Since there was really nothing to do at the moment, Aarons began to plan for the business alliance.

With the help of Minister of Commerce Zexiu, he quickly developed a relatively safe system - first contract the existing large trucks to honorary nobles who were willing to join the alliance, and then recommend volunteers and ordinary combatants who needed work as escorts for the transport team.

Since the current truck fleet has basically monopolized the trade and transportation between Cardia and Collins, Aarons decided to slowly expand the coverage of the logistics system.

"The road construction in the empire is not so complete, so I am also considering other modes of transportation... Teacher Jiangyue, what do you think of what I said last time?"

"Are you talking about making large transport aircraft? Although Miss Spider has calculated the detailed performance parameters, I haven't found the right materials yet. Maybe I need to find a few more Warcraft materials to test it."

"Not yet... Then there's no rush."

Of course, Aarons knew that many things could not be accomplished overnight, but he still hoped that the progress in technology could be faster.

No one can predict what a duke who can take out ancient scrolls at will will bring next time - so Aarons must be fully prepared.

"By the way, Marquis, is Miss Yang not here today? I haven't seen her since morning."

"She and Karin went to Moti City to do market research, but I don't know what she is investigating."

"Is that so... Marquis, do you remember what I told you before?"

Jiang Yue had said before that she would continue to tell Aarons stories from the past, and Aarons certainly didn't forget about it.

That is probably related to the past that Jiang Yue has been hiding... Although Aarons doesn't like to pry into other people's secrets, he is still curious.

"Teacher Jiang Yue, are you going to tell a story? I just don't have anything to do now."

After realizing that Aarons didn't mind listening to the story, Jiang Yue showed a somewhat nostalgic expression.


The witch didn't know why she was born, nor where she should go.

In an era when people fight each other and cities and countries may be destroyed at any time, trust between people is the most worthless thing.

The person who regards you as a relative or friend today may stab you in the back tomorrow - no matter how strong a person is, he cannot resist endless deception and conspiracy.

The witch witnessed many grievances and experienced calculations and betrayals in her lonely journey. Although she was not hurt by the tricks of those weak people, her heart was already exhausted.

——Ah, how nice it would be if I could find a place where I could rest?

"I will build a country where people can survive without fighting each other."

People are of course looking forward to the emergence of a hero who can lead everyone out of the darkness... and the witch really met such a person by chance.

Even if the man was deceived and calculated, he never gave up his beliefs, and even if his family only wanted to use his power, he had no complaints.

He was like a dazzling light, allowing the exhausted witch to temporarily find some hope.

"To realize my wish, I need your power... Please help me."

Faced with the man's sincere invitation, the witch made a very demanding request.

- She can contribute her strength to the man, but if the man can really build a country without fighting, she will take half of it.

"No problem... I will officially marry you at that time, so that you can get the half you want legitimately."

The witch didn't really want any country, she just thought the man was very stupid.

The cursed self would only bring unwarranted natural disasters, but the man said he needed his strength... If he was not hopelessly naive, he really had the faith and courage to realize his wish.

In order to obtain temporary peace, the witch agreed to the man's conditions and contributed her strength to him.

With the help of the power of natural disasters, the man quickly cleared his enemies. And when more and more people followed him, his dream became a reality step by step.

- Maybe this man is a real hero?

In the days of helping men realize their dreams, the witch sometimes thinks.

Perhaps this person is the end of her journey... and the end of her life is to witness the new era beside him.

"My promise has not changed. When my country is officially established, you will be my only queen... please wait a little longer."

The witch believed the man's words and even began to learn how toHow to be a wife. When that day really comes, she may be able to forget her cursed power and become an ordinary person.

But——fate did not give the two people the opportunity to realize their wishes.

"I didn't expect... at this last moment, it was my family who betrayed me."

The man's family was engulfed by the expansion of selfish desires, and they plotted to murder the two people who had been leading everyone forward, and seized the country that had not yet been truly born.

The hope for the future fell apart, and people once again fought for ugly greed. And this time, the light that guided the direction has been extinguished.

"Run away, you can leave here alone... and I have to make up for the mistakes I made."

The witch knew very well that she might not see this man again in the future.

As a loser, he couldn't even leave his name in history——but even so, he would follow his beliefs and fight to the last moment of his life.

"Do you think I have any regrets? Haha... My biggest regret is that I didn't marry you officially."

The man actually fell in love with the witch a long time ago, but he had lost the qualification to move towards the future. The witch also knew his feelings long ago, but she never responded.

"Is that so... It doesn't matter, as long as you can still remember me."

--So, the fate of the two people was separated forever.

"I wish you a future that will last forever--"

... However, that final blessing soon turned into a curse that could corrupt the soul.


"Two years later, I unknowingly crossed the threshold of level six. I lost all my magical abilities... In exchange for an immortal and meaningless body."

When this not-so-long story slowly came to an end, Jiangyue's expression returned to its previous carefreeness.

Aarons, who listened to the story carefully, couldn't help but feel a little respect in his heart.

"So that's how it is... Is that man the husband you mentioned before, Teacher Jiangyue?"

"Yes, although we are not officially married at all and have no actual relationship... But in my heart, only someone like him is qualified to be my husband."

"I see, a hero... Really amazing."

——Aarons didn't think too much about it, he just simply thought that the man was very powerful.

The kind of man who will move forward firmly for his beliefs and wishes is indeed qualified to be favored by Jiangyue.

"Marquis... Do you really understand what I mean?"

"Ah, of course I understand. I am definitely not comparable to men of that level, so Teacher Jiangyue, don't worry, I will never make any excessive demands on you."

Looking at the indifferent look of Aarons who seemed to have misunderstood, the beautiful sage rarely showed a trace of anxiety.

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