"Wait... who are you!?"

When Aarons saw the girl he seemed to have seen in his dream, his spirit quickly tensed up.

His neck and wrists began to ache, as if reminding him that everything he had experienced before was not an illusion.

——Who is she?

"So you know where the office is... Marquis, this child just came to me and said she wanted to help you, so I asked her to come."

Before Aarons could react, Jiang Yue followed the girl in.

The sage didn't seem to have any special reaction, and Mo Qianyun beside him was just a little confused - the girl clearly had obvious inhuman characteristics, but they seemed to have completely ignored this.

What's going on?

"Teacher Jiang Yue... do you know who she is?"

"Huh? Marquis, don't you recognize her? Isn't she one of the children you took in before?"


Among the children he took in at that time, except Els and Meili, there was no such girl around fifteen or sixteen years old!

"Brother, I was busy and forgot."


No, there must be something strange here.

Aarons was sure that there was nothing wrong with his memory, and he did see the strange features of the girl.

But Jiangyue and Mo Qianyun not only had no doubts about her identity, but also ignored those strange things... This was obviously an abnormal phenomenon.

So Aarons released his mental power without hesitation, and let his consciousness probe towards the inhuman girl in a simple robe.

——Then, he felt that his head was suddenly hit by an invisible heavy punch.

[Brother, don't, try. ]

[Um... Who are you! ]

[It's my sister. ]

After the mental power test was strongly counterattacked, Aarons quickly understood the gap in strength between him and the girl-if his mental power was an endless stream, then the other party was a turbulent sea.

If the other party had that intention, his soul might be wiped out.

"Well, I can't remember clearly, it seems to be true..."

Aarons is not a conceited fool. After realizing the terrifying power of the other party, he wisely admitted the girl's words.

——Another reason for his doing so is that the girl has no hostility towards him.

"I don't know what this child can do. Marquis, you and Qianyun should teach her something appropriately."

"Oh, oh... By the way, what's your name?"

Jiang Yue and Mo Qianyun should have been affected by the girl's mental power and regarded her as an ordinary girl. So Aarons did not dare to act rashly and could only accept this fact temporarily.

"Name, no."

"Huh? You don't have a name? This is..."

"Brother, help me, name it."

Aarons had no idea why the girl called him brother, but the fact that she had no name made him realize that the girl might not be human.

Is this girl a special race of aliens, or...

"Marquis, since she calls you brother, you should just treat her as your real sister."

Since the sage was completely unaware of the fallacy in her cognition, she also ignored the abnormal behavior of the girl.

However, Aarons still maintained due caution - after all, there were too many things wrong with the girl.

"Since you want to be my sister... then call me Yalu."

But such a temptation did not work at all, and the girl's face, which was obviously different from that of humans, did not show any expression change.

However, Jiangyue looked very happy, as if she had done something meaningful.

"Okay, then the Marquis will talk to his sister first. Qianyun, come with me."

"Yes. My Lord, I will go to help the master with some things first, and will be back soon."

As if deliberately leaving space for Aarons and the girl, Jiangyue took the initiative to call Mo Qianyun away, leaving the girl alone in the office.

Although Aarons wanted to say that this was very dangerous, he swallowed his words in the end when he saw the girl's snake-like red vertical pupils.

So, what should he do now?

"Brother, remember me?"

"... Not sure, I seem to have seen you, but I also seem not to have seen you."

He had indeed seen this girl before, but that memory was very illusory and it was impossible to distinguish the truth from the false.

His memory might have also been tampered with by the girl's abnormally powerful mental power.

"So why did you come to me? I'm just an ordinary person with no power... What do you want to get from me?"

"Brother, do you have sister's...Sister's, smell. I want to find my sister. "


I don't think I've ever seen anyone who looks like this girl? She's looking for a sister... who could that sister be?

"Are you sure? I haven't seen your sister... no, maybe."

But when Aarons thought that most of the women in his family were not human, he began to think that he might have really seen this girl's sister.

This little girl might be someone related to Karin or Xia Ye - he could only numb himself with such speculation for the time being.

"Okay, then I'll help you find your sister... Anyway, I can't help with other things now. "

Although this matter is a bit weird, Aarons has seen too many outrageous things recently, and his spirit will not be easily shaken.

Atavistic aliens, ancient demons, weapons from other worlds, awakened natural spirits - almost all the strange things in this world are around him. Even if someone tells him that this little girl is a monster, he will not be too surprised.

It's better to just say that Her Royal Highness the Princess is not a human either!

"So, do you know what your sister looks like? Or what are her characteristics?"

"Sister, not awakened yet."

Somewhat unexpectedly, after making sure that no one would come to disturb her for the time being, the girl came to Aarons like a lonely kitten.

-Then she climbed directly onto Aarons' legs and really curled up and sat on him like a little animal.

"Sister is the master of star power. When awakened, her appearance will change."

"I don't understand this either? Besides, you are like this..."

"Tired, want to sleep. "

Without any scruples or even any vigilance, the girl curled up in Aarons' arms, closed her eyes, and really fell asleep.

Feeling the steady breathing of the girl in his arms, Aarons' mood subconsciously calmed down a little.

"Although I don't know who you are... but I really envy you."

The war is coming, and Aarons doesn't have much time to sleep carefree like the girl.

Even if he can't stop the war, he will try his best to protect the people around him.

... Even if he has to sacrifice himself.

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