Although Aarons was not too worried, the news of the appearance of high-level magic beasts soon spread throughout the border territory.

The Cadia Corinth Mountains are a forbidden area for humans. The complex and prosperous natural environment contains countless unknown resources, and also breeds a large number of dangerous magic beasts.

And this huge mountain range has turned the distance between the two countries, which was not far away, into an insurmountable natural barrier.

[Since the existence of high-level magic beasts directly threatens the security of the border territory, the Fourth Border Defense Corps of the Empire has begun to strengthen its war preparedness. Some scholars have warned that high-level magic beasts may trigger a panic beast tide. 】

"It is unlikely that a beast tide will appear, and that magic beast may run to somewhere. Cadia and Corinth will only be as nervous as us."

The magic beast is indeed very dangerous, but Aarons is more concerned about the current situation-the influence of this magic beast on the border territory is very limited, and it cannot shake the already formed aristocratic forces at all.

"Master, the city government has just sent someone to deliver the news. They have obtained some important intelligence. In order to avoid being noticed by other nobles, I hope you can go there in person to hand it over."

"Tsk, there is nothing to keep secret."

Aarons did not care much about these small problems, but he also knew that most of the people in the city government were ordinary people and could not easily bear the consequences of offending the nobles.

However, if he went to Moti City at this time, he might be attacked again-according to Xia Ye's report, his bounty in the underground group has now been increased to twelve gold coins.

...Isn't this still a little too little?

"Forget it... Qianyun, please go to Moti City with me again."

"Yes, I will change my clothes right away."

At Xia Ye's deliberate request, Mo Qianyun usually wears a waiter uniform that is somewhat similar to a maid outfit.

The functionality of this outfit is not too high, but many details are very much in line with Aarons' preferences.

Although Aarons always felt that this was Xia Ye's deliberate assist, he did not expose it because it was really pleasing to the eye.

"Master, please try to be cautious. Most high-level monsters have high intelligence, and some can even camouflage themselves as ordinary small animals. Compared with those low-level mercenaries, things that Miss Qianyun can't deal with are more threatening to you."

"... I don't think I should encounter monsters of that level, right?"

"Considering your experience during this period, I suspect that you have some abnormal ability to attract high-level beings, so please be careful."

This kind of words is obviously just a joke, so Aarons just smiled at it.

If he can really attract a level 6 monster, then his life will most likely be over - even if he can really attract that kind of thing, he has no ability to communicate with such a being.

Will the monster chat with him when he meets him?

"I'll just pray that I won't encounter that kind of thing."


After returning to Moti City with Mo Qianyun again, Aarons did not go to the city office immediately.

"Qianyun, let's test the magic thread detection technique you used last time in the city today."

In order to avoid being attacked by the mercenary who also has spiritual power, Aarons plans to practice the previous detection technique with Mo Qianyun first.

First use magic to weave a fine sensing network, and then attach your spiritual power to it - this way the detection accuracy will become higher, and the simultaneous sensing of the two aspects can also effectively eliminate errors.

"Master, there are too many people may be discovered by others."

"Then let's change the far can your thread extend?"

"Well, about a hundred meters away."

In order to ensure safety, the two must stay together all the time. But Aarons doesn't think it's safe to do so, so he plans to take the opportunity to test the distance limit between the two.

"Then let's resonate with consciousness first, and then you connect the thread to my shield generator."

When it comes to consciousness resonance, Mo Qianyun's face feels a little hot.

However, since she was still wearing a black mask today, Aarons did not notice the change in her expression.

[Okay, I will try to keep a proper distance from you now. You don't have to be too nervous, just make sure the thread is always connected to me. ]

[Master, will this be dangerous? ]

[As long as the thread is still connected, it's fine. ]

As long as the shield can be activated at any time, even if someone really intends to force an attack, he can hold on until Mo Qianyun comes to support.

After briefly explaining where he would move next, Aarons began to walk alone on the street....

Today's weather is quite comfortable.

A layer of hazy fog covered the sky above Moti City. Although it didn't feel like it was going to rain, it also blocked most of the sunlight and made the air much cooler.

Aarons, who was strolling alone on the street, was now using his mental power to the fullest to listen to the conversations of passers-by.

"Have you heard that there might be a level 6 monster on the mountain in the west."

"Level 6? Only Lingqing Wushen can deal with it... I heard that a level 6 monster can easily destroy a city. Will we be in trouble?"

"Don't worry, even if the monster comes out of the mountain, it doesn't necessarily have to go this way."

Compared to the nobles who don't care too much, ordinary people are still quite afraid of monsters.

Most people on the street are discussing this topic, and some are even discussing whether to temporarily move to other places for refuge - which makes Aarons feel a little uneasy.

If the border territory is really in chaos because of the problem of monsters, then the Cadians may take the opportunity to invade.

"It seems that we still need to find a way to solve this problem..."

Although the residents have not yet panicked, the longer the time goes, the greater the impact of this threat will be.

Once people flee the city because of fear of monsters, the nobles will definitely be affected. If the war really breaks out quickly, it will be too late for me to make any preparations.

So I must-

"It seems that... ah, sorry!"

While Aarons was thinking about these questions, he was distracted and accidentally bumped into someone on the side of the road.

However, just as he immediately took a half step back and apologized, he found that his connection with Mo Qianyun seemed to become blurred.

"... It's okay."

Before he expanded his mental power to reconnect with Mo Qianyun, a slightly immature but somewhat illusory voice suddenly reached his ears.

At this time, Aarons finally saw who he had just bumped into.

"You are..."

That was a strange girl who was a head shorter than him, about fifteen or sixteen years old, but with obvious inhuman features - the triangular pointed ears, red vertical pupils, and long black hair with a strange red and blue glow made Aarons inexplicably feel a strange sense of illusion.

Aarons' originally very clear thinking seemed to become sluggish at this time.

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