, projection beads were suspended in the air, turning everything that happened here into projections, projecting them to the imperial capital outside the imperial city and the vast land of Kyushu.

Ji Zhaoyang walked out of the carriage, and not far away from him, the face of the Dayin prince Ji Xuanyi was as gloomy as water.

The two Dayin princes walked side by side, and the eyes of the civil and military officials and the military nobles all fell on the two of them, with a hint of expectation in their eyes.

Ji Zhaoyang and Ji Xuanyi came to the outside of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and they both knelt down to salute the supreme and majestic figure in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"The son Ji Xuanyi pays respects to the emperor!"

"The son Ji Zhaoyang pays respects to the emperor!"

The figure on the throne did not respond, and there was only a depressing silence in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

After a long while, the crown prince Ji Xuanyi took the initiative to speak:

"The court is in turmoil, and all civil and military officials think that a new crown prince should be appointed.

My third brother believes that the crown princes of Dayin in all dynasties are the most outstanding people in the royal family, and he wants to use this to compete for the position of crown prince.

I, your son, dare to ask the emperor to give you the test questions!"

As soon as these words came out, the powerful families, civil and military officials all saluted respectfully and said to the puppet emperor in unison:

"Please appoint a crown prince!"

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the majestic figure behind the pearl curtain finally moved.

As if the sleeping gods opened their eyes, a pair of huge eyes above the sky of the imperial city overlooked the civil and military officials, and unparalleled terror and oppression fell.

The dry, monotonous voice full of majesty sounded outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"The position of the crown prince concerns the country of Dayin, how can I allow you to play with it like this?"

Ji Xuanyi immediately knelt down and bowed: "Father, calm down! Father, calm down!"

No one could see that there was an inconspicuous arc at the corner of Ji Xuanyi's mouth.

The pair of eyes transformed by the destiny of humanity fell on Ji Zhaoyang who was kneeling outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"The third prince Ji Zhaoyang made friends with the traitor and was punished by me. I wanted him to reform.

But Ji Zhaoyang was resentful and spent several years wandering around in the dusty places, disregarding the majesty of the royal family.

Such a frivolous person is not worthy of competing for the crown prince of Dayin!"

A golden thunder fell from the sky, and the wrath of heaven and earth erupted. The instinctive fear instantly filled the hearts of the civil and military officials in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"From now on, Ji Zhaoyang will be stripped of his status as the third prince of Dayin, his cultivation will be abolished, and he will be sent to the Heavenly Prison for trial!"

When these words came out, all the powerful and nobles were shocked.

Although most of the powerful and nobles also believed that the emperor would favor Ji Xuanyi, they should at least give him a test to go through the formalities.

Who would have thought that the emperor not only did not want to go through this formality, but also directly stripped Ji Zhaoyang of his status as a prince, abolished his cultivation, and sent him to the Heavenly Prison.

How could an ordinary person bear the torture of the Heavenly Prison? This was almost a death sentence for Ji Zhaoyang.

Under those eyes, all the powerful and noble families seemed to have seen through what they were thinking.

Since they united to use Ji Zhaoyang to test the emperor, the emperor of Dayin killed Ji Zhaoyang and cut off all their thoughts.

"That's his own son, the most outstanding one in the Dayin royal family.

He didn't make any mistakes, but he ordered his death to establish his authority. What a cruel method, what a cruel heart!"

Everyone present was terrified, and looked at Ji Zhaoyang with pity.

And at this moment, Ji Zhaoyang, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up on his own initiative.

"Your Majesty is not only a father, but also a king. If the king wants his subjects to die, the subjects have to die.

But as a descendant of the Dayin royal family, I don't want to die in the filthy place of Tianyu."

At this point, Ji Zhaoyang's eyes were sharp and he said word by word:

"Your Majesty, I dare to ask your Majesty to punish me humanely!" (End of this chapter)

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