Although he wanted to do something as soon as possible to attract other people's attention, Aarons took Mo Qianyun around the city several times first.

And he deliberately acted very ostentatious - just like a dandy who didn't even want to bring more guards and ran out to play.

"My Lord... Is this dangerous?"

"Of course, but I'm just tempting those who want to do it."

Because the rumors of his disagreement with the princess have spread everywhere recently, those who were a little afraid of the royal majesty before must have begun to stir now.

Even if the rules of the Zhengrong War do not allow the arbitrary hiring of mercenaries or fighting in the city, as long as the person who did it is not caught or if caught does not give out the mastermind, it can only be regarded as a personal grudge outside the field.

"In fact, I have found at least five people who want to kill me in this round just now... Haha, these guys' mental reactions are too strong, it's hard not to notice them."

Aarons, who actively exercises his mental power almost every day, now has a search and alert range of more than 100 meters.

Although the burden of fully operating his mental power was not light, it was one of the few things he could do by himself.

Since the most dangerous battles had been handed over to others, he would of course have to do what he could.

"My Lord, do you need to go down and deal with these people?"

"It's okay, you should relax a little. These guys probably won't attack me yet, they are probably waiting for me to leave the city."

"Well... I'm still worried..."

Looking at Mo Qianyun's always tense appearance, Aarons also felt a little inexplicably tired.

So he simply pulled Mo Qianyun into a tavern on the side of the road - although this abrupt move made the other party panic immediately, Aarons didn't seem to care too much.

"If you are always so nervous, it will be a problem when you really encounter trouble. Come, eat something and rest first."

Although the rumors outside were very exaggerated, the owner of the tavern was still a little excited when he saw Aarons himself.

"Hey, Lord Marquis, how come you have time to visit my shop? What would you like to drink?"

Because Aarons is only an honorary noble, ordinary people don't respect him too much.

After all, there is really no big difference between honorary nobles and ordinary people. Some honorary barons' family conditions are not even as good as those of ordinary city residents.

And for people like Aarons who have no fighting power and no territory, it doesn't make much sense even if the title is high in name.

"Forget the wine, give me some juice... and two barbecue sets."

Because Aarons was quite happy when paying, the tavern owner would not be hard on money.

Soon, two large glasses of mixed juice and a large plate of barbecue and vegetables were served - although this kind of small shop mostly uses cheap ingredients, the taste after careful preparation is very tempting.

"Okay, don't be nervous, eat something with me first."

"My Lord, this..."

"It won't be dangerous, I'm watching."

Aarons was still very cautious. He had actually been using his mental power to monitor the owner of the tavern just now. After confirming that the other party had not tampered with the food, he ate with peace of mind.

Ordinary toxins are not very effective for people who always have fighting spirit and magic in their bodies, so few people use this kind of thing to plot against others.

Although Aarons only has a trace of undetectable fighting spirit in his body, his patience is much better than that of ordinary people.

"Qianyun, have you been plotted against by others before?"

"A few times... but I didn't suffer any losses in the end."

After watching the beautiful female guard carefully take off her mask and start to taste the food in front of her carefully, Aarons began to ask about her situation.

Although he had read her memories before, those memories were all taken away by Xia Ye afterwards - so Aarons is actually not very clear about Mo Qianyun's previous experience now.

"My Lord, I heard from Teacher Xia Ye that some of my memories were actually modified by you."

"She has already told you... That's right, because your memories were almost erased by ancient magic at that time, so I transferred them out."

It was during this process that a small part of my thoughts infiltrated Mo Qianyun's memory uncontrollably. And this may be the reason why she has special feelings for me.

"Since you know everything, I must tell you... I didn't actually exist in your past life, and the parts of your memories related to me are actually not true."

Aarons didn't wantHe used this to deceive Mo Qianyun's feelings, so he told the truth directly.

But Mo Qianyun did not waver at all. She stared at Aarons' face for a long time with a serious expression. Until Aarons felt a little guilty, she finally expressed her thoughts.

"Master once told me that perhaps the memories I saw were what I really experienced in another world... So I don't think those things are false."

Is this the theory of parallel worlds?

"No, what your master said is just..."

"I understand what the master means... The reason why I admire the master is not because your shadow is mixed in my past memories. You were willing to take in me who was penniless and homeless at that time, and I had decided to dedicate my life to you."

"Too heavy... What I mean is that I am not an excellent person. You still have a long life ahead, and maybe you can meet a better person."

This is actually the hurdle that Aarons himself has never stepped over.

He always felt that he, who was nothing special, was not worthy of these outstanding women at all - so sometimes he would have a feeling that even if he really disappeared one day, they would soon find a better replacement.

Now they are still by his side, perhaps just because they haven't met a more suitable person yet.

"No, Master... Maybe there are indeed people in the world who are better than you, but such people will never look at me more."

However, looking at Mo Qianyun's serious expression, Aarons also thought of what she had said.

The Magician Guild has never recognized her ability, and those well-known magicians who are famous in the continent are unwilling to give her the identity of a formal magician.

Those people are indeed better than him, but their vision is far worse.

"It's just that the guys you met before were all brainless idiots... maybe someone will recognize your talent in the future. When you meet such a person, it won't be too late for you to make a choice."

"My Lord... it turns out that what Teacher Xia Ye said before was true."

Because Mo Qianyun's voice was very low, Aarons didn't hear it clearly.

But he really didn't care much about such things - after all, in his previous life, he had already recognized his own weight.

"Hehe... maybe those rumors outside will come true one day."

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