After Keliya took Xia Ye and Kulan away from the new base, a "investigation team" led by Duke Oufei entered the town.

Since the two sides had already greeted each other, the Kulan mercenary group that stayed in the town took the initiative to gather the team after the other party arrived.

However, when the fox girl Li Yue, who was the acting leader, saw the duke in person, she suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression.

She was obviously a magician close to level five, why was she afraid of such a man who seemed to have no power?

"Are you the acting leader Li Yue? I am Moro Oufei, the Duke of the Empire."

"Hello, Duke... I have heard from Her Royal Highness the Princess about your coming here."

"I have roughly understood the situation. This town will be taken over by me in the future. You can continue to stay here or find another place to stay."

Although Duke Oufei looks only in his thirties, his cold and steady temperament makes people feel as if he has already experienced countless hardships.

——What's the matter with this man?

"Duke, we have to wait here for the princess to return... Please allow us to continue to stay in the town."

"No problem."

Because their status is completely unequal, Li Yue couldn't continue to communicate with the duke.

However, she still secretly observed the "investigation team" brought by the duke - in addition to a large number of combatants, there are also many people who look like scholars in this team of nearly 100 people.

Why bring such people here?

"Li Yue calls the princess... Can you hear it?"

Considering that the arrival of Duke Oufei is a big deal, the fox girl Li Yue immediately used the magic communicator to convey the message to Keliya.

However, it was somewhat surprising that the princess and her group did not seem to receive her call.

"Did something happen..."

Because the atmosphere in the duke's territory did make people feel a little weird, Li Yue did not dare to act on her own. After gathering the mercenary group, she stayed in the town and guarded the truck left by Keliya.

It is said that these trucks are not powered by magic. For a small team of only a few dozen people, this convenient vehicle is a treasure they have always dreamed of.

Just as Li Yue was daydreaming, another strange man suddenly came to them.

"Excuse me, is this the residence of Her Royal Highness the Princess? I am Mud from the Star Seeking Group. I have met Her Royal Highness before."

When this handsome man who was as handsome as Kulan and even more calm and bookish appeared in front of her, the knowledgeable Li Yue couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

——Why are these men's faces so good-looking? !

Whether it is Kulan or Duke Oufei, their appearance can be ranked among the top men, and this newcomer is no less inferior to them.

"Sorry, the princess is not here now. If you have anything to say, please tell me first and I will tell the princess."

"Not here? That's troublesome... Who is the person in charge here now?"

"It's... Duke Oufei."

Li Yue originally wanted to say that she was the person in charge, but when she thought that Duke Oufei had just taken over the town, she directly reported the Duke's name.

If there is really something important, it should be no problem to tell the Duke.

"Then please help me introduce him, I have something important to tell the princess."

Since Claire did not tell others about the infiltration, Li Yue did not know who this man named Mude was.

And this man did look very anxious, maybe he really had something urgent to report.

"Come with me."

Because the important people were not here, Li Yue was not too worried about safety issues - even if this person had bad intentions, he would only hurt Duke Oufei at most.

And the princess seemed to hate the Duke very much.

"Well, may I ask what is the relationship between the young lady and Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"I am just a mercenary, ordered to guard the town."

"...Just a mercenary."

For some reason, Li Yue always felt that the other party's tone seemed a little disappointed.

Although she was used to others' cold eyes as a foreign mercenary, this man gave her a different feeling.

"Your Excellency the Duke, a guest said he had something to inform Her Royal Highness the Princess. Because he seemed very anxious, I brought him to you first."

"Got it, let him in."

After getting permission, Li Yue introduced the handsome man who looked like a scholar to the cold Duke.Although it should be a very pleasing sight for two handsome men with different styles to be together, Li Yue always felt that the atmosphere was a bit depressing after the two met.

Mercenaries were not qualified to listen to this level of conversation, so Li Yue left the room very respectfully after the introduction - but she still used her own wind magic to quietly leave a gap by the window that could transmit sound.

"Well... are you Lord Duke Oufei? I am a member of the Star Seeking Group of the Covenant Alliance. This time I came here to inform Her Royal Highness the Princess of something important."

"Is that so? If you have anything to say, just tell me directly. I am Her Royal Highness the Princess's full-powered agent."

Duke Oufei did not actually get Keliya's authorization, but he did not hesitate at all when he told this lie - the cold and ruthless attitude of the superior was enough to make anyone feel invisible pressure.

"This, actually... because it involves some secrets of Her Royal Highness the Princess, so... I can only tell you part of it."

"No problem, go ahead."

"Duke Booker plans to betray the Empire. He intends to completely cut off the supply of magic source stones and then declare independence in the territory."

Keliya had actually considered this question before, but she denied this speculation in front of everyone at that time.

[Although Duke Booker is a businessman who will take risks for profit, he knows very well that he is just a parasite of the Empire. If he leaves the powerful Empire, he will not be able to survive in the chaos. 】

Because Duke Booker is a businessman, he will never do a stupid thing like rebellion with low returns and high risks - Keliya's public accusation that he might betray the country was actually just a strategy.

So the information provided by this person may not be true.

"Wow... do you have any evidence?"

"No, but I was once a guest of Duke Buck... I heard Duke Buck say so himself."

"I understand. Anything else?"

Li Yue, who was eavesdropping outside, didn't know what Duke Oufei thought about this matter, but the communication between the two had ended here.

"The rest... I will visit you again after Her Royal Highness the Princess returns."

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