"Your Highness, the concentration of spiritual energy is so high, is your body okay?"

After Duke Booker issued a notice to the entire dukedom, Keliya immediately left Booker City.

And just as the Duke predicted, not long after the three of them walked out of the city, a large amount of free spiritual energy suddenly appeared in the environment.

These spiritual powers certainly seriously interfered with the operation of fighting spirit and magic - although Xia Ye didn't feel anything, Keliya and Kulan's bodies obviously had some problems.

"Fighting spirit and magic power can no longer operate, and these spiritual powers are still constantly entering my body... Why is this happening?"

"... Your Highness the Princess has a rare dual cultivation physique, which may be a little special."

Kulan was indeed affected by the spiritual power, but he usually exercised quite enough, so his physical strength and athletic ability were still sufficient.

- But Keliya, who didn't pay much attention to physical exercise, didn't have that much physical strength.

"Something is not right. These spiritual powers are occupying my fighting spirit veins and magic circuits... They are already flowing in my body."

"There is no other way. We must go back as soon as possible to let Miss Karin and Miss Zhuying check. Your Highness, I should be able to walk faster if I carry you on my back."

"It's the only way... Sorry to bother you, Sister Xia Ye."

Xia Ye had already broken through the taboo level, so her physical strength was almost endless.

After she carried Keliya on her back, she immediately showed amazing jumping ability and agility, and moved quickly in a large leap.

But surprisingly, Kulan barely kept up with her pace.

"Huh... Butler, you are too fast..."

"The situation is urgent, I don't have time to consider whether you can keep up."

"Fortunately, I usually exercise..."

Running at full speed, the three of them quickly found the off-road vehicle that was hidden in advance far away from the city - fortunately, this car was driven by carbon uranium, otherwise they really couldn't go back today.

Since Keliya was not in good condition, Xia Ye was the driver. However, when the panting Kulan thought he could take a break, the extremely violent bumps dispelled his illusion.

Xia Ye's driving skills were actually more brutal than Keliya's!

"This treatment is too bad - I want more money!"

"Shut up, or I won't care if your tongue falls off."

In the extremely terrifying shock and swing, Kulan quickly gave up thinking.

But even in this situation, he still carefully helped to observe Keliya's condition - Her Highness was sweating all over at this time, and it was obvious that she was much weaker than before.

It might be dangerous if it goes on like this!

"Your Highness is not in good condition! Please drive faster!"

"Got it - sit tight."

So, Kulan had an unforgettable ride experience.

“We’re here… Please leave His Highness to me, and go find your own members.”

Although Xia Ye drove back to the town at the fastest speed, the environment here was no different.

The environment was filled with spiritual power, and even countless faintly glowing dark red particles could be clearly seen in the air.

And for some reason, these spiritual powers kept invading Keliya’s body, forcibly expelling her original power.

“Miss Karin, is she here——”

Because there was no time to consider etiquette now, Xia Ye directly carried Keliya, who was almost unconscious, and broke into the building that was originally used as a base.

However, the first person she saw in the building was Duke Oufei, who happened to come to the entrance.

"What happened - what happened! What happened to Keliya!"

"My Lord Duke... For some reason, the princess absorbed a lot of spiritual energy and is now very weak. But my companions may have some solutions."

"Your companions... If you are talking about the wolf woman and the pink-haired maid, they are inside."

Although Xia Ye was very nervous now, she was still keenly aware that Duke Oufei subconsciously showed his true attitude when he saw the unconscious Keliya.

That was not love between men and women, but family-like care - so Xia Ye immediately remembered the story that Jiang Yue had told at that time.

Duke Oufei's deceased wife was once a sister to Keliya... So maybe Duke Oufei at that time also regarded Keliya as his sister.

Even if the two of them could no longer maintain that family-like relationship for some reason, Duke Oufei was actually not as indifferent as he appeared.

"No wonderThe young master would choose to trust him... Has he seen through his disguise? "

——Aarons once said that he had a good eye for people, and this is probably not a lie.

"Miss Karin, Miss Zhuying... You are here."

"What's going on outside... Her Highness? ! What happened!"

"I'll explain it later. Please find a way to extract the spiritual power in Her Highness' body first. Her body has absorbed too much spiritual power and is in a bad condition."

After handing Keliya over to her reliable colleague, Xia Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She first reached out to take off her glasses and gently rubbed the corners of her eyes, and then she let out a helpless sigh.

"... Duke Booker is not planning to deal with us, he is planning to force the lurking enemy out."

"Let's talk about those things later! Miss Xia Ye, the spiritual power in Her Highness's body... is completely out of my control! ”

Xia Ye, who thought that the problem could be solved quickly by handing it over to Karin, who could manipulate spiritual power, became nervous again after hearing this disturbing answer.

Kalin couldn't extract the spiritual power from Keliya's body? Why?

"Detection. Confirmed that a large number of active free carbon uranium particles are deeply integrated with body tissues... I don't know what's going on."

"Even you don't know? Damn..."

What's even more surprising is that even Zhu Ying couldn't tell what was wrong with Keliya's body.

So the huge responsibility and dangerous choice fell on Xia Ye all of a sudden - she now had to decide immediately whether to let Zhu Ying send Keliya back to the border at full speed, or continue to try to treat her here.

"There's no way. Staying in this environment may be worse, so--"

"Please wait a moment... I may have some ideas. "

However, before Xia Ye could express her decision, someone suddenly walked into the room from outside and interrupted her.

"I just happened to have a psychic blocker in my hand, which was left by my wife... Put it on Her Royal Highness the Princess, it should be able to relieve her symptoms."

The person who walked into the room was of course Duke Oufei - but at this time he had returned to his usual indifference, and there was no emotion in his voice.

"Don't doubt it... She had similar symptoms when she was a child, and she was cured with this thing at that time."

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