Aarons really didn't know what he wanted.

But not having a wish didn't mean he didn't know what to do - what he was doing now was to fulfill the wishes of others.

And he didn't have any complaints about it.

"My wish is not very important."

"My husband... forget it, there will be plenty of time for you to think about it in the future."

Keliya didn't have any good solution for this, but fortunately, there was still plenty of time in the future.

Aarons would find what he really wanted to do sooner or later, and there was no need to rush now - Her Royal Highness the Princess was very open about this.

"Then my husband, you can continue to be busy. I'm going to talk to Sister Xia Ye about the current revenue and expenditure issues. In addition, my husband will handle the matter of my senior sister by himself."

Watching the back of Her Royal Highness the Princess leaving, Aarons' mood became much more relaxed.

Being able to marry such a noble and generous woman is already a blessing that he can't achieve in his two lives - so he didn't dare to ask for more.

But he still has a problem to solve tonight...that is Jiang Yue.


Although most people rest at night, the women in Aarons' family have very little need for sleep.

Except for Keliya and Mo Qianyun, non-humans or those who have reached level 6 don't need to sleep much-Xia Ye alone can work for ten consecutive days without sleep, not to mention the existence of Zhu Ying that can run for a thousand years without stopping.

And Jiang Yue, who has been working for several days in a row, is actually not particularly tired.

"Marquis, don't you usually drink much?"

"I used to drink, but I really haven't drunk much since I came here."

In his previous life, because he often had social events, Aarons's alcohol tolerance was quite good. But after crossing over, he didn't have much opportunity to drink.

At first, the family was so poor that they wanted to spend every copper coin. Later, although they had some money, they were busy all day long.

After coming here, although he had money and free time, he had no intention of drinking at all.

"Well, then the Marquis, please have a couple of drinks with me today."

After taking off the white long coat used exclusively in the laboratory, Jiang Yue changed into an outfit that was quite suitable for summer.

The light-colored sleeveless shirt deliberately opened the neckline, and the dark shorts perfectly highlighted the curves of the legs - Aarons certainly understood the intention of such a cool outfit.

But now he could only pretend that he didn't understand anything.

"Didn't the Marquis come to see me in the afternoon? What did you have to do at that time?"

"I just wanted to see what you were doing over there... I was just curious."

"Is that so? You will see it in two days."

While chatting lightly about irrelevant topics, Jiang Yue took the initiative to fill a glass of fruit wine for Aarons.

- Although Aarons didn't know what fruit this wine was made of, he felt that the fragrance was indeed very soothing.

"What do you think of Qianyun? Ah, I'm not talking about work, I want to ask what you think of her as a person."

"Opinion... Actually, I'm worried that she's pushing herself too hard."

Because Mo Qianyun's previous experience was indeed a bit distressing, Aarons was worried that her life here was too tense.

However, after knowing Aarons's concerns, the sage smiled and shook his head.

"The child is actually very relaxed now, but because of her previous living habits, she hasn't grasped the degree of tension and relaxation for a while."

"It's good that there's no problem."

"You don't have to worry too much, just talk to her more. She's just... heh, just a little shy."

After hearing this, Aarons took a lot of effort to finally stabilize the wine glass in his hand.

And Jiangyue didn't dwell on this topic, but talked about what happened before she met Keliya-at that time, because she couldn't use magic, she often encountered some troubles that were not easy to solve.

Although it is difficult to get hurt at level six, it is still a bit difficult to make an effective counterattack.

"... After all, I am a woman, and sometimes I will be targeted by men with bad intentions. Even if they can't hurt me at all, I have seen too many mean tricks."

While toasting, Jiang Yue had unknowingly drunk more than a bottle of fruit wine, and her emotions seemed to be fluctuating.

"So, the Marquis is... the first man I have met in all these years who has desires for me but won't make a move at all..."

"After all, when you came, you said that youI can't forget my ex-husband... I definitely can't do anything casually."

"That's just an excuse I use to deal with other men, and you don't know, Marquis... some men will be more excited after hearing this reason..."

Because Aarons did have some unrealistic fantasies, he now just feels embarrassed.

After all, he is a man, and of course he will have wild thoughts when he is free.

"Other nobles don't care about my feelings like you do... But after they know my actual age and this infertile body, they are not very interested in me."

Before getting the protection of Her Royal Highness the Princess, Jiang Yue's life was not actually stable.

She has level 6 but can't fight, and has countless magic knowledge but can't use magic - such pain, perhaps only she can understand it.

"But, you not only found magic for me, but also recognized the value of my existence... and even helped me find the direction to move forward..."

"No, I'm just - Teacher Jiang Yue? "

After absentmindedly replying half a sentence, Aarons suddenly found that Jiangyue had no sound.

When he turned around, he found that the other party had collapsed on the table, with only steady breathing.

"... Can you hear me, Teacher Jiangyue?"

Jiangyue seemed to have fallen asleep because she drank too much - after realizing this, Aarons immediately stood up.

After gently pushing the sage's body and confirming that she was really asleep, Aarons sighed and slowly picked her up.

Although he felt a little drunk, he didn't want Jiangyue to spend the night here.

"Well, the room is..."

Because he was a little dizzy, Aarons took a long time to find Jiangyue's room - the sage usually lived in the laboratory most of the time, and his living room was not often used. Use.

After hurriedly opening the door and carrying Jiangyue into the room, Aarons suddenly felt that his body seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

——The desire that was deliberately ignored by him suddenly swelled up in this ambiguous environment.


Although his head was a little confused, Aarons still managed to maintain his sanity - he first gently put Jiangyue in his arms on the bed, and then took several deep breaths in a row to suppress the idea of ​​wanting to vent his desire at all costs.

This is not right.

"... What's going on with me?"

However, before Aarons could completely regain his calm, he suddenly found that his body seemed to be pulled by some kind of silk thread, and he fell uncontrollably towards Jiangyue on the bed.

The sage who was still asleep just now opened his eyes without any warning, and even stretched out his hands and hugged Aarons who fell into his arms.

"Of course it's because I mixed something in the wine you drank. "

"What? !"

When Aarons fell directly into Jiangyue's arms, he realized that he had made another common sense mistake.

-- He was tricked!

How could a level 6 be knocked down by alcohol? He subconsciously thought without even thinking...

"The moonlight tonight is beautiful, so put aside your worries and enjoy it--"

When the pair of clear eyes like the moon came into his eyes, Aarons' last remaining trace of rationality also melted into the moonlight.

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