"Of course, you have to be sincere when doing business, and I have shown my sincerity now, so it's your turn next."

When Claire met with Duke Booker, Aarons also met Duke Oufei's contacts.

The person who currently controls Jonar City is an honorary earl named Lockes - this man was once the chief of staff of the First Legion of the Empire. He was wounded and retired in the battle with the Dusk Kingdom a few years ago, and then he was awarded the status of honorary earl.

But what most people don't know is that he was originally a military talent specially trained by Duke Oufei's family.

"I did hear about the previous things, Your Excellency the Marquis. But the Dukedom is far away from here. Even if you really need the Duke's help to do something, there is no way to give you feedback in time."

Looking at the man in front of him who had lost an eye and had a deep scar on his face, Aarons couldn't help but feel a little awe in his heart.

——This man got his current status after fighting with the enemy on a tragic battlefield, which is different from aristocrats like himself who rely on the shadow of others.

"I don't need the Duke's personal help. I just want to take advantage of this city."

"Oh? Please tell me more, Marquis."

"As far as I know, this is the first transit point for Corinthian goods to enter the empire. No matter where these things are eventually sold, they will stay here for a while."

Except for purely transit goods, other imported goods will almost always go through a round of transit in Jonar City.

Many traders will purchase goods in large quantities here and then transport them to various parts of the empire for retail.

——And Aarons is eyeing these goods.

"During this period of time, I hope to give priority to purchasing certain specific categories of Warcraft materials... This is my demand list."

After handing the purchase order prepared by Jiangyue to the other party, Aarons began to observe the other party's reaction carefully.

After knowing the attitude of the honorary earl, Aarons could judge how much effort Duke Oufei was going to contribute - although he guessed that the duke was definitely going to help with all his strength, if he made a mistake in judgment, he had to change his strategy as soon as possible.

"These materials... Marquis, many of them are in great demand. If you take them all, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among others."

"Oh, this is indeed a problem... Then let's do this. I only ask for priority to purchase 50% of the import volume each time, and I will also pay 1.5 times the market price."

Because Aarons now has a high-quality economic source, it is no problem to increase the price here.

And after taking half of the goods first, the remaining part will become more scarce, and the price is likely to become higher.

And these profit differences are Aarons' sincerity to the other party.

"That's fine. I can make the decision on this matter myself, and I can help you control the supply tomorrow."

"Very good. In addition, if you need to explain to the outside world, just say that the White Wing Chamber of Commerce is expediting the purchase."

"But I still have to remind you that although I am the city lord of Jonar for the time being, once other nobles come to compete for the position of city lord, our agreement may be invalidated."

Aarens certainly understood what he meant - if he wanted him to help with the turnover of goods, he had to find a way to keep his position as city lord.

Aarens was actually prepared for this.

"If you find someone trying to compete for control of this city, send someone to notify me immediately, and I will help you eliminate these hidden dangers... Make sure it's clean and thorough."

As long as he kills all the honorary nobles who are eyeing this city, it will be fine - and the responsibility will be borne by Duke Oufei.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation, Your Excellency the Marquis."


Because the negotiations went too smoothly, Aarons was lucky to get a short break. So he took Mo Qianyun to walk around Jonar City, intending to see if there was anything that would interest him.

The female guard, who had been very nervous, finally relaxed a little at this time.

"My Lord, is this okay?"

"Ah, that's right. Duke Oufei seems to want to cooperate with us very much, and he doesn't even intend to bargain."

Mo Qianyun had never met Duke Oufei himself, so she was very confused about this. And Aarons didn't rush to explain, but took her to walk around the streets for a while.

The city was full of vendors selling all kinds of imported goods - these foreign goods purchased by the Principality of Corinth from all over the continent and resold to the empire were mostly rare.Rare item.

"Duke Oufei is not a good person. In order to achieve his own goals, he even used me, an enemy who intended to subvert the existing rules."

Perhaps because of some similarities, Aarons actually did not have any ill feelings towards Duke Oufei.

And he actually had a different opinion on what Keliya and Jiangyue had said before.

"That guy may not be as cold and ruthless as others say. In my opinion, he is a sentimental person."

"This... I am stupid and don't quite understand what you mean."

"Hehe, the Duke should have hated these so-called rules and order a long time ago, but he himself is a vested interest in these things, so there is no way to resist."

——People who have benefited from the rules cannot subvert the rules. This is the truth in any world.

"And I, who intends to overthrow these things, am his best spokesperson - he only needs to support me secretly, and I can get rid of those things he hates on his behalf."

"But... what if that duke simply has a personal grudge with another duke?"

"If it's just a personal grudge, there's no need to come to me specifically. He just needs to wait until I and the Booker family are both defeated, and then enter the field to harvest the ripe fruits."

If it's really just a narrow personal grudge, then waiting for an opportunity is the best strategy.

But Duke Oufei not only came to see Aarons in person, but also proposed the idea of ​​​​cooperation without hesitation - this only shows that the young duke not only doesn't care about any rules and order, but even wants to destroy them a long time ago.

"The reason why the negotiation just now was so smooth is probably that it was arranged in advance. Ha, if you don't believe it, just wait and see. The goods we can get next will definitely be much more than expected."

Although it's still a little bit hard to understand, because Aarons is quite confident about this matter, Mo Qianyun no longer doubts anything.

"Okay, let's just take a quick look around and then go back."

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